Crypto++  8.9
Free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // cryptlib.h - originally written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
3 /// \file cryptlib.h
4 /// \brief Abstract base classes that provide a uniform interface to this library.
6 /*! \mainpage Crypto++ Library 8.9 API Reference
7 <dl>
8 <dt>Abstract Base Classes<dd>
9  cryptlib.h
10 <dt>Authenticated Encryption Modes<dd>
11  CCM, EAX, \ref GCM "GCM (2K tables)", \ref GCM "GCM (64K tables)"
12 <dt>Block Ciphers<dd>
13  \ref Rijndael "AES", ARIA, Weak::ARC4, Blowfish, BTEA, \ref CHAM128 "CHAM (64/128)", Camellia,
14  \ref CAST128 "CAST (128/256)", DES, \ref DES_EDE2 "2-key Triple-DES", \ref DES_EDE3 "3-key Triple-DES",
15  \ref DES_XEX3 "DESX", GOST, HIGHT, IDEA, LEA, \ref LR "Luby-Rackoff", \ref Kalyna128 "Kalyna (128/256/512)",
16  MARS, RC2, RC5, RC6, \ref SAFER_K "SAFER-K", \ref SAFER_SK "SAFER-SK", SEED, Serpent,
17  \ref SHACAL2 "SHACAL-2", SHARK, \ref SIMECK64 "SIMECK (32/64)" SKIPJACK, SM4, Square, TEA,
18  \ref ThreeWay "3-Way", \ref Threefish256 "Threefish (256/512/1024)", Twofish, XTEA
19 <dt>Stream Ciphers<dd>
20  \ref ChaCha "ChaCha (8/12/20)", \ref HC128 "HC-128/256", \ref Panama "Panama-LE", \ref Panama "Panama-BE",
21  Rabbit, Salsa20, \ref SEAL "SEAL-LE", \ref SEAL "SEAL-BE", WAKE, XSalsa20
22 <dt>Hash Functions<dd>
23  BLAKE2s, BLAKE2b, \ref Keccak "Keccak (F1600)", SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512,
24  \ref SHA3 "SHA-3", SM3, LSH (256/512), Tiger, RIPEMD160, RIPEMD256, SipHash, Whirlpool,
25  Weak::MD2, Weak::MD4, Weak::MD5
26 <dt>Non-Cryptographic Checksums<dd>
27  CRC32, CRC32C, Adler32
28 <dt>Message Authentication Codes<dd>
30 <dt>Random Number Generators<dd>
31  NullRNG, LC_RNG, RandomPool, BlockingRng, NonblockingRng, AutoSeededRandomPool, AutoSeededX917RNG,
32  NIST Hash_DRBG and HMAC_DRBG, \ref MersenneTwister "MersenneTwister (MT19937 and MT19937-AR)",
34 <dt>Key Derivation and Password-based Cryptography<dd>
35  HKDF, \ref PKCS12_PBKDF "PBKDF (PKCS #12)", \ref PKCS5_PBKDF1 "PBKDF-1 (PKCS #5)",
37 <dt>Public Key Cryptosystems<dd>
39 <dt>Public Key Signature Schemes<dd>
40  DSA, DSA2, \ref ed25519 "Ed25519", GDSA, ECDSA, NR, ECNR, LUCSS, RSASS, RSASS_ISO,
41  RabinSS, RWSS, ESIGN
42 <dt>Key Agreement<dd>
43  DH, DH2, \ref x25519 "X25519", \ref MQV_Domain "MQV", \ref HMQV_Domain "HMQV",
45 <dt>Algebraic Structures<dd>
46  Integer, PolynomialMod2, PolynomialOver, RingOfPolynomialsOver,
47  ModularArithmetic, MontgomeryRepresentation, GFP2_ONB, GF2NP, GF256, GF2_32, EC2N, ECP
48 <dt>Secret Sharing and Information Dispersal<dd>
49  SecretSharing, SecretRecovery, InformationDispersal, InformationRecovery
50 <dt>Compression<dd>
51  Deflator, Inflator, Gzip, Gunzip, ZlibCompressor, ZlibDecompressor
52 <dt>Input Source Classes<dd>
53  StringSource, ArraySource, VectorSource, FileSource, RandomNumberSource
54 <dt>Output Sink Classes<dd>
55  StringSinkTemplate, StringSink, VectorSink, ArraySink, FileSink, RandomNumberSink
56 <dt>Filter Wrappers<dd>
57  StreamTransformationFilter, AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter, AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter, HashFilter,
58  HashVerificationFilter, SignerFilter, SignatureVerificationFilter
59 <dt>Binary to Text Encoders and Decoders<dd>
60  HexEncoder, HexDecoder, Base64Encoder, Base64Decoder, Base64URLEncoder, Base64URLDecoder, Base32Encoder,
61  Base32Decoder
62 <dt>Wrappers for OS features<dd>
63  Timer, ThreadUserTimer
65 </dl>
67 <!--
69 <dt>FIPS 140 validated cryptography<dd>
70  fips140.h
72 In the DLL version of Crypto++, only the following implementation class are available.
73 <dl>
74 <dt>Block Ciphers<dd>
75  AES, \ref DES_EDE2 "2-key Triple-DES", \ref DES_EDE3 "3-key Triple-DES", SKIPJACK
76 <dt>Cipher Modes (replace template parameter BC with one of the block ciphers above)<dd>
77  \ref ECB_Mode "ECB_Mode<BC>", \ref CTR_Mode "CTR_Mode<BC>", \ref CBC_Mode "CBC_Mode<BC>",
78  \ref CFB_FIPS_Mode "CFB_FIPS_Mode<BC>", \ref OFB_Mode "OFB_Mode<BC>", \ref GCM "GCM<AES>"
79 <dt>Hash Functions<dd>
80  SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
81 <dt>Public Key Signature Schemes (replace template parameter H with one of the hash functions above)<dd>
83  ECDSA<EC2N, H>
84 <dt>Message Authentication Codes (replace template parameter H with one of the hash functions above)<dd>
86 <dt>Random Number Generators<dd>
87  DefaultAutoSeededRNG (AutoSeededX917RNG<AES>)
88 <dt>Key Agreement<dd>
89  DH, DH2
90 <dt>Public Key Cryptosystems<dd>
92 </dl>
94 -->
96 <p>This reference manual is a work in progress. Some classes lack detailed descriptions.
97 <p>Click <a href="">here</a> to download a zip archive containing this manual.
98 <p>Thanks to Ryan Phillips for providing the Doxygen configuration file
99 and getting us started on the manual.
100 */
105 #include "config.h"
106 #include "stdcpp.h"
107 #include "trap.h"
109 // C5264 new for VS2022/v17.4, MSC v17.3.4
110 //
112 # pragma warning(push)
113 # pragma warning(disable: 4127 4189 4505 4702)
114 # if (CRYPTOPP_MSC_VERSION >= 1933)
115 # pragma warning(disable: 5264)
116 # endif
117 #endif
121 // forward declarations
122 class Integer;
126 /// \brief Specifies a direction for a cipher to operate
127 /// \sa BlockTransformation::IsForwardTransformation(), BlockTransformation::IsPermutation(), BlockTransformation::GetCipherDirection()
128 enum CipherDir {
129  /// \brief the cipher is performing encryption
131  /// \brief the cipher is performing decryption
134 /// \brief Represents infinite time
137 // VC60 workaround: using enums as template parameters causes problems
138 /// \brief Converts an enumeration to a type suitable for use as a template parameter
139 template <typename ENUM_TYPE, int VALUE>
141 {
142  static ENUM_TYPE ToEnum() {return static_cast<ENUM_TYPE>(VALUE);}
143 };
145 /// \brief Provides the byte ordering
146 /// \details Big-endian and little-endian modes are supported. Bi-endian and PDP-endian modes
147 /// are not supported.
148 enum ByteOrder {
149  /// \brief byte order is little-endian
151  /// \brief byte order is big-endian
154 /// \brief Provides a constant for LittleEndian
156 /// \brief Provides a constant for BigEndian
159 /// \brief Base class for all exceptions thrown by the library
160 /// \details All library exceptions directly or indirectly inherit from the Exception class.
161 /// The Exception class itself inherits from std::exception. The library does not use
162 /// std::runtime_error derived classes.
163 class CRYPTOPP_DLL Exception : public std::exception
164 {
165 public:
166  /// \enum ErrorType
167  /// \brief Error types or categories
168  enum ErrorType {
169  /// \brief A method was called which was not implemented
171  /// \brief An invalid argument was detected
173  /// \brief BufferedTransformation received a Flush(true) signal but can't flush buffers
175  /// \brief Data integerity check, such as CRC or MAC, failed
177  /// \brief Input data was received that did not conform to expected format
179  /// \brief Error reading from input device or writing to output device
181  /// \brief Some other error occurred not belonging to other categories
183  };
185  virtual ~Exception() throw() {}
187  /// \brief Construct a new Exception
188  explicit Exception(ErrorType errorType, const std::string &s) : m_errorType(errorType), m_what(s) {}
190  /// \brief Retrieves a C-string describing the exception
191  const char *what() const throw() {return (m_what.c_str());}
192  /// \brief Retrieves a string describing the exception
193  const std::string &GetWhat() const {return m_what;}
194  /// \brief Sets the error string for the exception
195  void SetWhat(const std::string &s) {m_what = s;}
196  /// \brief Retrieves the error type for the exception
197  ErrorType GetErrorType() const {return m_errorType;}
198  /// \brief Sets the error type for the exceptions
199  void SetErrorType(ErrorType errorType) {m_errorType = errorType;}
201 private:
202  ErrorType m_errorType;
203  std::string m_what;
204 };
206 /// \brief An invalid argument was detected
207 class CRYPTOPP_DLL InvalidArgument : public Exception
208 {
209 public:
210  /// \brief Construct an InvalidArgument
211  /// \param s the message for the exception
212  /// \details The member function <tt>what()</tt> returns <tt>s</tt>.
213  explicit InvalidArgument(const std::string &s) : Exception(INVALID_ARGUMENT, s) {}
214 };
216 /// \brief Input data was received that did not conform to expected format
217 class CRYPTOPP_DLL InvalidDataFormat : public Exception
218 {
219 public:
220  /// \brief Construct an InvalidDataFormat
221  /// \param s the message for the exception
222  /// \details The member function <tt>what()</tt> returns <tt>s</tt>.
223  explicit InvalidDataFormat(const std::string &s) : Exception(INVALID_DATA_FORMAT, s) {}
224 };
226 /// \brief A decryption filter encountered invalid ciphertext
227 class CRYPTOPP_DLL InvalidCiphertext : public InvalidDataFormat
228 {
229 public:
230  /// \brief Construct an InvalidCiphertext
231  /// \param s the message for the exception
232  /// \details The member function <tt>what()</tt> returns <tt>s</tt>.
233  explicit InvalidCiphertext(const std::string &s) : InvalidDataFormat(s) {}
234 };
236 /// \brief A method was called which was not implemented
237 class CRYPTOPP_DLL NotImplemented : public Exception
238 {
239 public:
240  /// \brief Construct an NotImplemented
241  /// \param s the message for the exception
242  /// \details The member function <tt>what()</tt> returns <tt>s</tt>.
243  explicit NotImplemented(const std::string &s) : Exception(NOT_IMPLEMENTED, s) {}
244 };
246 /// \brief Flush(true) was called but it can't completely flush its buffers
247 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CannotFlush : public Exception
248 {
249 public:
250  /// \brief Construct an CannotFlush
251  /// \param s the message for the exception
252  /// \details The member function <tt>what()</tt> returns <tt>s</tt>.
253  explicit CannotFlush(const std::string &s) : Exception(CANNOT_FLUSH, s) {}
254 };
256 /// \brief The operating system reported an error
257 class CRYPTOPP_DLL OS_Error : public Exception
258 {
259 public:
260  virtual ~OS_Error() throw() {}
262  /// \brief Construct an OS_Error
263  /// \param errorType the error type
264  /// \param s the message for the exception
265  /// \param operation the operation for the exception
266  /// \param errorCode the error code
267  /// \details The member function <tt>what()</tt> returns <tt>s</tt>.
268  OS_Error(ErrorType errorType, const std::string &s, const std::string& operation, int errorCode)
269  : Exception(errorType, s), m_operation(operation), m_errorCode(errorCode) {}
271  /// \brief Retrieve the operating system API that reported the error
272  const std::string & GetOperation() const {return m_operation;}
273  /// \brief Retrieve the error code returned by the operating system
274  int GetErrorCode() const {return m_errorCode;}
276 protected:
277  std::string m_operation;
278  int m_errorCode;
279 };
281 /// \brief Returns a decoding results
282 struct CRYPTOPP_DLL DecodingResult
283 {
284  /// \brief Constructs a DecodingResult
285  /// \details isValidCoding is initialized to false and messageLength is
286  /// initialized to 0.
287  explicit DecodingResult() : isValidCoding(false), messageLength(0) {}
288  /// \brief Constructs a DecodingResult
289  /// \param len the message length
290  /// \details isValidCoding is initialized to true.
291  explicit DecodingResult(size_t len) : isValidCoding(true), messageLength(len) {}
293  /// \brief Compare two DecodingResult
294  /// \param rhs the other DecodingResult
295  /// \return true if either isValidCoding or messageLength is \a not equal,
296  /// false otherwise
297  bool operator==(const DecodingResult &rhs) const {return isValidCoding == rhs.isValidCoding && messageLength == rhs.messageLength;}
298  /// \brief Compare two DecodingResult
299  /// \param rhs the other DecodingResult
300  /// \return true if either isValidCoding or messageLength is \a not equal,
301  /// false otherwise
302  /// \details Returns <tt>!operator==(rhs)</tt>.
303  bool operator!=(const DecodingResult &rhs) const {return !operator==(rhs);}
305  /// \brief Flag to indicate the decoding is valid
307  /// \brief Recovered message length if isValidCoding is true, undefined otherwise
309 };
311 /// \brief Interface for retrieving values given their names
312 /// \details This class is used to safely pass a variable number of arbitrarily
313 /// typed arguments to functions and to read values from keys and crypto parameters.
314 /// \details To obtain an object that implements NameValuePairs for the purpose of
315 /// parameter passing, use the MakeParameters() function.
316 /// \details To get a value from NameValuePairs, you need to know the name and the
317 /// type of the value. Call GetValueNames() on a NameValuePairs object to obtain a
318 /// list of value names that it supports. then look at the Name namespace
319 /// documentation to see what the type of each value is, or alternatively, call
320 /// GetIntValue() with the value name, and if the type is not int, a
321 /// ValueTypeMismatch exception will be thrown and you can get the actual type from
322 /// the exception object.
323 /// \sa NullNameValuePairs, g_nullNameValuePairs,
324 /// <A HREF="">NameValuePairs</A> on the
325 /// Crypto++ wiki
327 {
328 public:
329  virtual ~NameValuePairs() {}
331  /// \brief Thrown when an unexpected type is encountered
332  /// \details Exception thrown when trying to retrieve a value using a different
333  /// type than expected
334  class CRYPTOPP_DLL ValueTypeMismatch : public InvalidArgument
335  {
336  public:
337  /// \brief Construct a ValueTypeMismatch
338  /// \param name the name of the value
339  /// \param stored the \a actual type of the value stored
340  /// \param retrieving the \a presumed type of the value retrieved
341  ValueTypeMismatch(const std::string &name, const std::type_info &stored, const std::type_info &retrieving)
342  : InvalidArgument("NameValuePairs: type mismatch for '" + name + "', stored '" + + "', trying to retrieve '" + + "'")
343  , m_stored(stored), m_retrieving(retrieving) {}
345  /// \brief Provides the stored type
346  /// \return the C++ mangled name of the type
347  const std::type_info & GetStoredTypeInfo() const {return m_stored;}
349  /// \brief Provides the retrieveing type
350  /// \return the C++ mangled name of the type
351  const std::type_info & GetRetrievingTypeInfo() const {return m_retrieving;}
353  private:
354  const std::type_info &m_stored;
355  const std::type_info &m_retrieving;
356  };
358  /// \brief Get a copy of this object or subobject
359  /// \tparam T class or type
360  /// \param object reference to a variable that receives the value
361  template <class T>
362  bool GetThisObject(T &object) const
363  {
364  return GetValue((std::string("ThisObject:")+typeid(T).name()).c_str(), object);
365  }
367  /// \brief Get a pointer to this object
368  /// \tparam T class or type
369  /// \param ptr reference to a pointer to a variable that receives the value
370  template <class T>
371  bool GetThisPointer(T *&ptr) const
372  {
373  return GetValue((std::string("ThisPointer:")+typeid(T).name()).c_str(), ptr);
374  }
376  /// \brief Get a named value
377  /// \tparam T class or type
378  /// \param name the name of the object or value to retrieve
379  /// \param value reference to a variable that receives the value
380  /// \return true if the value was retrieved, false otherwise
381  /// \sa GetValue(), GetValueWithDefault(), GetIntValue(), GetIntValueWithDefault(),
382  /// GetRequiredParameter() and GetRequiredIntParameter()
383  template <class T>
384  bool GetValue(const char *name, T &value) const
385  {
386  return GetVoidValue(name, typeid(T), &value);
387  }
389  /// \brief Get a named value
390  /// \tparam T class or type
391  /// \param name the name of the object or value to retrieve
392  /// \param defaultValue the default value of the class or type if it does not exist
393  /// \return the object or value
394  /// \sa GetValue(), GetValueWithDefault(), GetIntValue(), GetIntValueWithDefault(),
395  /// GetRequiredParameter() and GetRequiredIntParameter()
396  template <class T>
397  T GetValueWithDefault(const char *name, T defaultValue) const
398  {
399  T value;
400  bool result = GetValue(name, value);
401  // No assert... this recovers from failure
402  if (result) {return value;}
403  return defaultValue;
404  }
406  /// \brief Get a list of value names that can be retrieved
407  /// \return a list of names available to retrieve
408  /// \details the items in the list are delimited with a colon.
409  CRYPTOPP_DLL std::string GetValueNames() const
410  {std::string result; GetValue("ValueNames", result); return result;}
412  /// \brief Get a named value with type int
413  /// \param name the name of the value to retrieve
414  /// \param value the value retrieved upon success
415  /// \return true if an int value was retrieved, false otherwise
416  /// \details GetIntValue() is used to ensure we don't accidentally try to get an
417  /// unsigned int or some other type when we mean int (which is the most common case)
418  /// \sa GetValue(), GetValueWithDefault(), GetIntValue(), GetIntValueWithDefault(),
419  /// GetRequiredParameter() and GetRequiredIntParameter()
420  CRYPTOPP_DLL bool GetIntValue(const char *name, int &value) const
421  {return GetValue(name, value);}
423  /// \brief Get a named value with type int, with default
424  /// \param name the name of the value to retrieve
425  /// \param defaultValue the default value if the name does not exist
426  /// \return the value retrieved on success or the default value
427  /// \sa GetValue(), GetValueWithDefault(), GetIntValue(), GetIntValueWithDefault(),
428  /// GetRequiredParameter() and GetRequiredIntParameter()
429  CRYPTOPP_DLL int GetIntValueWithDefault(const char *name, int defaultValue) const
430  {return GetValueWithDefault(name, defaultValue);}
432  /// \brief Get a named value with type word64
433  /// \param name the name of the value to retrieve
434  /// \param value the value retrieved upon success
435  /// \return true if an word64 value was retrieved, false otherwise
436  /// \sa GetValue(), GetValueWithDefault(), GetWord64ValueWithDefault(), GetIntValue(),
437  /// GetIntValueWithDefault(), GetRequiredParameter() and GetRequiredIntParameter()
438  CRYPTOPP_DLL bool GetWord64Value(const char *name, word64 &value) const
439  {return GetValue(name, value);}
441  /// \brief Get a named value with type word64, with default
442  /// \param name the name of the value to retrieve
443  /// \param defaultValue the default value if the name does not exist
444  /// \return the value retrieved on success or the default value
445  /// \sa GetValue(), GetValueWithDefault(), GetWord64Value(), GetIntValue(),
446  /// GetIntValueWithDefault(), GetRequiredParameter() and GetRequiredWord64Parameter()
447  CRYPTOPP_DLL word64 GetWord64ValueWithDefault(const char *name, word64 defaultValue) const
448  {return GetValueWithDefault(name, defaultValue);}
450  /// \brief Ensures an expected name and type is present
451  /// \param name the name of the value
452  /// \param stored the type that was stored for the name
453  /// \param retrieving the type that is being retrieved for the name
454  /// \throw ValueTypeMismatch
455  /// \details ThrowIfTypeMismatch() effectively performs a type safety check.
456  /// stored and retrieving are C++ mangled names for the type.
457  /// \sa GetValue(), GetValueWithDefault(), GetIntValue(), GetIntValueWithDefault(),
458  /// GetRequiredParameter() and GetRequiredIntParameter()
459  CRYPTOPP_DLL static void CRYPTOPP_API ThrowIfTypeMismatch(const char *name, const std::type_info &stored, const std::type_info &retrieving)
460  {if (stored != retrieving) throw ValueTypeMismatch(name, stored, retrieving);}
462  /// \brief Retrieves a required name/value pair
463  /// \tparam T class or type
464  /// \param className the name of the class
465  /// \param name the name of the value
466  /// \param value reference to a variable to receive the value
467  /// \throw InvalidArgument
468  /// \details GetRequiredParameter() throws InvalidArgument if the name
469  /// is not present or not of the expected type T.
470  /// \sa GetValue(), GetValueWithDefault(), GetIntValue(), GetIntValueWithDefault(),
471  /// GetRequiredParameter() and GetRequiredIntParameter()
472  template <class T>
473  void GetRequiredParameter(const char *className, const char *name, T &value) const
474  {
475  if (!GetValue(name, value))
476  throw InvalidArgument(std::string(className) + ": missing required parameter '" + name + "'");
477  }
479  /// \brief Retrieves a required name/value pair
480  /// \param className the name of the class
481  /// \param name the name of the value
482  /// \param value reference to a variable to receive the value
483  /// \throw InvalidArgument
484  /// \details GetRequiredParameter() throws InvalidArgument if the name
485  /// is not present or not of the expected type T.
486  /// \sa GetValue(), GetValueWithDefault(), GetIntValue(), GetIntValueWithDefault(),
487  /// GetRequiredParameter() and GetRequiredIntParameter()
488  CRYPTOPP_DLL void GetRequiredIntParameter(const char *className, const char *name, int &value) const
489  {
490  if (!GetIntValue(name, value))
491  throw InvalidArgument(std::string(className) + ": missing required parameter '" + name + "'");
492  }
494  /// \brief Get a named value
495  /// \param name the name of the object or value to retrieve
496  /// \param valueType reference to a variable that receives the value
497  /// \param pValue void pointer to a variable that receives the value
498  /// \return true if the value was retrieved, false otherwise
499  /// \details GetVoidValue() retrieves the value of name if it exists.
500  /// \note GetVoidValue() is an internal function and should be implemented
501  /// by derived classes. Users should use one of the other functions instead.
502  /// \sa GetValue(), GetValueWithDefault(), GetIntValue(), GetIntValueWithDefault(),
503  /// GetRequiredParameter() and GetRequiredIntParameter()
504  CRYPTOPP_DLL virtual bool GetVoidValue(const char *name, const std::type_info &valueType, void *pValue) const =0;
505 };
507 // Doxygen cannot handle initialization
509 /// \brief Default channel for BufferedTransformation
510 /// \details DEFAULT_CHANNEL is equal to an empty string
511 /// \details The definition for DEFAULT_CHANNEL is in <tt>cryptlib.cpp</tt>.
512 /// It can be subject to <A HREF="">Static
513 /// Initialization Order Fiasco</A>. If you experience a crash in
514 /// DEFAULT_CHANNEL where the string object is NULL, then you probably have
515 /// a global object using DEFAULT_CHANNEL before it has been constructed.
516 const std::string DEFAULT_CHANNEL;
518 /// \brief Channel for additional authenticated data
519 /// \details AAD_CHANNEL is equal to "AAD"
520 /// \details The definition for AAD_CHANNEL is in <tt>cryptlib.cpp</tt>.
521 /// It can be subject to <A HREF="">Static
522 /// Initialization Order Fiasco</A>. If you experience a crash in
523 /// AAD_CHANNEL where the string object is NULL, then you probably have a
524 /// global object using AAD_CHANNEL before it has been constructed.
525 const std::string AAD_CHANNEL;
527 /// \brief An empty set of name-value pairs
528 /// \details The definition for g_nullNameValuePairs is in <tt>cryptlib.cpp</tt>.
529 /// It can be subject to <A HREF="">Static
530 /// Initialization Order Fiasco</A>. If you experience a crash in
531 /// g_nullNameValuePairs where the string object is NULL, then you probably
532 /// have a global object using g_nullNameValuePairs before it has been
533 /// constructed.
536 #else
537 extern CRYPTOPP_DLL const std::string DEFAULT_CHANNEL;
538 extern CRYPTOPP_DLL const std::string AAD_CHANNEL;
539 extern CRYPTOPP_DLL const NameValuePairs& g_nullNameValuePairs;
540 #endif
542 // Document additional name spaces which show up elsewhere in the sources.
544 /// \brief Namespace containing value name definitions.
545 /// \details Name is part of the CryptoPP namespace.
546 /// \details The semantics of value names, types are:
547 /// <pre>
548 /// ThisObject:ClassName (ClassName, copy of this object or a subobject)
549 /// ThisPointer:ClassName (const ClassName *, pointer to this object or a subobject)
550 /// </pre>
552 // more names defined in argnames.h
555 /// \brief Namespace containing weak and wounded algorithms.
556 /// \details Weak is part of the CryptoPP namespace. Schemes and algorithms are moved into Weak
557 /// when their security level is reduced to an unacceptable level by contemporary standards.
558 /// \details To use an algorithm in the Weak namespace, you must <tt>\c \#define
559 /// CRYPTOPP_ENABLE_NAMESPACE_WEAK 1</tt> before including a header for a weak or wounded
560 /// algorithm. For example:
561 /// <pre> \c \#define CRYPTOPP_ENABLE_NAMESPACE_WEAK 1
562 /// \c \#include <md5.h>
563 /// ...
564 /// CryptoPP::Weak::MD5 md5;
565 /// </pre>
567 // weak and wounded algorithms
569 #endif
571 /// \brief Namespace containing NaCl library functions
572 /// \details TweetNaCl is a compact and portable reimplementation of the NaCl library.
574 // crypto_box, crypto_box_open, crypto_sign, and crypto_sign_open (and friends)
577 /// \brief Namespace containing testing and benchmark classes.
578 /// \details Source files for classes in the Test namespaces include
579 /// <tt>test.cpp</tt>, <tt>validat#.cpp</tt> and <tt>bench#.cpp</tt>.
581 // testing and benchmark classes
584 // ********************************************************
586 /// \brief Interface for cloning objects
587 /// \note this is \a not implemented by most classes
588 /// \sa ClonableImpl, NotCopyable
590 {
591 public:
592  virtual ~Clonable() {}
594  /// \brief Copies this object
595  /// \return a copy of this object
596  /// \throw NotImplemented
597  /// \note this is \a not implemented by most classes
598  /// \sa NotCopyable
599  virtual Clonable* Clone() const {throw NotImplemented("Clone() is not implemented yet.");} // TODO: make this =0
600 };
602 /// \brief Interface for all crypto algorithms
603 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE Algorithm : public Clonable
604 {
605 public:
606  virtual ~Algorithm() {}
608  /// \brief Interface for all crypto algorithms
609  /// \param checkSelfTestStatus determines whether the object can proceed if the self
610  /// tests have not been run or failed.
611  /// \details When FIPS 140-2 compliance is enabled and checkSelfTestStatus == true,
612  /// this constructor throws SelfTestFailure if the self test hasn't been run or fails.
613  /// \details FIPS 140-2 compliance is disabled by default. It is only used by certain
614  /// versions of the library when the library is built as a DLL on Windows. Also see
615  /// CRYPTOPP_ENABLE_COMPLIANCE_WITH_FIPS_140_2 in config.h.
616  Algorithm(bool checkSelfTestStatus = true);
618  /// \brief Provides the name of this algorithm
619  /// \return the standard algorithm name
620  /// \details The standard algorithm name can be a name like <tt>AES</tt> or <tt>AES/GCM</tt>.
621  /// Some algorithms do not have standard names yet. For example, there is no standard
622  /// algorithm name for Shoup's ECIES.
623  /// \note AlgorithmName is not universally implemented yet.
624  virtual std::string AlgorithmName() const {return "unknown";}
626  /// \brief Retrieve the provider of this algorithm
627  /// \return the algorithm provider
628  /// \details The algorithm provider can be a name like "C++", "SSE", "NEON", "AESNI",
629  /// "ARMv8" and "Power8". C++ is standard C++ code. Other labels, like SSE,
630  /// usually indicate a specialized implementation using instructions from a higher
631  /// instruction set architecture (ISA). Future labels may include external hardware
632  /// like a hardware security module (HSM).
633  /// \details Generally speaking Wei Dai's original IA-32 ASM code falls under "SSE2".
634  /// Labels like "SSSE3" and "SSE4.1" follow after Wei's code and use intrinsics
635  /// instead of ASM.
636  /// \details Algorithms which combine different instructions or ISAs provide the
637  /// dominant one. For example on x86 <tt>AES/GCM</tt> returns "AESNI" rather than
638  /// "CLMUL" or "AES+SSE4.1" or "AES+CLMUL" or "AES+SSE4.1+CLMUL".
639  /// \note Provider is not universally implemented yet.
640  /// \since Crypto++ 8.0
641  virtual std::string AlgorithmProvider() const {return "C++";}
642 };
644 /// \brief Interface for algorithms that take byte strings as keys
645 /// \sa FixedKeyLength(), VariableKeyLength(), SameKeyLengthAs(), SimpleKeyingInterfaceImpl()
646 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE SimpleKeyingInterface
647 {
648 public:
649  virtual ~SimpleKeyingInterface() {}
651  /// \brief Returns smallest valid key length
652  /// \return the minimum key length, in bytes
653  virtual size_t MinKeyLength() const =0;
655  /// \brief Returns largest valid key length
656  /// \return the maximum key length, in bytes
657  virtual size_t MaxKeyLength() const =0;
659  /// \brief Returns default key length
660  /// \return the default key length, in bytes
661  virtual size_t DefaultKeyLength() const =0;
663  /// \brief Returns a valid key length for the algorithm
664  /// \param keylength the size of the key, in bytes
665  /// \return the valid key length, in bytes
666  /// \details keylength is provided in bytes, not bits. If keylength is less than MIN_KEYLENGTH,
667  /// then the function returns MIN_KEYLENGTH. If keylength is greater than MAX_KEYLENGTH,
668  /// then the function returns MAX_KEYLENGTH. if If keylength is a multiple of KEYLENGTH_MULTIPLE,
669  /// then keylength is returned. Otherwise, the function returns a \a lower multiple of
671  virtual size_t GetValidKeyLength(size_t keylength) const =0;
673  /// \brief Returns whether keylength is a valid key length
674  /// \param keylength the requested keylength
675  /// \return true if keylength is valid, false otherwise
676  /// \details Internally the function calls GetValidKeyLength()
677  virtual bool IsValidKeyLength(size_t keylength) const
678  {return keylength == GetValidKeyLength(keylength);}
680  /// \brief Sets or reset the key of this object
681  /// \param key the key to use when keying the object
682  /// \param length the size of the key, in bytes
683  /// \param params additional initialization parameters to configure this object
684  virtual void SetKey(const byte *key, size_t length, const NameValuePairs &params = g_nullNameValuePairs);
686  /// \brief Sets or reset the key of this object
687  /// \param key the key to use when keying the object
688  /// \param length the size of the key, in bytes
689  /// \param rounds the number of rounds to apply the transformation function,
690  /// if applicable
691  /// \details SetKeyWithRounds() calls SetKey() with a NameValuePairs
692  /// object that only specifies rounds. rounds is an integer parameter,
693  /// and <tt>-1</tt> means use the default number of rounds.
694  void SetKeyWithRounds(const byte *key, size_t length, int rounds);
696  /// \brief Sets or reset the key of this object
697  /// \param key the key to use when keying the object
698  /// \param length the size of the key, in bytes
699  /// \param iv the initialization vector to use when keying the object
700  /// \param ivLength the size of the iv, in bytes
701  /// \details SetKeyWithIV() calls SetKey() with a NameValuePairs
702  /// that only specifies IV. The IV is a byte buffer with size ivLength.
703  /// ivLength is an integer parameter, and <tt>-1</tt> means use IVSize().
704  void SetKeyWithIV(const byte *key, size_t length, const byte *iv, size_t ivLength);
706  /// \brief Sets or reset the key of this object
707  /// \param key the key to use when keying the object
708  /// \param length the size of the key, in bytes
709  /// \param iv the initialization vector to use when keying the object
710  /// \details SetKeyWithIV() calls SetKey() with a NameValuePairs() object
711  /// that only specifies iv. iv is a byte buffer, and it must have
712  /// a size IVSize().
713  void SetKeyWithIV(const byte *key, size_t length, const byte *iv)
714  {SetKeyWithIV(key, length, iv, IVSize());}
716  /// \brief Secure IVs requirements as enumerated values.
717  /// \details Provides secure IV requirements as a monotonically increasing enumerated values.
718  /// Requirements can be compared using less than (&lt;) and greater than (&gt;). For example,
719  /// <tt>UNIQUE_IV &lt; RANDOM_IV</tt> and <tt>UNPREDICTABLE_RANDOM_IV &gt; RANDOM_IV</tt>.
720  /// \details Objects that use SimpleKeyingInterface do not support an optional IV. That is,
721  /// an IV must be present or it must be absent. If you wish to support an optional IV then
722  /// provide two classes - one with an IV and one without an IV.
723  /// \sa IsResynchronizable(), CanUseRandomIVs(), CanUsePredictableIVs(), CanUseStructuredIVs()
725  /// \brief The IV must be unique
726  UNIQUE_IV = 0,
727  /// \brief The IV must be random and possibly predictable
729  /// \brief The IV must be random and unpredictable
731  /// \brief The IV is set by the object
733  /// \brief The object does not use an IV
735  };
737  /// \brief Minimal requirement for secure IVs
738  /// \return the secure IV requirement of the algorithm
739  virtual IV_Requirement IVRequirement() const =0;
741  /// \brief Determines if the object can be resynchronized
742  /// \return true if the object can be resynchronized (i.e. supports initialization vectors), false otherwise
743  /// \note If this function returns true, and no IV is passed to SetKey() and <tt>CanUseStructuredIVs()==true</tt>,
744  /// an IV of all 0's will be assumed.
745  bool IsResynchronizable() const {return IVRequirement() < NOT_RESYNCHRONIZABLE;}
747  /// \brief Determines if the object can use random IVs
748  /// \return true if the object can use random IVs (in addition to ones returned by GetNextIV), false otherwise
749  bool CanUseRandomIVs() const {return IVRequirement() <= UNPREDICTABLE_RANDOM_IV;}
751  /// \brief Determines if the object can use random but possibly predictable IVs
752  /// \return true if the object can use random but possibly predictable IVs (in addition to ones returned by
753  /// GetNextIV), false otherwise
754  bool CanUsePredictableIVs() const {return IVRequirement() <= RANDOM_IV;}
756  /// \brief Determines if the object can use structured IVs
757  /// \return true if the object can use structured IVs, false otherwise
758  /// \details CanUseStructuredIVs() indicates whether the object can use structured IVs; for example a counter
759  /// (in addition to ones returned by GetNextIV).
760  bool CanUseStructuredIVs() const {return IVRequirement() <= UNIQUE_IV;}
762  /// \brief Returns length of the IV accepted by this object
763  /// \return the size of an IV, in bytes
764  /// \throw NotImplemented() if the object does not support resynchronization
765  /// \details The default implementation throws NotImplemented
766  virtual unsigned int IVSize() const
767  {throw NotImplemented(GetAlgorithm().AlgorithmName() + ": this object doesn't support resynchronization");}
769  /// \brief Provides the default size of an IV
770  /// \return default length of IVs accepted by this object, in bytes
771  unsigned int DefaultIVLength() const {return IVSize();}
773  /// \brief Provides the minimum size of an IV
774  /// \return minimal length of IVs accepted by this object, in bytes
775  /// \throw NotImplemented() if the object does not support resynchronization
776  virtual unsigned int MinIVLength() const {return IVSize();}
778  /// \brief Provides the maximum size of an IV
779  /// \return maximal length of IVs accepted by this object, in bytes
780  /// \throw NotImplemented() if the object does not support resynchronization
781  virtual unsigned int MaxIVLength() const {return IVSize();}
783  /// \brief Resynchronize with an IV
784  /// \param iv the initialization vector
785  /// \param ivLength the size of the initialization vector, in bytes
786  /// \details Resynchronize() resynchronizes with an IV provided by the caller. <tt>ivLength=-1</tt> means use IVSize().
787  /// \throw NotImplemented() if the object does not support resynchronization
788  virtual void Resynchronize(const byte *iv, int ivLength=-1) {
790  throw NotImplemented(GetAlgorithm().AlgorithmName() + ": this object doesn't support resynchronization");
791  }
793  /// \brief Retrieves a secure IV for the next message
794  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator to produce keying material
795  /// \param iv a block of bytes to receive the IV
796  /// \details The IV must be at least IVSize() in length.
797  /// \details This method should be called after you finish encrypting one message and are ready
798  /// to start the next one. After calling it, you must call SetKey() or Resynchronize().
799  /// before using this object again.
800  /// \details Internally, the base class implementation calls RandomNumberGenerator's GenerateBlock()
801  /// \note This method is not implemented on decryption objects.
802  virtual void GetNextIV(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *iv);
804 protected:
805  /// \brief Returns the base class Algorithm
806  /// \return the base class Algorithm
807  virtual const Algorithm & GetAlgorithm() const =0;
809  /// \brief Sets the key for this object without performing parameter validation
810  /// \param key a byte buffer used to key the cipher
811  /// \param length the length of the byte buffer
812  /// \param params additional parameters passed as NameValuePairs
813  /// \details key must be at least DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH in length.
814  virtual void UncheckedSetKey(const byte *key, unsigned int length, const NameValuePairs &params) =0;
816  /// \brief Validates the key length
817  /// \param length the size of the keying material, in bytes
818  /// \throw InvalidKeyLength if the key length is invalid
819  void ThrowIfInvalidKeyLength(size_t length);
821  /// \brief Validates the object
822  /// \throw InvalidArgument if the IV is present
823  /// \details Internally, the default implementation calls IsResynchronizable() and throws
824  /// InvalidArgument if the function returns true.
825  /// \note called when no IV is passed
826  void ThrowIfResynchronizable();
828  /// \brief Validates the IV
829  /// \param iv the IV with a length of IVSize, in bytes
830  /// \throw InvalidArgument on failure
831  /// \details Internally, the default implementation checks the iv. If iv is not NULL or nullptr,
832  /// then the function succeeds. If iv is NULL, then IVRequirement is checked against
834  /// then the function succeeds. Otherwise, an exception is thrown.
835  void ThrowIfInvalidIV(const byte *iv);
837  /// \brief Validates the IV length
838  /// \param length the size of an IV, in bytes
839  /// \throw InvalidArgument if the IV length is invalid
840  size_t ThrowIfInvalidIVLength(int length);
842  /// \brief Retrieves and validates the IV
843  /// \param params NameValuePairs with the IV supplied as a ConstByteArrayParameter
844  /// \param size the length of the IV, in bytes
845  /// \return a pointer to the first byte of the IV
846  /// \throw InvalidArgument if the number of rounds are invalid
847  const byte * GetIVAndThrowIfInvalid(const NameValuePairs &params, size_t &size);
849  /// \brief Validates the key length
850  /// \param length the size of the keying material, in bytes
851  inline void AssertValidKeyLength(size_t length) const
852  {CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(length); CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(IsValidKeyLength(length));}
853 };
855 /// \brief Interface for the data processing part of block ciphers
856 /// \details Classes derived from BlockTransformation are block ciphers
857 /// in ECB mode (for example the DES::Encryption class), which are stateless.
858 /// These classes should not be used directly, but only in combination with
859 /// a mode class (see CipherModeDocumentation in modes.h).
860 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE BlockTransformation : public Algorithm
861 {
862 public:
863  virtual ~BlockTransformation() {}
865  /// \brief Encrypt or decrypt a block
866  /// \param inBlock the input message before processing
867  /// \param outBlock the output message after processing
868  /// \param xorBlock an optional XOR mask
869  /// \details ProcessAndXorBlock encrypts or decrypts inBlock, xor with xorBlock, and write to outBlock.
870  /// \details The size of the block is determined by the block cipher and its documentation. Use
871  /// BLOCKSIZE at compile time, or BlockSize() at runtime.
872  /// \note The message can be transformed in-place, or the buffers must \a not overlap
873  /// \sa FixedBlockSize, BlockCipherFinal from seckey.h and BlockSize()
874  virtual void ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte *inBlock, const byte *xorBlock, byte *outBlock) const =0;
876  /// \brief Encrypt or decrypt a block
877  /// \param inBlock the input message before processing
878  /// \param outBlock the output message after processing
879  /// \details ProcessBlock encrypts or decrypts inBlock and write to outBlock.
880  /// \details The size of the block is determined by the block cipher and its documentation.
881  /// Use BLOCKSIZE at compile time, or BlockSize() at runtime.
882  /// \sa FixedBlockSize, BlockCipherFinal from seckey.h and BlockSize()
883  /// \note The message can be transformed in-place, or the buffers must \a not overlap
884  void ProcessBlock(const byte *inBlock, byte *outBlock) const
885  {ProcessAndXorBlock(inBlock, NULLPTR, outBlock);}
887  /// \brief Encrypt or decrypt a block in place
888  /// \param inoutBlock the input message before processing
889  /// \details ProcessBlock encrypts or decrypts inoutBlock in-place.
890  /// \details The size of the block is determined by the block cipher and its documentation.
891  /// Use BLOCKSIZE at compile time, or BlockSize() at runtime.
892  /// \sa FixedBlockSize, BlockCipherFinal from seckey.h and BlockSize()
893  void ProcessBlock(byte *inoutBlock) const
894  {ProcessAndXorBlock(inoutBlock, NULLPTR, inoutBlock);}
896  /// Provides the block size of the cipher
897  /// \return the block size of the cipher, in bytes
898  virtual unsigned int BlockSize() const =0;
900  /// \brief Provides input and output data alignment for optimal performance.
901  /// \return the input data alignment that provides optimal performance
902  /// \sa GetAlignment() and OptimalBlockSize()
903  virtual unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment() const;
905  /// \brief Determines if the transformation is a permutation
906  /// \return true if this is a permutation (i.e. there is an inverse transformation)
907  virtual bool IsPermutation() const {return true;}
909  /// \brief Determines if the cipher is being operated in its forward direction
910  /// \return true if DIR is ENCRYPTION, false otherwise
911  /// \sa IsForwardTransformation(), IsPermutation(), GetCipherDirection()
912  virtual bool IsForwardTransformation() const =0;
914  /// \brief Determines the number of blocks that can be processed in parallel
915  /// \return the number of blocks that can be processed in parallel, for bit-slicing implementations
916  /// \details Bit-slicing is often used to improve throughput and minimize timing attacks.
917  virtual unsigned int OptimalNumberOfParallelBlocks() const {return 1;}
919  /// \brief Bit flags that control AdvancedProcessBlocks() behavior
921  /// \brief inBlock is a counter
922  BT_InBlockIsCounter=1,
923  /// \brief should not modify block pointers
924  BT_DontIncrementInOutPointers=2,
925  /// \brief Xor inputs before transformation
926  BT_XorInput=4,
927  /// \brief perform the transformation in reverse
928  BT_ReverseDirection=8,
929  /// \brief Allow parallel transformations
930  BT_AllowParallel=16};
932  /// \brief Encrypt and xor multiple blocks using additional flags
933  /// \param inBlocks the input message before processing
934  /// \param xorBlocks an optional XOR mask
935  /// \param outBlocks the output message after processing
936  /// \param length the size of the blocks, in bytes
937  /// \param flags additional flags to control processing
938  /// \details Encrypt and xor multiple blocks according to FlagsForAdvancedProcessBlocks flags.
939  /// \note If BT_InBlockIsCounter is set, then the last byte of inBlocks may be modified.
940  virtual size_t AdvancedProcessBlocks(const byte *inBlocks, const byte *xorBlocks, byte *outBlocks, size_t length, word32 flags) const;
942  /// \brief Provides the direction of the cipher
943  /// \return ENCRYPTION if IsForwardTransformation() is true, DECRYPTION otherwise
944  /// \sa IsForwardTransformation(), IsPermutation()
945  inline CipherDir GetCipherDirection() const {return IsForwardTransformation() ? ENCRYPTION : DECRYPTION;}
946 };
948 /// \brief Interface for the data processing portion of stream ciphers
949 /// \sa StreamTransformationFilter()
950 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE StreamTransformation : public Algorithm
951 {
952 public:
953  virtual ~StreamTransformation() {}
955  /// \brief Provides a reference to this object
956  /// \return A reference to this object
957  /// \details Useful for passing a temporary object to a function that takes a non-const reference
958  StreamTransformation& Ref() {return *this;}
960  /// \brief Provides the mandatory block size of the cipher
961  /// \return The block size of the cipher if input must be processed in blocks, 1 otherwise
962  /// \details Stream ciphers and some block ciphers modes of operation return 1. Modes that
963  /// return 1 must be able to process a single byte at a time, like counter mode. If a
964  /// mode of operation or block cipher cannot stream then it must not return 1.
965  /// \details When filters operate the mode or cipher, ProcessData will be called with a
966  /// string of bytes that is determined by MandatoryBlockSize and OptimalBlockSize. When a
967  /// policy is set, like 16-byte strings for a 16-byte block cipher, the filter will buffer
968  /// bytes until the specified number of bytes is available to the object.
969  /// \sa ProcessData, ProcessLastBlock, MandatoryBlockSize, MinLastBlockSize, BlockPaddingSchemeDef, IsLastBlockSpecial
970  virtual unsigned int MandatoryBlockSize() const {return 1;}
972  /// \brief Provides the input block size most efficient for this cipher
973  /// \return The input block size that is most efficient for the cipher
974  /// \details The base class implementation returns MandatoryBlockSize().
975  /// \note Optimal input length is
976  /// <tt>n * OptimalBlockSize() - GetOptimalBlockSizeUsed()</tt> for any <tt>n > 0</tt>.
977  virtual unsigned int OptimalBlockSize() const {return MandatoryBlockSize();}
979  /// \brief Provides the number of bytes used in the current block when processing at optimal block size.
980  /// \return the number of bytes used in the current block when processing at the optimal block size
981  virtual unsigned int GetOptimalBlockSizeUsed() const {return 0;}
983  /// \brief Provides input and output data alignment for optimal performance
984  /// \return the input data alignment that provides optimal performance
985  /// \sa GetAlignment() and OptimalBlockSize()
986  virtual unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment() const;
988  /// \brief Encrypt or decrypt an array of bytes
989  /// \param outString the output byte buffer
990  /// \param inString the input byte buffer
991  /// \param length the size of the input and output byte buffers, in bytes
992  /// \details ProcessData is called with a string of bytes whose size depends on MandatoryBlockSize.
993  /// Either <tt>inString == outString</tt>, or they must not overlap.
994  /// \sa ProcessData, ProcessLastBlock, MandatoryBlockSize, MinLastBlockSize, BlockPaddingSchemeDef, IsLastBlockSpecial
995  virtual void ProcessData(byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t length) =0;
997  /// \brief Encrypt or decrypt the last block of data
998  /// \param outString the output byte buffer
999  /// \param outLength the size of the output byte buffer, in bytes
1000  /// \param inString the input byte buffer
1001  /// \param inLength the size of the input byte buffer, in bytes
1002  /// \return the number of bytes used in outString
1003  /// \details ProcessLastBlock is used when the last block of data is special and requires handling
1004  /// by the cipher. The current implementation provides an output buffer with a size
1005  /// <tt>inLength+2*MandatoryBlockSize()</tt>. The return value allows the cipher to expand cipher
1006  /// text during encryption or shrink plain text during decryption.
1007  /// \details This member function is used by CBC-CTS and OCB modes.
1008  /// \sa ProcessData, ProcessLastBlock, MandatoryBlockSize, MinLastBlockSize, BlockPaddingSchemeDef, IsLastBlockSpecial
1009  virtual size_t ProcessLastBlock(byte *outString, size_t outLength, const byte *inString, size_t inLength);
1011  /// \brief Provides the size of the last block
1012  /// \return the minimum size of the last block
1013  /// \details MinLastBlockSize() returns the minimum size of the last block. 0 indicates the last
1014  /// block is not special.
1015  /// \details MandatoryBlockSize() enlists one of two behaviors. First, if MandatoryBlockSize()
1016  /// returns 1, then the cipher can be streamed and ProcessData() is called with the tail bytes.
1017  /// Second, if MandatoryBlockSize() returns non-0, then the string of bytes is padded to
1018  /// MandatoryBlockSize() according to the padding mode. Then, ProcessData() is called with the
1019  /// padded string of bytes.
1020  /// \details Some authenticated encryption modes are not expressed well with MandatoryBlockSize()
1021  /// and MinLastBlockSize(). For example, AES/OCB uses 16-byte blocks (MandatoryBlockSize = 16)
1022  /// and the last block requires special processing (MinLastBlockSize = 0). However, 0 is a valid
1023  /// last block size for OCB and the special processing is custom padding, and not standard PKCS
1024  /// padding. In response an unambiguous IsLastBlockSpecial() was added.
1025  /// \sa ProcessData, ProcessLastBlock, MandatoryBlockSize, MinLastBlockSize, BlockPaddingSchemeDef, IsLastBlockSpecial
1026  virtual unsigned int MinLastBlockSize() const {return 0;}
1028  /// \brief Determines if the last block receives special processing
1029  /// \return true if the last block receives special processing, false otherwise.
1030  /// \details Some authenticated encryption modes are not expressed well with
1031  /// MandatoryBlockSize() and MinLastBlockSize(). For example, AES/OCB uses
1032  /// 16-byte blocks (MandatoryBlockSize = 16) and the last block requires special processing
1033  /// (MinLastBlockSize = 0). However, 0 is a valid last block size for OCB and the special
1034  /// processing is custom padding, and not standard PKCS padding. In response an
1035  /// unambiguous IsLastBlockSpecial() was added.
1036  /// \details When IsLastBlockSpecial() returns false nothing special happens. All the former
1037  /// rules and behaviors apply. This is the default behavior of IsLastBlockSpecial().
1038  /// \details When IsLastBlockSpecial() returns true four things happen. First, MinLastBlockSize = 0
1039  /// means 0 is a valid block size that should be processed. Second, standard block cipher padding is
1040  /// \a not \a applied. Third, the caller supplies an outString is larger than inString by
1041  /// <tt>2*MandatoryBlockSize()</tt>. That is, there's a reserve available when processing the last block.
1042  /// Fourth, the cipher is responsible for finalization like custom padding. The cipher will tell
1043  /// the library how many bytes were processed or used by returning the appropriate value from
1044  /// ProcessLastBlock().
1045  /// \details The return value of ProcessLastBlock() indicates how many bytes were written to
1046  /// <tt>outString</tt>. A filter pipelining data will send <tt>outString</tt> and up to <tt>outLength</tt>
1047  /// to an <tt>AttachedTransformation()</tt> for additional processing. Below is an example of the code
1048  /// used in <tt>StreamTransformationFilter::LastPut</tt>.
1049  /// <pre> if (m_cipher.IsLastBlockSpecial())
1050  /// {
1051  /// size_t reserve = 2*m_cipher.MandatoryBlockSize();
1052  /// space = HelpCreatePutSpace(*AttachedTransformation(), DEFAULT_CHANNEL, length+reserve);
1053  /// length = m_cipher.ProcessLastBlock(space, length+reserve, inString, length);
1054  /// AttachedTransformation()->Put(space, length);
1055  /// return;
1056  /// }</pre>
1057  /// \sa ProcessData, ProcessLastBlock, MandatoryBlockSize, MinLastBlockSize, BlockPaddingSchemeDef, IsLastBlockSpecial
1058  /// \since Crypto++ 6.0
1059  virtual bool IsLastBlockSpecial() const {return false;}
1061  /// \brief Encrypt or decrypt a string of bytes
1062  /// \param inoutString the string to process
1063  /// \param length the size of the inoutString, in bytes
1064  /// \details Internally, the base class implementation calls ProcessData().
1065  inline void ProcessString(byte *inoutString, size_t length)
1066  {ProcessData(inoutString, inoutString, length);}
1068  /// \brief Encrypt or decrypt a string of bytes
1069  /// \param outString the output string to process
1070  /// \param inString the input string to process
1071  /// \param length the size of the input and output strings, in bytes
1072  /// \details Internally, the base class implementation calls ProcessData().
1073  inline void ProcessString(byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t length)
1074  {ProcessData(outString, inString, length);}
1076  /// \brief Encrypt or decrypt a byte
1077  /// \param input the input byte to process
1078  /// \details Internally, the base class implementation calls ProcessData() with a size of 1.
1079  inline byte ProcessByte(byte input)
1080  {ProcessData(&input, &input, 1); return input;}
1082  /// \brief Determines whether the cipher supports random access
1083  /// \return true if the cipher supports random access, false otherwise
1084  virtual bool IsRandomAccess() const =0;
1086  /// \brief Seek to an absolute position
1087  /// \param pos position to seek
1088  /// \throw NotImplemented
1089  /// \details The base class implementation throws NotImplemented. The function
1090  /// \ref CRYPTOPP_ASSERT "asserts" IsRandomAccess() in debug builds.
1091  virtual void Seek(lword pos)
1092  {
1094  CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(!IsRandomAccess());
1095  throw NotImplemented("StreamTransformation: this object doesn't support random access");
1096  }
1098  /// \brief Determines whether the cipher is self-inverting
1099  /// \return true if the cipher is self-inverting, false otherwise
1100  /// \details IsSelfInverting determines whether this transformation is
1101  /// self-inverting (e.g. xor with a keystream).
1102  virtual bool IsSelfInverting() const =0;
1104  /// \brief Determines if the cipher is being operated in its forward direction
1105  /// \return true if DIR is ENCRYPTION, false otherwise
1106  /// \sa IsForwardTransformation(), IsPermutation(), GetCipherDirection()
1107  virtual bool IsForwardTransformation() const =0;
1108 };
1110 /// \brief Interface for hash functions and data processing part of MACs
1111 /// \details HashTransformation objects are stateful. They are created in an initial state,
1112 /// change state as Update() is called, and return to the initial
1113 /// state when Final() is called. This interface allows a large message to
1114 /// be hashed in pieces by calling Update() on each piece followed by
1115 /// calling Final().
1116 /// \sa HashFilter(), HashVerificationFilter()
1117 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE HashTransformation : public Algorithm
1118 {
1119 public:
1120  virtual ~HashTransformation() {}
1122  /// \brief Provides a reference to this object
1123  /// \return A reference to this object
1124  /// \details Useful for passing a temporary object to a function that takes a non-const reference
1125  HashTransformation& Ref() {return *this;}
1127  /// \brief Updates a hash with additional input
1128  /// \param input the additional input as a buffer
1129  /// \param length the size of the buffer, in bytes
1130  virtual void Update(const byte *input, size_t length) =0;
1132  /// \brief Request space which can be written into by the caller
1133  /// \param size the requested size of the buffer
1134  /// \details The purpose of this method is to help avoid extra memory allocations.
1135  /// \details size is an \a IN and \a OUT parameter and used as a hint. When the call is made,
1136  /// size is the requested size of the buffer. When the call returns, size is the size of
1137  /// the array returned to the caller.
1138  /// \details The base class implementation sets size to 0 and returns NULL or nullptr.
1139  /// \note Some objects, like ArraySink, cannot create a space because its fixed.
1140  virtual byte * CreateUpdateSpace(size_t &size) {size=0; return NULLPTR;}
1142  /// \brief Computes the hash of the current message
1143  /// \param digest a pointer to the buffer to receive the hash
1144  /// \details Final() restarts the hash for a new message.
1145  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(digest) <= DigestSize()</tt> or <tt>COUNTOF(digest) <= HASH::DIGESTSIZE</tt> ensures
1146  /// the output byte buffer is large enough for the digest.
1147  virtual void Final(byte *digest)
1148  {TruncatedFinal(digest, DigestSize());}
1150  /// \brief Restart the hash
1151  /// \details Discards the current state, and restart for a new message
1152  virtual void Restart()
1153  {TruncatedFinal(NULLPTR, 0);}
1155  /// Provides the digest size of the hash
1156  /// \return the digest size of the hash.
1157  virtual unsigned int DigestSize() const =0;
1159  /// Provides the tag size of the hash
1160  /// \return the tag size of the hash.
1161  /// \details Same as DigestSize().
1162  unsigned int TagSize() const {return DigestSize();}
1164  /// \brief Provides the block size of the compression function
1165  /// \return block size of the compression function, in bytes
1166  /// \details BlockSize() will return 0 if the hash is not block based
1167  /// or does not have an equivalent block size. For example, Keccak
1168  /// and SHA-3 do not have a block size, but they do have an equivalent
1169  /// block size called rate expressed as <tt>r</tt>.
1170  virtual unsigned int BlockSize() const {return 0;}
1172  /// \brief Provides the input block size most efficient for this hash.
1173  /// \return The input block size that is most efficient for the cipher
1174  /// \details The base class implementation returns MandatoryBlockSize().
1175  /// \details Optimal input length is
1176  /// <tt>n * OptimalBlockSize() - GetOptimalBlockSizeUsed()</tt> for any <tt>n > 0</tt>.
1177  virtual unsigned int OptimalBlockSize() const {return 1;}
1179  /// \brief Provides input and output data alignment for optimal performance
1180  /// \return the input data alignment that provides optimal performance
1181  /// \sa GetAlignment() and OptimalBlockSize()
1182  virtual unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment() const;
1184  /// \brief Updates the hash with additional input and computes the hash of the current message
1185  /// \param digest a pointer to the buffer to receive the hash
1186  /// \param input the additional input as a buffer
1187  /// \param length the size of the buffer, in bytes
1188  /// \details Use this if your input is in one piece and you don't want to call Update()
1189  /// and Final() separately
1190  /// \details CalculateDigest() restarts the hash for the next message.
1191  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(digest) == DigestSize()</tt> or <tt>COUNTOF(digest) == HASH::DIGESTSIZE</tt> ensures
1192  /// the output byte buffer is a valid size.
1193  virtual void CalculateDigest(byte *digest, const byte *input, size_t length)
1194  {Update(input, length); Final(digest);}
1196  /// \brief Verifies the hash of the current message
1197  /// \param digest a pointer to the buffer of an \a existing hash
1198  /// \return \p true if the existing hash matches the computed hash, \p false otherwise
1199  /// \throw InvalidArgument() if the existing hash's size exceeds DigestSize()
1200  /// \details Verify() performs a bitwise compare on the buffers using VerifyBufsEqual(), which is
1201  /// a constant time comparison function. digestLength cannot exceed DigestSize().
1202  /// \details Verify() restarts the hash for the next message.
1203  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(digest) == DigestSize()</tt> or <tt>COUNTOF(digest) == HASH::DIGESTSIZE</tt> ensures
1204  /// the input byte buffer is a valid size.
1205  virtual bool Verify(const byte *digest)
1206  {return TruncatedVerify(digest, DigestSize());}
1208  /// \brief Updates the hash with additional input and verifies the hash of the current message
1209  /// \param digest a pointer to the buffer of an \a existing hash
1210  /// \param input the additional input as a buffer
1211  /// \param length the size of the buffer, in bytes
1212  /// \return \p true if the existing hash matches the computed hash, \p false otherwise
1213  /// \throw InvalidArgument() if the existing hash's size exceeds DigestSize()
1214  /// \details Use this if your input is in one piece and you don't want to call Update()
1215  /// and Verify() separately
1216  /// \details VerifyDigest() performs a bitwise compare on the buffers using VerifyBufsEqual(),
1217  /// which is a constant time comparison function.
1218  /// \details VerifyDigest() restarts the hash for the next message.
1219  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(digest) == DigestSize()</tt> or <tt>COUNTOF(digest) == HASH::DIGESTSIZE</tt> ensures
1220  /// the output byte buffer is a valid size.
1221  virtual bool VerifyDigest(const byte *digest, const byte *input, size_t length)
1222  {Update(input, length); return Verify(digest);}
1224  /// \brief Computes the hash of the current message
1225  /// \param digest a pointer to the buffer to receive the hash
1226  /// \param digestSize the size of the truncated digest, in bytes
1227  /// \details TruncatedFinal() calls Final() and then copies digestSize bytes to digest.
1228  /// The hash is restarted the hash for the next message.
1229  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(digest) <= DigestSize()</tt> or <tt>COUNTOF(digest) <= HASH::DIGESTSIZE</tt> ensures
1230  /// the output byte buffer is a valid size.
1231  virtual void TruncatedFinal(byte *digest, size_t digestSize) =0;
1233  /// \brief Updates the hash with additional input and computes the hash of the current message
1234  /// \param digest a pointer to the buffer to receive the hash
1235  /// \param digestSize the length of the truncated hash, in bytes
1236  /// \param input the additional input as a buffer
1237  /// \param length the size of the buffer, in bytes
1238  /// \details Use this if your input is in one piece and you don't want to call Update()
1239  /// and CalculateDigest() separately.
1240  /// \details CalculateTruncatedDigest() restarts the hash for the next message.
1241  /// \pre <tt>digestSize <= DigestSize()</tt> or <tt>digestSize <= HASH::DIGESTSIZE</tt> ensures
1242  /// the output byte buffer is a valid size.
1243  virtual void CalculateTruncatedDigest(byte *digest, size_t digestSize, const byte *input, size_t length)
1244  {Update(input, length); TruncatedFinal(digest, digestSize);}
1246  /// \brief Verifies the hash of the current message
1247  /// \param digest a pointer to the buffer of an \a existing hash
1248  /// \param digestLength the size of the truncated hash, in bytes
1249  /// \return \p true if the existing hash matches the computed hash, \p false otherwise
1250  /// \throw InvalidArgument() if digestLength exceeds DigestSize()
1251  /// \details TruncatedVerify() is a truncated version of Verify(). It can operate on a
1252  /// buffer smaller than DigestSize(). However, digestLength cannot exceed DigestSize().
1253  /// \details Verify() performs a bitwise compare on the buffers using VerifyBufsEqual(), which is
1254  /// a constant time comparison function. digestLength cannot exceed DigestSize().
1255  /// \details TruncatedVerify() restarts the hash for the next message.
1256  /// \pre <tt>digestLength <= DigestSize()</tt> or <tt>digestLength <= HASH::DIGESTSIZE</tt> ensures
1257  /// the input byte buffer is a valid size.
1258  virtual bool TruncatedVerify(const byte *digest, size_t digestLength);
1260  /// \brief Updates the hash with additional input and verifies the hash of the current message
1261  /// \param digest a pointer to the buffer of an \a existing hash
1262  /// \param digestLength the size of the truncated hash, in bytes
1263  /// \param input the additional input as a buffer
1264  /// \param length the size of the buffer, in bytes
1265  /// \return \p true if the existing hash matches the computed hash, \p false otherwise
1266  /// \throw InvalidArgument() if digestLength exceeds DigestSize()
1267  /// \details Use this if your input is in one piece and you don't want to call Update()
1268  /// and TruncatedVerify() separately.
1269  /// \details VerifyTruncatedDigest() is a truncated version of VerifyDigest(). It can operate
1270  /// on a buffer smaller than DigestSize(). However, digestLength cannot exceed DigestSize().
1271  /// \details VerifyTruncatedDigest() restarts the hash for the next message.
1272  /// \pre <tt>digestLength <= DigestSize()</tt> or <tt>digestLength <= HASH::DIGESTSIZE</tt> ensures
1273  /// the input byte buffer is a valid size.
1274  virtual bool VerifyTruncatedDigest(const byte *digest, size_t digestLength, const byte *input, size_t length)
1275  {Update(input, length); return TruncatedVerify(digest, digestLength);}
1277 protected:
1278  /// \brief Validates a truncated digest size
1279  /// \param size the requested digest size
1280  /// \throw InvalidArgument if the algorithm's digest size cannot be truncated to the requested size
1281  /// \details Throws an exception when the truncated digest size is greater than DigestSize()
1282  void ThrowIfInvalidTruncatedSize(size_t size) const;
1283 };
1285 /// \brief Interface for one direction (encryption or decryption) of a block cipher
1286 /// \details These objects usually should not be used directly. See BlockTransformation for more details.
1287 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE BlockCipher : public SimpleKeyingInterface, public BlockTransformation
1288 {
1289 protected:
1290  const Algorithm & GetAlgorithm() const {return *this;}
1291 };
1293 /// \brief Interface for one direction (encryption or decryption) of a stream cipher or cipher mode
1294 /// \details These objects usually should not be used directly. See StreamTransformation for more details.
1295 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE SymmetricCipher : public SimpleKeyingInterface, public StreamTransformation
1296 {
1297 protected:
1298  const Algorithm & GetAlgorithm() const {return *this;}
1299 };
1301 /// \brief Interface for message authentication codes
1302 /// \details These objects usually should not be used directly. See HashTransformation for more details.
1303 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE MessageAuthenticationCode : public SimpleKeyingInterface, public HashTransformation
1304 {
1305 protected:
1306  const Algorithm & GetAlgorithm() const {return *this;}
1307 };
1309 /// \brief Interface for authenticated encryption modes of operation
1310 /// \details AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher() provides the interface for one direction
1311 /// (encryption or decryption) of a stream cipher or block cipher mode with authentication. The
1312 /// StreamTransformation() part of this interface is used to encrypt or decrypt the data. The
1313 /// MessageAuthenticationCode() part of the interface is used to input additional authenticated
1314 /// data (AAD), which is MAC'ed but not encrypted. The MessageAuthenticationCode() part is also
1315 /// used to generate and verify the MAC.
1316 /// \details Crypto++ provides four authenticated encryption modes of operation - CCM, EAX, GCM
1317 /// and OCB mode. All modes implement AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher() and the motivation for
1318 /// the API, like calling AAD a &quot;header&quot;, can be found in Bellare, Rogaway and
1319 /// Wagner's <A HREF="">The EAX Mode of
1320 /// Operation</A>. The EAX paper suggested a basic API to help standardize AEAD schemes in
1321 /// software and promote adoption of the modes.
1322 /// \sa <A HREF="">Authenticated
1323 /// Encryption</A> on the Crypto++ wiki.
1324 /// \since Crypto++ 5.6.0
1325 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher : public MessageAuthenticationCode, public StreamTransformation
1326 {
1327 public:
1328  virtual ~AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher() {}
1330  /// \brief Exception thrown when the object is in the wrong state for the operation
1331  /// \details this indicates that a member function was called in the wrong state, for example trying to encrypt
1332  /// a message before having set the key or IV
1333  class BadState : public Exception
1334  {
1335  public:
1336  explicit BadState(const std::string &name, const char *message) : Exception(OTHER_ERROR, name + ": " + message) {}
1337  explicit BadState(const std::string &name, const char *function, const char *state) : Exception(OTHER_ERROR, name + ": " + function + " was called before " + state) {}
1338  };
1340  /// \brief Provides the maximum length of AAD that can be input
1341  /// \return the maximum length of AAD that can be input before the encrypted data
1342  virtual lword MaxHeaderLength() const =0;
1344  /// \brief Provides the maximum length of encrypted data
1345  /// \return the maximum length of encrypted data
1346  virtual lword MaxMessageLength() const =0;
1348  /// \brief Provides the maximum length of AAD
1349  /// \return the maximum length of AAD that can be input after the encrypted data
1350  virtual lword MaxFooterLength() const {return 0;}
1352  /// \brief Determines if data lengths must be specified prior to inputting data
1353  /// \return true if the data lengths are required before inputting data, false otherwise
1354  /// \details if this function returns true, SpecifyDataLengths() must be called before attempting to input data.
1355  /// This is the case for some schemes, such as CCM.
1356  /// \sa SpecifyDataLengths()
1357  virtual bool NeedsPrespecifiedDataLengths() const {return false;}
1359  /// \brief Prescribes the data lengths
1360  /// \param headerLength size of data before message is input, in bytes
1361  /// \param messageLength size of the message, in bytes
1362  /// \param footerLength size of data after message is input, in bytes
1363  /// \details SpecifyDataLengths() only needs to be called if NeedsPrespecifiedDataLengths() returns <tt>true</tt>.
1364  /// If <tt>true</tt>, then <tt>headerLength</tt> will be validated against <tt>MaxHeaderLength()</tt>,
1365  /// <tt>messageLength</tt> will be validated against <tt>MaxMessageLength()</tt>, and
1366  /// <tt>footerLength</tt> will be validated against <tt>MaxFooterLength()</tt>.
1367  /// \sa NeedsPrespecifiedDataLengths()
1368  void SpecifyDataLengths(lword headerLength, lword messageLength, lword footerLength=0);
1370  /// \brief Encrypts and calculates a MAC in one call
1371  /// \param ciphertext the encryption buffer
1372  /// \param mac the mac buffer
1373  /// \param macSize the size of the MAC buffer, in bytes
1374  /// \param iv the iv buffer
1375  /// \param ivLength the size of the IV buffer, in bytes
1376  /// \param header the AAD buffer
1377  /// \param headerLength the size of the AAD buffer, in bytes
1378  /// \param message the message buffer
1379  /// \param messageLength the size of the messagetext buffer, in bytes
1380  /// \details EncryptAndAuthenticate() encrypts and generates the MAC in one call. The function
1381  /// truncates the MAC if <tt>macSize < TagSize()</tt>.
1382  virtual void EncryptAndAuthenticate(byte *ciphertext, byte *mac, size_t macSize, const byte *iv, int ivLength, const byte *header, size_t headerLength, const byte *message, size_t messageLength);
1384  /// \brief Decrypts and verifies a MAC in one call
1385  /// \param message the decryption buffer
1386  /// \param mac the mac buffer
1387  /// \param macSize the size of the MAC buffer, in bytes
1388  /// \param iv the iv buffer
1389  /// \param ivLength the size of the IV buffer, in bytes
1390  /// \param header the AAD buffer
1391  /// \param headerLength the size of the AAD buffer, in bytes
1392  /// \param ciphertext the ciphertext buffer
1393  /// \param ciphertextLength the size of the ciphertext buffer, in bytes
1394  /// \return true if the MAC is valid and the decoding succeeded, false otherwise
1395  /// \details DecryptAndVerify() decrypts and verifies the MAC in one call.
1396  /// <tt>message</tt> is a decryption buffer and should be at least as large as the ciphertext buffer.
1397  /// \details The function returns true iff MAC is valid. DecryptAndVerify() assumes the MAC
1398  /// is truncated if <tt>macLength < TagSize()</tt>.
1399  virtual bool DecryptAndVerify(byte *message, const byte *mac, size_t macSize, const byte *iv, int ivLength, const byte *header, size_t headerLength, const byte *ciphertext, size_t ciphertextLength);
1401  /// \brief Provides the name of this algorithm
1402  /// \return the standard algorithm name
1403  /// \details The standard algorithm name can be a name like \a AES or \a AES/GCM. Some algorithms
1404  /// do not have standard names yet. For example, there is no standard algorithm name for
1405  /// Shoup's ECIES.
1406  virtual std::string AlgorithmName() const;
1408  /// \brief Retrieve the provider of this algorithm
1409  /// \return the algorithm provider
1410  /// \details The algorithm provider can be a name like "C++", "SSE", "NEON", "AESNI",
1411  /// "ARMv8" and "Power8". C++ is standard C++ code. Other labels, like SSE,
1412  /// usually indicate a specialized implementation using instructions from a higher
1413  /// instruction set architecture (ISA). Future labels may include external hardware
1414  /// like a hardware security module (HSM).
1415  /// \details Generally speaking Wei Dai's original IA-32 ASM code falls under "SSE2".
1416  /// Labels like "SSSE3" and "SSE4.1" follow after Wei's code and use intrinsics
1417  /// instead of ASM.
1418  /// \details Algorithms which combine different instructions or ISAs provide the
1419  /// dominant one. For example on x86 <tt>AES/GCM</tt> returns "AESNI" rather than
1420  /// "CLMUL" or "AES+SSE4.1" or "AES+CLMUL" or "AES+SSE4.1+CLMUL".
1421  /// \note Provider is not universally implemented yet.
1422  /// \since Crypto++ 8.0
1423  virtual std::string AlgorithmProvider() const {return "C++";}
1425 protected:
1426  const Algorithm & GetAlgorithm() const
1427  {return *static_cast<const MessageAuthenticationCode *>(this);}
1428  virtual void UncheckedSpecifyDataLengths(lword headerLength, lword messageLength, lword footerLength)
1429  {CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(headerLength); CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(messageLength); CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(footerLength);}
1430 };
1432 /// \brief Interface for random number generators
1433 /// \details The library provides a number of random number generators, from software based
1434 /// to hardware based generators.
1435 /// \details All generated values are uniformly distributed over the range specified.
1436 /// \since Crypto++ 3.1
1437 /// \sa <A HREF="">RandomNumberGenerator</A>
1438 /// on the Crypto++ wiki
1439 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE RandomNumberGenerator : public Algorithm
1440 {
1441 public:
1442  virtual ~RandomNumberGenerator() {}
1444  /// \brief Update RNG state with additional unpredictable values
1445  /// \param input the entropy to add to the generator
1446  /// \param length the size of the input buffer
1447  /// \throw NotImplemented
1448  /// \details A generator may or may not accept additional entropy. Call CanIncorporateEntropy()
1449  /// to test for the ability to use additional entropy.
1450  /// \details If a derived class does not override IncorporateEntropy(), then the base class
1451  /// throws NotImplemented.
1452  virtual void IncorporateEntropy(const byte *input, size_t length)
1453  {
1455  throw NotImplemented("RandomNumberGenerator: IncorporateEntropy not implemented");
1456  }
1458  /// \brief Determines if a generator can accept additional entropy
1459  /// \return true if IncorporateEntropy() is implemented
1460  virtual bool CanIncorporateEntropy() const {return false;}
1462  /// \brief Generate new random byte and return it
1463  /// \return a random 8-bit byte
1464  /// \details Default implementation calls GenerateBlock() with one byte.
1465  /// \details All generated values are uniformly distributed over the range specified within the
1466  /// the constraints of a particular generator.
1467  virtual byte GenerateByte();
1469  /// \brief Generate new random bit and return it
1470  /// \return a random bit
1471  /// \details The default implementation calls GenerateByte() and return its lowest bit.
1472  /// \details All generated values are uniformly distributed over the range specified within the
1473  /// the constraints of a particular generator.
1474  virtual unsigned int GenerateBit();
1476  /// \brief Generate a random 32 bit word in the range min to max, inclusive
1477  /// \param min the lower bound of the range
1478  /// \param max the upper bound of the range
1479  /// \return a random 32-bit word
1480  /// \details The default implementation calls Crop() on the difference between max and
1481  /// min, and then returns the result added to min.
1482  /// \details All generated values are uniformly distributed over the range specified within the
1483  /// the constraints of a particular generator.
1484  virtual word32 GenerateWord32(word32 min=0, word32 max=0xffffffffUL);
1486  /// \brief Generate random array of bytes
1487  /// \param output the byte buffer
1488  /// \param size the length of the buffer, in bytes
1489  /// \details All generated values are uniformly distributed over the range specified within the
1490  /// the constraints of a particular generator.
1491  /// \note A derived generator \a must override either GenerateBlock() or
1492  /// GenerateIntoBufferedTransformation(). They can override both, or have one call the other.
1493  virtual void GenerateBlock(byte *output, size_t size);
1495  /// \brief Generate random bytes into a BufferedTransformation
1496  /// \param target the BufferedTransformation object which receives the bytes
1497  /// \param channel the channel on which the bytes should be pumped
1498  /// \param length the number of bytes to generate
1499  /// \details The default implementation calls GenerateBlock() and pumps the result into
1500  /// the DEFAULT_CHANNEL of the target.
1501  /// \details All generated values are uniformly distributed over the range specified within the
1502  /// the constraints of a particular generator.
1503  /// \note A derived generator \a must override either GenerateBlock() or
1504  /// GenerateIntoBufferedTransformation(). They can override both, or have one call the other.
1505  virtual void GenerateIntoBufferedTransformation(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel, lword length);
1507  /// \brief Generate and discard n bytes
1508  /// \param n the number of bytes to generate and discard
1509  virtual void DiscardBytes(size_t n);
1511  /// \brief Randomly shuffle the specified array
1512  /// \param begin an iterator to the first element in the array
1513  /// \param end an iterator beyond the last element in the array
1514  /// \details The resulting permutation is uniformly distributed.
1515  template <class IT> void Shuffle(IT begin, IT end)
1516  {
1517  // TODO: What happens if there are more than 2^32 elements?
1518  for (; begin != end; ++begin)
1519  std::iter_swap(begin, begin + GenerateWord32(0, static_cast<word32>(end-begin-1)));
1520  }
1521 };
1523 /// \brief Interface for key derivation functions
1524 /// \since Crypto++ 7.0
1525 /// \sa <A HREF="">KeyDerivationFunction</A>
1526 /// on the Crypto++ wiki
1527 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE KeyDerivationFunction : public Algorithm
1528 {
1529 public:
1530  virtual ~KeyDerivationFunction() {}
1532  /// \brief Provides the name of this algorithm
1533  /// \return the standard algorithm name
1534  virtual std::string AlgorithmName() const =0;
1536  /// \brief Determine minimum number of bytes
1537  /// \return Minimum number of bytes which can be derived
1538  virtual size_t MinDerivedKeyLength() const;
1540  /// \brief Determine maximum number of bytes
1541  /// \return Maximum number of bytes which can be derived
1542  virtual size_t MaxDerivedKeyLength() const;
1544  /// \brief Returns a valid key length for the derivation function
1545  /// \param keylength the size of the derived key, in bytes
1546  /// \return the valid key length, in bytes
1547  virtual size_t GetValidDerivedLength(size_t keylength) const =0;
1549  /// \brief Returns whether keylength is a valid key length
1550  /// \param keylength the requested keylength
1551  /// \return true if the derived keylength is valid, false otherwise
1552  /// \details Internally the function calls GetValidKeyLength()
1553  virtual bool IsValidDerivedLength(size_t keylength) const {
1554  return keylength == GetValidDerivedLength(keylength);
1555  }
1557  /// \brief Derive a key from a seed
1558  /// \param derived the derived output buffer
1559  /// \param derivedLen the size of the derived buffer, in bytes
1560  /// \param secret the seed input buffer
1561  /// \param secretLen the size of the secret buffer, in bytes
1562  /// \param params additional initialization parameters to configure this object
1563  /// \return the number of iterations performed
1564  /// \throw InvalidDerivedKeyLength if <tt>derivedLen</tt> is invalid for the scheme
1565  /// \details DeriveKey() provides a standard interface to derive a key from
1566  /// a secret seed and other parameters. Each class that derives from KeyDerivationFunction
1567  /// provides an overload that accepts most parameters used by the derivation function.
1568  /// \details the number of iterations performed by DeriveKey() may be 1. For example, a
1569  /// scheme like HKDF does not use the iteration count so it returns 1.
1570  virtual size_t DeriveKey(byte *derived, size_t derivedLen, const byte *secret, size_t secretLen, const NameValuePairs& params = g_nullNameValuePairs) const =0;
1572  /// \brief Set or change parameters
1573  /// \param params additional initialization parameters to configure this object
1574  /// \details SetParameters() is useful for setting common parameters when an object is
1575  /// reused. Some derivation function classes may choose to implement it.
1576  virtual void SetParameters(const NameValuePairs& params);
1578 protected:
1579  /// \brief Returns the base class Algorithm
1580  /// \return the base class Algorithm
1581  virtual const Algorithm & GetAlgorithm() const =0;
1583  /// \brief Validates the derived key length
1584  /// \param length the size of the derived key material, in bytes
1585  /// \throw InvalidKeyLength if the key length is invalid
1586  void ThrowIfInvalidDerivedKeyLength(size_t length) const;
1587 };
1589 /// \brief Interface for password based key derivation functions
1590 /// \since Crypto++ 7.0
1592 {
1593 };
1595 /// \brief Random Number Generator that does not produce random numbers
1596 /// \return reference that can be passed to functions that require a RandomNumberGenerator
1597 /// \details NullRNG() returns a reference that can be passed to functions that require a
1598 /// RandomNumberGenerator but don't actually use it. The NullRNG() throws NotImplemented
1599 /// when a generation function is called.
1600 /// \sa ClassNullRNG, PK_SignatureScheme::IsProbabilistic()
1603 class WaitObjectContainer;
1604 class CallStack;
1606 /// \brief Interface for objects that can be waited on.
1607 class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE Waitable
1608 {
1609 public:
1610  virtual ~Waitable() {}
1612  /// \brief Maximum number of wait objects that this object can return
1613  /// \return the maximum number of wait objects
1614  virtual unsigned int GetMaxWaitObjectCount() const =0;
1616  /// \brief Retrieves waitable objects
1617  /// \param container the wait container to receive the references to the objects.
1618  /// \param callStack CallStack() object used to select waitable objects
1619  /// \details GetWaitObjects() is usually called in one of two ways. First, it can
1620  /// be called like <tt>something.GetWaitObjects(c, CallStack("my func after X", 0));</tt>.
1621  /// Second, if in an outer GetWaitObjects() method that itself takes a callStack
1622  /// parameter, it can be called like
1623  /// <tt>innerThing.GetWaitObjects(c, CallStack("MyClass::GetWaitObjects at X", &callStack));</tt>.
1624  virtual void GetWaitObjects(WaitObjectContainer &container, CallStack const& callStack) =0;
1626  /// \brief Wait on this object
1627  /// \return true if the wait succeeded, false otherwise
1628  /// \details Wait() is the same as creating an empty container, calling GetWaitObjects(), and then calling
1629  /// Wait() on the container.
1630  bool Wait(unsigned long milliseconds, CallStack const& callStack);
1631 };
1633 /// \brief Interface for buffered transformations
1634 /// \details BufferedTransformation is a generalization of BlockTransformation,
1635 /// StreamTransformation and HashTransformation.
1636 /// \details A buffered transformation is an object that takes a stream of bytes as input (this may
1637 /// be done in stages), does some computation on them, and then places the result into an internal
1638 /// buffer for later retrieval. Any partial result already in the output buffer is not modified
1639 /// by further input.
1640 /// \details If a method takes a "blocking" parameter, and you pass false for it, then the method
1641 /// will return before all input has been processed if the input cannot be processed without waiting
1642 /// (for network buffers to become available, for example). In this case the method will return true
1643 /// or a non-zero integer value. When this happens you must continue to call the method with the same
1644 /// parameters until it returns false or zero, before calling any other method on it or attached
1645 /// BufferedTransformation. The integer return value in this case is approximately
1646 /// the number of bytes left to be processed, and can be used to implement a progress bar.
1647 /// \details For functions that take a "propagation" parameter, <tt>propagation != 0</tt> means pass on
1648 /// the signal to attached BufferedTransformation objects, with propagation decremented at each
1649 /// step until it reaches <tt>0</tt>. <tt>-1</tt> means unlimited propagation.
1650 /// \details \a All of the retrieval functions, like Get() and GetWord32(), return the actual
1651 /// number of bytes retrieved, which is the lesser of the request number and MaxRetrievable().
1652 /// \details \a Most of the input functions, like Put() and PutWord32(), return the number of
1653 /// bytes remaining to be processed. A 0 value means all bytes were processed, and a non-0 value
1654 /// means bytes remain to be processed.
1655 /// \nosubgrouping
1656 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE BufferedTransformation : public Algorithm, public Waitable
1657 {
1658 public:
1659  virtual ~BufferedTransformation() {}
1661  /// \brief Construct a BufferedTransformation
1664  /// \brief Provides a reference to this object
1665  /// \return A reference to this object
1666  /// \details Useful for passing a temporary object to a function that takes a non-const reference
1667  BufferedTransformation& Ref() {return *this;}
1669  /// \name INPUT
1670  //@{
1672  /// \brief Input a byte for processing
1673  /// \param inByte the 8-bit byte (octet) to be processed.
1674  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input.
1675  /// \return the number of bytes that remain to be processed (i.e., bytes not processed).
1676  /// 0 indicates all bytes were processed.
1677  /// \details <tt>Put(byte)</tt> calls <tt>Put(byte*, size_t)</tt>.
1678  size_t Put(byte inByte, bool blocking=true)
1679  {return Put(&inByte, 1, blocking);}
1681  /// \brief Input a byte buffer for processing
1682  /// \param inString the byte buffer to process
1683  /// \param length the size of the string, in bytes
1684  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
1685  /// \return the number of bytes that remain to be processed (i.e., bytes not processed).
1686  /// 0 indicates all bytes were processed.
1687  /// \details Internally, Put() calls Put2().
1688  size_t Put(const byte *inString, size_t length, bool blocking=true)
1689  {return Put2(inString, length, 0, blocking);}
1691  /// Input a 16-bit word for processing.
1692  /// \param value the 16-bit value to be processed
1693  /// \param order the ByteOrder of the value to be processed.
1694  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
1695  /// \return the number of bytes that remain to be processed (i.e., bytes not processed).
1696  /// 0 indicates all bytes were processed.
1697  size_t PutWord16(word16 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true);
1699  /// Input a 32-bit word for processing.
1700  /// \param value the 32-bit value to be processed.
1701  /// \param order the ByteOrder of the value to be processed.
1702  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input.
1703  /// \return the number of bytes that remain to be processed (i.e., bytes not processed).
1704  /// 0 indicates all bytes were processed.
1705  size_t PutWord32(word32 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true);
1707  /// Input a 64-bit word for processing.
1708  /// \param value the 64-bit value to be processed.
1709  /// \param order the ByteOrder of the value to be processed.
1710  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input.
1711  /// \return the number of bytes that remain to be processed (i.e., bytes not processed).
1712  /// 0 indicates all bytes were processed.
1713  size_t PutWord64(word64 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true);
1715  /// \brief Request space which can be written into by the caller
1716  /// \param size the requested size of the buffer
1717  /// \return byte pointer to the space to input data
1718  /// \details The purpose of this method is to help avoid extra memory allocations.
1719  /// \details size is an \a IN and \a OUT parameter and used as a hint. When the call is made,
1720  /// size is the requested size of the buffer. When the call returns, size is the size of
1721  /// the array returned to the caller.
1722  /// \details The base class implementation sets size to 0 and returns NULL.
1723  /// \note Some objects, like ArraySink, cannot create a space because its fixed. In the case of
1724  /// an ArraySink, the pointer to the array is returned and the size is remaining size.
1725  virtual byte * CreatePutSpace(size_t &size)
1726  {size=0; return NULLPTR;}
1728  /// \brief Determines whether input can be modified by the callee
1729  /// \return true if input can be modified, false otherwise
1730  /// \details The base class implementation returns false.
1731  virtual bool CanModifyInput() const
1732  {return false;}
1734  /// \brief Input multiple bytes that may be modified by callee.
1735  /// \param inString the byte buffer to process
1736  /// \param length the size of the string, in bytes
1737  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
1738  /// \return the number of bytes that remain to be processed (i.e., bytes not processed). 0 indicates all
1739  /// bytes were processed.
1740  size_t PutModifiable(byte *inString, size_t length, bool blocking=true)
1741  {return PutModifiable2(inString, length, 0, blocking);}
1743  /// \brief Signals the end of messages to the object
1744  /// \param propagation the number of attached transformations the MessageEnd() signal should be passed
1745  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
1746  /// \details propagation count includes this object. Setting propagation to <tt>1</tt> means this
1747  /// object only. Setting propagation to <tt>-1</tt> means unlimited propagation.
1748  bool MessageEnd(int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
1749  {return !!Put2(NULLPTR, 0, propagation < 0 ? -1 : propagation+1, blocking);}
1751  /// \brief Input multiple bytes for processing and signal the end of a message
1752  /// \param inString the byte buffer to process
1753  /// \param length the size of the string, in bytes
1754  /// \param propagation the number of attached transformations the MessageEnd() signal should be passed
1755  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
1756  /// \return the number of bytes that remain to be processed (i.e., bytes not processed). 0 indicates all
1757  /// bytes were processed.
1758  /// \details Internally, PutMessageEnd() calls Put2() with a modified propagation to
1759  /// ensure all attached transformations finish processing the message.
1760  /// \details propagation count includes this object. Setting propagation to <tt>1</tt> means this
1761  /// object only. Setting propagation to <tt>-1</tt> means unlimited propagation.
1762  size_t PutMessageEnd(const byte *inString, size_t length, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
1763  {return Put2(inString, length, propagation < 0 ? -1 : propagation+1, blocking);}
1765  /// \brief Input multiple bytes for processing
1766  /// \param inString the byte buffer to process
1767  /// \param length the size of the string, in bytes
1768  /// \param messageEnd means how many filters to signal MessageEnd() to, including this one
1769  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
1770  /// \return the number of bytes that remain to be processed (i.e., bytes not processed). 0 indicates all
1771  /// bytes were processed.
1772  /// \details Derived classes must implement Put2().
1773  virtual size_t Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) =0;
1775  /// \brief Input multiple bytes that may be modified by callee.
1776  /// \param inString the byte buffer to process.
1777  /// \param length the size of the string, in bytes.
1778  /// \param messageEnd means how many filters to signal MessageEnd() to, including this one.
1779  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input.
1780  /// \return the number of bytes that remain to be processed (i.e., bytes not processed). 0 indicates all
1781  /// bytes were processed.
1782  /// \details Internally, PutModifiable2() calls Put2().
1783  virtual size_t PutModifiable2(byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
1784  {return Put2(inString, length, messageEnd, blocking);}
1786  /// \brief Exception thrown by objects that have \a not implemented nonblocking input processing
1787  /// \details BlockingInputOnly inherits from NotImplemented
1789  {BlockingInputOnly(const std::string &s) : NotImplemented(s + ": Nonblocking input is not implemented by this object.") {}};
1790  //@}
1792  /// \name WAITING
1793  //@{
1794  /// \brief Retrieves the maximum number of waitable objects
1795  unsigned int GetMaxWaitObjectCount() const;
1797  /// \brief Retrieves waitable objects
1798  /// \param container the wait container to receive the references to the objects
1799  /// \param callStack CallStack() object used to select waitable objects
1800  /// \details GetWaitObjects is usually called in one of two ways. First, it can
1801  /// be called like <tt>something.GetWaitObjects(c, CallStack("my func after X", 0));</tt>.
1802  /// Second, if in an outer GetWaitObjects() method that itself takes a callStack
1803  /// parameter, it can be called like
1804  /// <tt>innerThing.GetWaitObjects(c, CallStack("MyClass::GetWaitObjects at X", &callStack));</tt>.
1805  void GetWaitObjects(WaitObjectContainer &container, CallStack const& callStack);
1806  //@} // WAITING
1808  /// \name SIGNALS
1809  //@{
1811  /// \brief Initialize or reinitialize this object, without signal propagation
1812  /// \param parameters a set of NameValuePairs to initialize this object
1813  /// \throw NotImplemented
1814  /// \details IsolatedInitialize() is used to initialize or reinitialize an object using a variable
1815  /// number of arbitrarily typed arguments. The function avoids the need for multiple constructors providing
1816  /// all possible combintations of configurable parameters.
1817  /// \details IsolatedInitialize() does not call Initialize() on attached transformations. If initialization
1818  /// should be propagated, then use the Initialize() function.
1819  /// \details If a derived class does not override IsolatedInitialize(), then the base class throws
1820  /// NotImplemented.
1821  virtual void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters) {
1822  CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(parameters);
1823  throw NotImplemented("BufferedTransformation: this object can't be reinitialized");
1824  }
1826  /// \brief Flushes data buffered by this object, without signal propagation
1827  /// \param hardFlush indicates whether all data should be flushed
1828  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
1829  /// \return true if the flush was successful, false otherwise
1830  /// \note hardFlush must be used with care
1831  virtual bool IsolatedFlush(bool hardFlush, bool blocking) =0;
1833  /// \brief Marks the end of a series of messages, without signal propagation
1834  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when completing the processing on
1835  /// the current series of messages
1836  /// \return true if the message was successful, false otherwise
1837  virtual bool IsolatedMessageSeriesEnd(bool blocking)
1838  {CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(blocking); return false;}
1840  /// \brief Initialize or reinitialize this object, with signal propagation
1841  /// \param parameters a set of NameValuePairs to initialize or reinitialize this object
1842  /// \param propagation the number of attached transformations the Initialize() signal should be passed
1843  /// \details Initialize() is used to initialize or reinitialize an object using a variable number of
1844  /// arbitrarily typed arguments. The function avoids the need for multiple constructors providing
1845  /// all possible combintations of configurable parameters.
1846  /// \details propagation count includes this object. Setting propagation to <tt>1</tt> means this
1847  /// object only. Setting propagation to <tt>-1</tt> means unlimited propagation.
1848  virtual void Initialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters=g_nullNameValuePairs, int propagation=-1);
1850  /// \brief Flush buffered input and/or output, with signal propagation
1851  /// \param hardFlush is used to indicate whether all data should be flushed
1852  /// \param propagation the number of attached transformations the Flush()
1853  /// signal should be passed
1854  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
1855  /// \return true if the flush was successful, false otherwise
1856  /// \details propagation count includes this object. Setting propagation to
1857  /// <tt>1</tt> means this object only. Setting propagation to <tt>-1</tt>
1858  /// means unlimited propagation.
1859  /// \note Hard flushes must be used with care. It means try to process and
1860  /// output everything, even if there may not be enough data to complete the
1861  /// action. For example, hard flushing a HexDecoder would cause an error if
1862  /// you do it after inputing an odd number of hex encoded characters.
1863  /// \note For some types of filters, like ZlibDecompressor, hard flushes can
1864  /// only be done at "synchronization points". These synchronization points
1865  /// are positions in the data stream that are created by hard flushes on the
1866  /// corresponding reverse filters, in this example ZlibCompressor. This is
1867  /// useful when zlib compressed data is moved across a network in packets
1868  /// and compression state is preserved across packets, as in the SSH2 protocol.
1869  virtual bool Flush(bool hardFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true);
1871  /// \brief Marks the end of a series of messages, with signal propagation
1872  /// \param propagation the number of attached transformations the MessageSeriesEnd() signal should be passed
1873  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
1874  /// \return true if the message was successful, false otherwise
1875  /// \details Each object that receives the signal will perform its processing, decrement
1876  /// propagation, and then pass the signal on to attached transformations if the value is not 0.
1877  /// \details propagation count includes this object. Setting propagation to <tt>1</tt> means this
1878  /// object only. Setting propagation to <tt>-1</tt> means unlimited propagation.
1879  /// \note There should be a MessageEnd() immediately before MessageSeriesEnd().
1880  virtual bool MessageSeriesEnd(int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true);
1882  /// \brief Set propagation of automatically generated and transferred signals
1883  /// \param propagation then new value
1884  /// \details Setting propagation to <tt>0</tt> means do not automatically generate signals. Setting
1885  /// propagation to <tt>-1</tt> means unlimited propagation.
1886  virtual void SetAutoSignalPropagation(int propagation)
1887  {CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(propagation);}
1889  /// \brief Retrieve automatic signal propagation value
1890  /// \return the number of attached transformations the signal is propagated to. 0 indicates
1891  /// the signal is only witnessed by this object
1892  virtual int GetAutoSignalPropagation() const {return 0;}
1893 public:
1896  //@{
1898  /// \brief Provides the number of bytes ready for retrieval
1899  /// \return the number of bytes ready for retrieval
1900  /// \details The number of bytes available are dependent on the source. If an exact value is
1901  /// available, then the exact value is returned. The exact value can include 0 if the source
1902  /// is exhausted.
1903  /// \details Some stream-based sources do not allow seeking() on the underlying stream, such
1904  /// as some FileSource(). If the stream does not allow seeking() then MaxRetrievable()
1905  /// returns LWORD_MAX to indicate there are still bytes to be retrieved.
1906  virtual lword MaxRetrievable() const;
1908  /// \brief Determines whether bytes are ready for retrieval
1909  /// \return true if bytes are available for retrieval, false otherwise
1910  virtual bool AnyRetrievable() const;
1912  /// \brief Retrieve a 8-bit byte
1913  /// \param outByte the 8-bit value to be retrieved
1914  /// \return the number of bytes consumed during the call.
1915  /// \details Use the return value of Get to detect short reads.
1916  virtual size_t Get(byte &outByte);
1918  /// \brief Retrieve a block of bytes
1919  /// \param outString a block of bytes
1920  /// \param getMax the number of bytes to Get
1921  /// \return the number of bytes consumed during the call.
1922  /// \details Use the return value of Get to detect short reads.
1923  virtual size_t Get(byte *outString, size_t getMax);
1925  /// \brief Peek a 8-bit byte
1926  /// \param outByte the 8-bit value to be retrieved
1927  /// \return the number of bytes read during the call.
1928  /// \details Peek does not remove bytes from the object. Use the return value of
1929  /// Get() to detect short reads.
1930  virtual size_t Peek(byte &outByte) const;
1932  /// \brief Peek a block of bytes
1933  /// \param outString a block of bytes
1934  /// \param peekMax the number of bytes to Peek
1935  /// \return the number of bytes read during the call.
1936  /// \details Peek does not remove bytes from the object. Use the return value of
1937  /// Peek() to detect short reads.
1938  virtual size_t Peek(byte *outString, size_t peekMax) const;
1940  /// \brief Retrieve a 16-bit word
1941  /// \param value the 16-bit value to be retrieved
1942  /// \param order the ByteOrder of the value to be processed.
1943  /// \return the number of bytes consumed during the call.
1944  /// \details Use the return value of GetWord16() to detect short reads.
1947  /// \brief Retrieve a 32-bit word
1948  /// \param value the 32-bit value to be retrieved
1949  /// \param order the ByteOrder of the value to be processed.
1950  /// \return the number of bytes consumed during the call.
1951  /// \details Use the return value of GetWord32() to detect short reads.
1954  /// \brief Retrieve a 64-bit word
1955  /// \param value the 64-bit value to be retrieved
1956  /// \param order the ByteOrder of the value to be processed.
1957  /// \return the number of bytes consumed during the call.
1958  /// \details Use the return value of GetWord64() to detect short reads.
1959  /// \since Crypto++ 8.3
1962  /// \brief Peek a 16-bit word
1963  /// \param value the 16-bit value to be retrieved
1964  /// \param order the ByteOrder of the value to be processed.
1965  /// \return the number of bytes consumed during the call.
1966  /// \details Peek does not consume bytes in the stream. Use the return value
1967  /// of PeekWord16() to detect short reads.
1968  size_t PeekWord16(word16 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER) const;
1970  /// \brief Peek a 32-bit word
1971  /// \param value the 32-bit value to be retrieved
1972  /// \param order the ByteOrder of the value to be processed.
1973  /// \return the number of bytes consumed during the call.
1974  /// \details Peek does not consume bytes in the stream. Use the return value
1975  /// of PeekWord32() to detect short reads.
1976  size_t PeekWord32(word32 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER) const;
1978  /// \brief Peek a 64-bit word
1979  /// \param value the 64-bit value to be retrieved
1980  /// \param order the ByteOrder of the value to be processed.
1981  /// \return the number of bytes consumed during the call.
1982  /// \details Peek does not consume bytes in the stream. Use the return value
1983  /// of PeekWord64() to detect short reads.
1984  /// \since Crypto++ 8.3
1985  size_t PeekWord64(word64 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER) const;
1987  /// move transferMax bytes of the buffered output to target as input
1989  /// \brief Transfer bytes from this object to another BufferedTransformation
1990  /// \param target the destination BufferedTransformation
1991  /// \param transferMax the number of bytes to transfer
1992  /// \param channel the channel on which the transfer should occur
1993  /// \return the number of bytes transferred during the call.
1994  /// \details TransferTo removes bytes from this object and moves them to the destination.
1995  /// \details The function always returns transferMax. If an accurate count is needed, then use TransferTo2().
1996  lword TransferTo(BufferedTransformation &target, lword transferMax=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL)
1997  {TransferTo2(target, transferMax, channel); return transferMax;}
1999  /// \brief Discard skipMax bytes from the output buffer
2000  /// \param skipMax the number of bytes to discard
2001  /// \details Skip() discards bytes from the output buffer, which is the AttachedTransformation(), if present.
2002  /// The function always returns the parameter <tt>skipMax</tt>.
2003  /// \details If you want to skip bytes from a Source, then perform the following.
2004  /// <pre> StringSource ss(str, false, new Redirector(TheBitBucket()));
2005  /// ss.Pump(10); // Skip 10 bytes from Source
2006  /// ss.Detach(new FilterChain(...));
2007  /// ss.PumpAll();
2008  /// </pre>
2009  virtual lword Skip(lword skipMax=LWORD_MAX);
2011  /// \brief Copy bytes from this object to another BufferedTransformation
2012  /// \param target the destination BufferedTransformation
2013  /// \param copyMax the number of bytes to copy
2014  /// \param channel the channel on which the transfer should occur
2015  /// \return the number of bytes copied during the call.
2016  /// \details CopyTo copies bytes from this object to the destination. The bytes are not removed from this object.
2017  /// \details The function always returns copyMax. If an accurate count is needed, then use CopyRangeTo2().
2018  lword CopyTo(BufferedTransformation &target, lword copyMax=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const
2019  {return CopyRangeTo(target, 0, copyMax, channel);}
2021  /// \brief Copy bytes from this object using an index to another BufferedTransformation
2022  /// \param target the destination BufferedTransformation
2023  /// \param position the 0-based index of the byte stream to begin the copying
2024  /// \param copyMax the number of bytes to copy
2025  /// \param channel the channel on which the transfer should occur
2026  /// \return the number of bytes copied during the call.
2027  /// \details CopyTo copies bytes from this object to the destination. The bytes remain in this
2028  /// object. Copying begins at the index position in the current stream, and not from an absolute
2029  /// position in the stream.
2030  /// \details The function returns the new position in the stream after transferring the bytes starting at the index.
2031  lword CopyRangeTo(BufferedTransformation &target, lword position, lword copyMax=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const
2032  {lword i = position; CopyRangeTo2(target, i, i+copyMax, channel); return i-position;}
2033  //@}
2036  //@{
2038  /// \brief Provides the number of bytes ready for retrieval
2039  /// \return the number of bytes ready for retrieval
2040  virtual lword TotalBytesRetrievable() const;
2042  /// \brief Provides the number of meesages processed by this object
2043  /// \return the number of meesages processed by this object
2044  /// \details NumberOfMessages returns number of times MessageEnd() has been
2045  /// received minus messages retrieved or skipped
2046  virtual unsigned int NumberOfMessages() const;
2048  /// \brief Determines if any messages are available for retrieval
2049  /// \return true if <tt>NumberOfMessages() &gt; 0</tt>, false otherwise
2050  /// \details AnyMessages returns true if <tt>NumberOfMessages() &gt; 0</tt>
2051  virtual bool AnyMessages() const;
2053  /// \brief Start retrieving the next message
2054  /// \return true if a message is ready for retrieval
2055  /// \details GetNextMessage() returns true if a message is ready for retrieval; false
2056  /// if no more messages exist or this message is not completely retrieved.
2057  virtual bool GetNextMessage();
2059  /// \brief Skip a number of meessages
2060  /// \param count number of messages to skip
2061  /// \return 0 if the requested number of messages was skipped, non-0 otherwise
2062  /// \details SkipMessages() skips count number of messages. If there is an AttachedTransformation()
2063  /// then SkipMessages() is called on the attached transformation. If there is no attached
2064  /// transformation, then count number of messages are sent to TheBitBucket() using TransferMessagesTo().
2065  virtual unsigned int SkipMessages(unsigned int count=UINT_MAX);
2067  /// \brief Transfer messages from this object to another BufferedTransformation
2068  /// \param target the destination BufferedTransformation
2069  /// \param count the number of messages to transfer
2070  /// \param channel the channel on which the transfer should occur
2071  /// \return the number of bytes that remain in the current transfer block (i.e., bytes not transferred)
2072  /// \details TransferMessagesTo2() removes messages from this object and moves them to the destination.
2073  /// If all bytes are not transferred for a message, then processing stops and the number of remaining
2074  /// bytes is returned. TransferMessagesTo() does not proceed to the next message.
2075  /// \details A return value of 0 indicates all messages were successfully transferred.
2076  unsigned int TransferMessagesTo(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int count=UINT_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL)
2077  {TransferMessagesTo2(target, count, channel); return count;}
2079  /// \brief Copy messages from this object to another BufferedTransformation
2080  /// \param target the destination BufferedTransformation
2081  /// \param count the number of messages to copy
2082  /// \param channel the channel on which the copy should occur
2083  /// \return the number of bytes that remain in the current transfer block (i.e., bytes not transferred)
2084  /// \details CopyMessagesTo copies messages from this object to the destination.
2085  /// If all bytes are not transferred for a message, then processing stops and the number of remaining
2086  /// bytes is returned. CopyMessagesTo() does not proceed to the next message.
2087  /// \details A return value of 0 indicates all messages were successfully copied.
2088  unsigned int CopyMessagesTo(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int count=UINT_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const;
2090  /// \brief Skip all messages in the series
2091  virtual void SkipAll();
2093  /// \brief Transfer all bytes from this object to another BufferedTransformation
2094  /// \param target the destination BufferedTransformation
2095  /// \param channel the channel on which the transfer should occur
2096  /// \details TransferMessagesTo2() removes messages from this object and moves them to the destination.
2097  /// Internally TransferAllTo() calls TransferAllTo2().
2098  void TransferAllTo(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL)
2099  {TransferAllTo2(target, channel);}
2101  /// \brief Copy messages from this object to another BufferedTransformation
2102  /// \param target the destination BufferedTransformation
2103  /// \param channel the channel on which the transfer should occur
2104  /// \details CopyAllTo copies messages from this object and copies them to the destination.
2105  void CopyAllTo(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const;
2107  /// \brief Retrieve the next message in a series
2108  /// \return true if a message was retrieved, false otherwise
2109  /// \details Internally, the base class implementation returns false.
2110  virtual bool GetNextMessageSeries() {return false;}
2111  /// \brief Provides the number of messages in a series
2112  /// \return the number of messages in this series
2113  virtual unsigned int NumberOfMessagesInThisSeries() const {return NumberOfMessages();}
2114  /// \brief Provides the number of messages in a series
2115  /// \return the number of messages in this series
2116  virtual unsigned int NumberOfMessageSeries() const {return 0;}
2117  //@}
2120  //@{
2122  // upon return, byteCount contains number of bytes that have finished being transferred,
2123  // and returns the number of bytes left in the current transfer block
2125  /// \brief Transfer bytes from this object to another BufferedTransformation
2126  /// \param target the destination BufferedTransformation
2127  /// \param byteCount the number of bytes to transfer
2128  /// \param channel the channel on which the transfer should occur
2129  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
2130  /// \return the number of bytes that remain in the transfer block (i.e., bytes not transferred)
2131  /// \details TransferTo2() removes bytes from this object and moves them to the destination.
2132  /// Transfer begins at the index position in the current stream, and not from an absolute
2133  /// position in the stream.
2134  /// \details byteCount is an \a IN and \a OUT parameter. When the call is made,
2135  /// byteCount is the requested size of the transfer. When the call returns, byteCount is
2136  /// the number of bytes that were transferred.
2137  virtual size_t TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &byteCount, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) =0;
2139  // upon return, begin contains the start position of data yet to be finished copying,
2140  // and returns the number of bytes left in the current transfer block
2142  /// \brief Copy bytes from this object to another BufferedTransformation
2143  /// \param target the destination BufferedTransformation
2144  /// \param begin the 0-based index of the first byte to copy in the stream
2145  /// \param end the 0-based index of the last byte to copy in the stream
2146  /// \param channel the channel on which the transfer should occur
2147  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
2148  /// \return the number of bytes that remain in the copy block (i.e., bytes not copied)
2149  /// \details CopyRangeTo2 copies bytes from this object to the destination. The bytes are not
2150  /// removed from this object. Copying begins at the index position in the current stream, and
2151  /// not from an absolute position in the stream.
2152  /// \details begin is an \a IN and \a OUT parameter. When the call is made, begin is the
2153  /// starting position of the copy. When the call returns, begin is the position of the first
2154  /// byte that was \a not copied (which may be different than end). begin can be used for
2155  /// subsequent calls to CopyRangeTo2().
2156  virtual size_t CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) const =0;
2158  // upon return, messageCount contains number of messages that have finished being transferred,
2159  // and returns the number of bytes left in the current transfer block
2161  /// \brief Transfer messages from this object to another BufferedTransformation
2162  /// \param target the destination BufferedTransformation
2163  /// \param messageCount the number of messages to transfer
2164  /// \param channel the channel on which the transfer should occur
2165  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
2166  /// \return the number of bytes that remain in the current transfer block (i.e., bytes not transferred)
2167  /// \details TransferMessagesTo2() removes messages from this object and moves them to the destination.
2168  /// \details messageCount is an \a IN and \a OUT parameter. When the call is made, messageCount is the
2169  /// the number of messages requested to be transferred. When the call returns, messageCount is the
2170  /// number of messages actually transferred.
2171  size_t TransferMessagesTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int &messageCount, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true);
2173  // returns the number of bytes left in the current transfer block
2175  /// \brief Transfer all bytes from this object to another BufferedTransformation
2176  /// \param target the destination BufferedTransformation
2177  /// \param channel the channel on which the transfer should occur
2178  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
2179  /// \return the number of bytes that remain in the current transfer block (i.e., bytes not transferred)
2180  /// \details TransferMessagesTo2() removes messages from this object and moves them to the destination.
2181  size_t TransferAllTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true);
2182  //@}
2184  /// \name CHANNELS
2185  //@{
2186  /// \brief Exception thrown when a filter does not support named channels
2188  {NoChannelSupport(const std::string &name) : NotImplemented(name + ": this object doesn't support multiple channels") {}};
2189  /// \brief Exception thrown when a filter does not recognize a named channel
2191  {InvalidChannelName(const std::string &name, const std::string &channel) : InvalidArgument(name + ": unexpected channel name \"" + channel + "\"") {}};
2193  /// \brief Input a byte for processing on a channel
2194  /// \param channel the channel to process the data.
2195  /// \param inByte the 8-bit byte (octet) to be processed.
2196  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input.
2197  /// \return 0 indicates all bytes were processed during the call. Non-0 indicates the
2198  /// number of bytes that were not processed.
2199  size_t ChannelPut(const std::string &channel, byte inByte, bool blocking=true)
2200  {return ChannelPut(channel, &inByte, 1, blocking);}
2202  /// \brief Input a byte buffer for processing on a channel
2203  /// \param channel the channel to process the data
2204  /// \param inString the byte buffer to process
2205  /// \param length the size of the string, in bytes
2206  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
2207  /// \return 0 indicates all bytes were processed during the call. Non-0 indicates the
2208  /// number of bytes that were not processed.
2209  size_t ChannelPut(const std::string &channel, const byte *inString, size_t length, bool blocking=true)
2210  {return ChannelPut2(channel, inString, length, 0, blocking);}
2212  /// \brief Input multiple bytes that may be modified by callee on a channel
2213  /// \param channel the channel to process the data.
2214  /// \param inString the byte buffer to process
2215  /// \param length the size of the string, in bytes
2216  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
2217  /// \return 0 indicates all bytes were processed during the call. Non-0 indicates the
2218  /// number of bytes that were not processed.
2219  size_t ChannelPutModifiable(const std::string &channel, byte *inString, size_t length, bool blocking=true)
2220  {return ChannelPutModifiable2(channel, inString, length, 0, blocking);}
2222  /// \brief Input a 16-bit word for processing on a channel.
2223  /// \param channel the channel to process the data.
2224  /// \param value the 16-bit value to be processed.
2225  /// \param order the ByteOrder of the value to be processed.
2226  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input.
2227  /// \return 0 indicates all bytes were processed during the call. Non-0 indicates the
2228  /// number of bytes that were not processed.
2229  size_t ChannelPutWord16(const std::string &channel, word16 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true);
2231  /// \brief Input a 32-bit word for processing on a channel.
2232  /// \param channel the channel to process the data.
2233  /// \param value the 32-bit value to be processed.
2234  /// \param order the ByteOrder of the value to be processed.
2235  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input.
2236  /// \return 0 indicates all bytes were processed during the call. Non-0 indicates the
2237  /// number of bytes that were not processed.
2238  size_t ChannelPutWord32(const std::string &channel, word32 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true);
2240  /// \brief Input a 64-bit word for processing on a channel.
2241  /// \param channel the channel to process the data.
2242  /// \param value the 64-bit value to be processed.
2243  /// \param order the ByteOrder of the value to be processed.
2244  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input.
2245  /// \return 0 indicates all bytes were processed during the call. Non-0 indicates the
2246  /// number of bytes that were not processed.
2247  size_t ChannelPutWord64(const std::string &channel, word64 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true);
2249  /// \brief Signal the end of a message
2250  /// \param channel the channel to process the data.
2251  /// \param propagation the number of attached transformations the ChannelMessageEnd() signal should be passed
2252  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
2253  /// \return 0 indicates all bytes were processed during the call. Non-0 indicates the
2254  /// number of bytes that were not processed.
2255  /// \details propagation count includes this object. Setting propagation to <tt>1</tt> means this
2256  /// object only. Setting propagation to <tt>-1</tt> means unlimited propagation.
2257  bool ChannelMessageEnd(const std::string &channel, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
2258  {return !!ChannelPut2(channel, NULLPTR, 0, propagation < 0 ? -1 : propagation+1, blocking);}
2260  /// \brief Input multiple bytes for processing and signal the end of a message
2261  /// \param channel the channel to process the data.
2262  /// \param inString the byte buffer to process
2263  /// \param length the size of the string, in bytes
2264  /// \param propagation the number of attached transformations the ChannelPutMessageEnd() signal should be passed
2265  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
2266  /// \return the number of bytes that remain to be processed (i.e., bytes not processed)
2267  /// \details propagation count includes this object. Setting propagation to <tt>1</tt> means this
2268  /// object only. Setting propagation to <tt>-1</tt> means unlimited propagation.
2269  size_t ChannelPutMessageEnd(const std::string &channel, const byte *inString, size_t length, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
2270  {return ChannelPut2(channel, inString, length, propagation < 0 ? -1 : propagation+1, blocking);}
2272  /// \brief Request space which can be written into by the caller
2273  /// \param channel the channel to process the data
2274  /// \param size the requested size of the buffer
2275  /// \return a pointer to a memory block with length size
2276  /// \details The purpose of this method is to help avoid extra memory allocations.
2277  /// \details size is an \a IN and \a OUT parameter and used as a hint. When the call is made,
2278  /// size is the requested size of the buffer. When the call returns, size is the size of
2279  /// the array returned to the caller.
2280  /// \details The base class implementation sets size to 0 and returns NULL.
2281  /// \note Some objects, like ArraySink(), cannot create a space because its fixed. In the case of
2282  /// an ArraySink(), the pointer to the array is returned and the size is remaining size.
2283  virtual byte * ChannelCreatePutSpace(const std::string &channel, size_t &size);
2285  /// \brief Input multiple bytes for processing on a channel.
2286  /// \param channel the channel to process the data.
2287  /// \param inString the byte buffer to process.
2288  /// \param length the size of the string, in bytes.
2289  /// \param messageEnd means how many filters to signal MessageEnd() to, including this one.
2290  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input.
2291  /// \return the number of bytes that remain to be processed (i.e., bytes not processed)
2292  virtual size_t ChannelPut2(const std::string &channel, const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
2294  /// \brief Input multiple bytes that may be modified by callee on a channel
2295  /// \param channel the channel to process the data
2296  /// \param inString the byte buffer to process
2297  /// \param length the size of the string, in bytes
2298  /// \param messageEnd means how many filters to signal MessageEnd() to, including this one
2299  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
2300  /// \return the number of bytes that remain to be processed (i.e., bytes not processed)
2301  virtual size_t ChannelPutModifiable2(const std::string &channel, byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
2303  /// \brief Flush buffered input and/or output on a channel
2304  /// \param channel the channel to flush the data
2305  /// \param hardFlush is used to indicate whether all data should be flushed
2306  /// \param propagation the number of attached transformations the ChannelFlush() signal should be passed
2307  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
2308  /// \return true of the Flush was successful
2309  /// \details propagation count includes this object. Setting propagation to <tt>1</tt> means this
2310  /// object only. Setting propagation to <tt>-1</tt> means unlimited propagation.
2311  virtual bool ChannelFlush(const std::string &channel, bool hardFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true);
2313  /// \brief Marks the end of a series of messages on a channel
2314  /// \param channel the channel to signal the end of a series of messages
2315  /// \param propagation the number of attached transformations the ChannelMessageSeriesEnd() signal should be passed
2316  /// \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
2317  /// \return true if the message was successful, false otherwise
2318  /// \details Each object that receives the signal will perform its processing, decrement
2319  /// propagation, and then pass the signal on to attached transformations if the value is not 0.
2320  /// \details propagation count includes this object. Setting propagation to <tt>1</tt> means this
2321  /// object only. Setting propagation to <tt>-1</tt> means unlimited propagation.
2322  /// \note There should be a MessageEnd() immediately before MessageSeriesEnd().
2323  virtual bool ChannelMessageSeriesEnd(const std::string &channel, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true);
2325  /// \brief Sets the default retrieval channel
2326  /// \param channel the channel to signal the end of a series of messages
2327  /// \note this function may not be implemented in all objects that should support it.
2328  virtual void SetRetrievalChannel(const std::string &channel);
2329  //@}
2331  /// \name ATTACHMENT
2332  /// \details Some BufferedTransformation objects (e.g. Filter objects) allow other BufferedTransformation objects to be
2333  /// attached. When this is done, the first object instead of buffering its output, sends that output to the attached
2334  /// object as input. The entire attachment chain is deleted when the anchor object is destructed.
2336  //@{
2337  /// \brief Determines whether the object allows attachment
2338  /// \return true if the object allows an attachment, false otherwise
2339  /// \details Sources and Filters will returns true, while Sinks and other objects will return false.
2340  virtual bool Attachable() {return false;}
2342  /// \brief Returns the object immediately attached to this object
2343  /// \return the attached transformation
2344  /// \details AttachedTransformation() returns NULL if there is no attachment. The non-const
2345  /// version of AttachedTransformation() always returns NULL.
2346  virtual BufferedTransformation *AttachedTransformation() {CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(!Attachable()); return NULLPTR;}
2348  /// \brief Returns the object immediately attached to this object
2349  /// \return the attached transformation
2350  /// \details AttachedTransformation() returns NULL if there is no attachment. The non-const
2351  /// version of AttachedTransformation() always returns NULL.
2353  {return const_cast<BufferedTransformation *>(this)->AttachedTransformation();}
2355  /// \brief Delete the current attachment chain and attach a new one
2356  /// \param newAttachment the new BufferedTransformation to attach
2357  /// \throw NotImplemented
2358  /// \details Detach() deletes the current attachment chain and replace it with an optional newAttachment
2359  /// \details If a derived class does not override Detach(), then the base class throws
2360  /// NotImplemented.
2361  virtual void Detach(BufferedTransformation *newAttachment = NULLPTR) {
2362  CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(newAttachment); CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(!Attachable());
2363  throw NotImplemented("BufferedTransformation: this object is not attachable");
2364  }
2366  /// \brief Add newAttachment to the end of attachment chain
2367  /// \param newAttachment the attachment to add to the end of the chain
2368  virtual void Attach(BufferedTransformation *newAttachment);
2369  //@}
2371 protected:
2372  /// \brief Decrements the propagation count while clamping at 0
2373  /// \return the decremented propagation or 0
2374  static int DecrementPropagation(int propagation)
2375  {return propagation != 0 ? propagation - 1 : 0;}
2377 private:
2378  // for ChannelPutWord16, ChannelPutWord32 and ChannelPutWord64,
2379  // to ensure the buffer isn't deallocated before non-blocking
2380  // operation completes
2381  byte m_buf[8];
2382 };
2384 /// \brief An input discarding BufferedTransformation
2385 /// \return a reference to a BufferedTransformation object that discards all input
2388 /// \brief Interface for crypto material
2389 /// \details CryptoMaterial() is an interface for crypto material, such as
2390 /// public keys, private keys and crypto parameters. Derived classes generally
2391 /// do not offer public methods such as GenerateRandom() and
2392 /// GenerateRandomWithKeySize().
2393 /// \sa GeneratableCryptoMaterial()
2394 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE CryptoMaterial : public NameValuePairs
2395 {
2396 public:
2397  /// Exception thrown when invalid crypto material is detected
2398  class CRYPTOPP_DLL InvalidMaterial : public InvalidDataFormat
2399  {
2400  public:
2401  explicit InvalidMaterial(const std::string &s) : InvalidDataFormat(s) {}
2402  };
2404  virtual ~CryptoMaterial() {}
2406  /// \brief Assign values to this object
2407  /// \details This function can be used to create a public key from a private key.
2408  virtual void AssignFrom(const NameValuePairs &source) =0;
2410  /// \brief Check this object for errors
2411  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator for objects which use randomized testing
2412  /// \param level the level of thoroughness
2413  /// \return true if the tests succeed, false otherwise
2414  /// \details There are four levels of thoroughness:
2415  /// <ul>
2416  /// <li>0 - using this object won't cause a crash or exception
2417  /// <li>1 - this object will probably function, and encrypt, sign, other operations correctly
2418  /// <li>2 - ensure this object will function correctly, and perform reasonable security checks
2419  /// <li>3 - perform reasonable security checks, and do checks that may take a long time
2420  /// </ul>
2421  /// \details Level 0 does not require a RandomNumberGenerator. A NullRNG() can be used for level 0.
2422  /// Level 1 may not check for weak keys and such. Levels 2 and 3 are recommended.
2423  /// \sa ThrowIfInvalid()
2424  virtual bool Validate(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int level) const =0;
2426  /// \brief Check this object for errors
2427  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator for objects which use randomized testing
2428  /// \param level the level of thoroughness
2429  /// \throw InvalidMaterial
2430  /// \details Internally, ThrowIfInvalid() calls Validate() and throws InvalidMaterial() if validation fails.
2431  /// \sa Validate()
2432  virtual void ThrowIfInvalid(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int level) const
2433  {if (!Validate(rng, level)) throw InvalidMaterial("CryptoMaterial: this object contains invalid values");}
2435  /// \brief Saves a key to a BufferedTransformation
2436  /// \param bt the destination BufferedTransformation
2437  /// \throw NotImplemented
2438  /// \details Save() writes the material to a BufferedTransformation.
2439  /// \details If the material is a key, then the key is written with ASN.1 DER encoding. The key
2440  /// includes an object identifier with an algorithm id, like a subjectPublicKeyInfo.
2441  /// \details A "raw" key without the "key info" can be saved using a key's DEREncode() method.
2442  /// \details If a derived class does not override Save(), then the base class throws
2443  /// NotImplemented().
2444  virtual void Save(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
2445  {CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(bt); throw NotImplemented("CryptoMaterial: this object does not support saving");}
2447  /// \brief Loads a key from a BufferedTransformation
2448  /// \param bt the source BufferedTransformation
2449  /// \throw KeyingErr
2450  /// \details Load() attempts to read material from a BufferedTransformation. If the
2451  /// material is a key that was generated outside the library, then the following
2452  /// usually applies:
2453  /// <ul>
2454  /// <li>the key should be ASN.1 BER encoded
2455  /// <li>the key should be a "key info"
2456  /// </ul>
2457  /// \details "key info" means the key should have an object identifier with an algorithm id,
2458  /// like a subjectPublicKeyInfo.
2459  /// \details To read a "raw" key without the "key info", then call the key's BERDecode() method.
2460  /// \note Load() generally does not check that the key is valid. Call Validate(), if needed.
2461  virtual void Load(BufferedTransformation &bt)
2462  {CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(bt); throw NotImplemented("CryptoMaterial: this object does not support loading");}
2464  /// \brief Determines whether the object supports precomputation
2465  /// \return true if the object supports precomputation, false otherwise
2466  /// \sa Precompute()
2467  virtual bool SupportsPrecomputation() const {return false;}
2469  /// \brief Perform precomputation
2470  /// \param precomputationStorage the suggested number of objects for the precompute table
2471  /// \throw NotImplemented
2472  /// \details The exact semantics of Precompute() varies, but it typically means calculate
2473  /// a table of n objects that can be used later to speed up computation.
2474  /// \details If a derived class does not override Precompute(), then the base class throws
2475  /// NotImplemented.
2476  /// \sa SupportsPrecomputation(), LoadPrecomputation(), SavePrecomputation()
2477  virtual void Precompute(unsigned int precomputationStorage) {
2478  CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(precomputationStorage); CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(!SupportsPrecomputation());
2479  throw NotImplemented("CryptoMaterial: this object does not support precomputation");
2480  }
2482  /// \brief Retrieve previously saved precomputation
2483  /// \param storedPrecomputation BufferedTransformation with the saved precomputation
2484  /// \throw NotImplemented
2485  /// \sa SupportsPrecomputation(), Precompute()
2486  virtual void LoadPrecomputation(BufferedTransformation &storedPrecomputation)
2487  {CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(storedPrecomputation); CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(!SupportsPrecomputation()); throw NotImplemented("CryptoMaterial: this object does not support precomputation");}
2489  /// \brief Save precomputation for later use
2490  /// \param storedPrecomputation BufferedTransformation to write the precomputation
2491  /// \throw NotImplemented
2492  /// \sa SupportsPrecomputation(), Precompute()
2493  virtual void SavePrecomputation(BufferedTransformation &storedPrecomputation) const
2494  {CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(storedPrecomputation); CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(!SupportsPrecomputation()); throw NotImplemented("CryptoMaterial: this object does not support precomputation");}
2496  /// \brief Perform a quick sanity check
2497  /// \details DoQuickSanityCheck() is for internal library use, and it should not be called by library users.
2498  void DoQuickSanityCheck() const {ThrowIfInvalid(NullRNG(), 0);}
2500 #if defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
2501  // Sun Studio 11/CC 5.8 workaround: it generates incorrect code
2502  // when casting to an empty virtual base class. JW, 2018: It is
2503  // still a problem in Sun Studio 12.6/CC 5.15 on i386. Just enable
2504  // it everywhere in case it affects SPARC (which we don't test).
2505  char m_sunCCworkaround;
2506 #endif
2507 };
2509 /// \brief Interface for crypto material
2510 /// \details GeneratableCryptoMaterial() is an interface for crypto material,
2511 /// such as private keys and crypto parameters. Derived classes offer public
2512 /// methods such as GenerateRandom() and GenerateRandomWithKeySize().
2513 /// \sa CryptoMaterial()
2514 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE GeneratableCryptoMaterial : virtual public CryptoMaterial
2515 {
2516 public:
2517  virtual ~GeneratableCryptoMaterial() {}
2519  /// \brief Generate a random key or crypto parameters
2520  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator to produce keying material
2521  /// \param params additional initialization parameters
2522  /// \throw KeyingErr if a key can't be generated or algorithm parameters are invalid
2523  /// \details If a derived class does not override GenerateRandom(), then the base class throws
2524  /// NotImplemented.
2527  throw NotImplemented("GeneratableCryptoMaterial: this object does not support key/parameter generation");
2528  }
2530  /// \brief Generate a random key or crypto parameters
2531  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator to produce keying material
2532  /// \param keySize the size of the key, in bits
2533  /// \throw KeyingErr if a key can't be generated or algorithm parameters are invalid
2534  /// \details GenerateRandomWithKeySize calls GenerateRandom() with a NameValuePairs
2535  /// object with only "KeySize"
2536  void GenerateRandomWithKeySize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int keySize);
2537 };
2539 /// \brief Interface for public keys
2540 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PublicKey : virtual public CryptoMaterial
2541 {
2542 };
2544 /// \brief Interface for private keys
2545 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PrivateKey : public GeneratableCryptoMaterial
2546 {
2547 };
2549 /// \brief Interface for crypto parameters
2550 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE CryptoParameters : public GeneratableCryptoMaterial
2551 {
2552 };
2554 /// \brief Interface for certificates
2555 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE Certificate : virtual public CryptoMaterial
2556 {
2557 };
2559 /// \brief Interface for asymmetric algorithms
2560 /// \details BERDecode() and DEREncode() were removed under Issue 569
2561 /// and Commit 9b174e84de7a. Programs should use <tt>AccessMaterial().Load(bt)</tt>
2562 /// or <tt>GetMaterial().Save(bt)</tt> instead.
2563 /// \sa <A HREF="">Issue 569</A>
2564 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE AsymmetricAlgorithm : public Algorithm
2565 {
2566 public:
2567  virtual ~AsymmetricAlgorithm() {}
2569  /// \brief Retrieves a reference to CryptoMaterial
2570  /// \return a reference to the crypto material
2573  /// \brief Retrieves a reference to CryptoMaterial
2574  /// \return a const reference to the crypto material
2575  virtual const CryptoMaterial & GetMaterial() const =0;
2577 #if 0
2578  /// \brief Loads this object from a BufferedTransformation
2579  /// \param bt a BufferedTransformation object
2580  /// \details Use of BERDecode() changed to Load() at Issue 569.
2581  /// \deprecated for backwards compatibility, calls <tt>AccessMaterial().Load(bt)</tt>
2582  void BERDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt)
2583  {AccessMaterial().Load(bt);}
2585  /// \brief Saves this object to a BufferedTransformation
2586  /// \param bt a BufferedTransformation object
2587  /// \details Use of DEREncode() changed to Save() at Issue 569.
2588  /// \deprecated for backwards compatibility, calls GetMaterial().Save(bt)
2589  void DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
2590  {GetMaterial().Save(bt);}
2591 #endif
2592 };
2594 /// \brief Interface for asymmetric algorithms using public keys
2595 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PublicKeyAlgorithm : public AsymmetricAlgorithm
2596 {
2597 public:
2598  virtual ~PublicKeyAlgorithm() {}
2600  // VC60 workaround: no co-variant return type
2602  /// \brief Retrieves a reference to a Public Key
2603  /// \return a reference to the public key
2605  {return AccessPublicKey();}
2606  /// \brief Retrieves a reference to a Public Key
2607  /// \return a const reference the public key
2608  const CryptoMaterial & GetMaterial() const
2609  {return GetPublicKey();}
2611  /// \brief Retrieves a reference to a Public Key
2612  /// \return a reference to the public key
2613  virtual PublicKey & AccessPublicKey() =0;
2614  /// \brief Retrieves a reference to a Public Key
2615  /// \return a const reference the public key
2616  virtual const PublicKey & GetPublicKey() const
2617  {return const_cast<PublicKeyAlgorithm *>(this)->AccessPublicKey();}
2618 };
2620 /// \brief Interface for asymmetric algorithms using private keys
2621 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PrivateKeyAlgorithm : public AsymmetricAlgorithm
2622 {
2623 public:
2624  virtual ~PrivateKeyAlgorithm() {}
2626  /// \brief Retrieves a reference to a Private Key
2627  /// \return a reference the private key
2628  CryptoMaterial & AccessMaterial() {return AccessPrivateKey();}
2629  /// \brief Retrieves a reference to a Private Key
2630  /// \return a const reference the private key
2631  const CryptoMaterial & GetMaterial() const {return GetPrivateKey();}
2633  /// \brief Retrieves a reference to a Private Key
2634  /// \return a reference the private key
2636  /// \brief Retrieves a reference to a Private Key
2637  /// \return a const reference the private key
2638  virtual const PrivateKey & GetPrivateKey() const {return const_cast<PrivateKeyAlgorithm *>(this)->AccessPrivateKey();}
2639 };
2641 /// \brief Interface for key agreement algorithms
2642 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE KeyAgreementAlgorithm : public AsymmetricAlgorithm
2643 {
2644 public:
2645  virtual ~KeyAgreementAlgorithm() {}
2647  /// \brief Retrieves a reference to Crypto Parameters
2648  /// \return a reference the crypto parameters
2649  CryptoMaterial & AccessMaterial() {return AccessCryptoParameters();}
2650  /// \brief Retrieves a reference to Crypto Parameters
2651  /// \return a const reference the crypto parameters
2652  const CryptoMaterial & GetMaterial() const {return GetCryptoParameters();}
2654  /// \brief Retrieves a reference to Crypto Parameters
2655  /// \return a reference the crypto parameters
2657  /// \brief Retrieves a reference to Crypto Parameters
2658  /// \return a const reference the crypto parameters
2659  virtual const CryptoParameters & GetCryptoParameters() const {return const_cast<KeyAgreementAlgorithm *>(this)->AccessCryptoParameters();}
2660 };
2662 /// \brief Interface for public-key encryptors and decryptors
2663 /// \details This class provides an interface common to encryptors and decryptors
2664 /// for querying their plaintext and ciphertext lengths.
2666 {
2667 public:
2668  virtual ~PK_CryptoSystem() {}
2670  /// \brief Provides the maximum length of plaintext for a given ciphertext length
2671  /// \return the maximum size of the plaintext, in bytes
2672  /// \details This function returns 0 if ciphertextLength is not valid (too long or too short).
2673  virtual size_t MaxPlaintextLength(size_t ciphertextLength) const =0;
2675  /// \brief Calculate the length of ciphertext given length of plaintext
2676  /// \return the maximum size of the ciphertext, in bytes
2677  /// \details This function returns 0 if plaintextLength is not valid (too long).
2678  virtual size_t CiphertextLength(size_t plaintextLength) const =0;
2680  /// \brief Determines whether this object supports the use of a named parameter
2681  /// \param name the name of the parameter
2682  /// \return true if the parameter name is supported, false otherwise
2683  /// \details Some possible parameter names: EncodingParameters(), KeyDerivationParameters()
2684  /// and others Parameters listed in argnames.h
2685  virtual bool ParameterSupported(const char *name) const =0;
2687  /// \brief Provides the fixed ciphertext length, if one exists
2688  /// \return the fixed ciphertext length if one exists, otherwise 0
2689  /// \details "Fixed" here means length of ciphertext does not depend on length of plaintext.
2690  /// In this case, it usually does depend on the key length.
2691  virtual size_t FixedCiphertextLength() const {return 0;}
2693  /// \brief Provides the maximum plaintext length given a fixed ciphertext length
2694  /// \return maximum plaintext length given the fixed ciphertext length, if one exists,
2695  /// otherwise return 0.
2696  /// \details FixedMaxPlaintextLength(0 returns the maximum plaintext length given the fixed ciphertext
2697  /// length, if one exists, otherwise return 0.
2698  virtual size_t FixedMaxPlaintextLength() const {return 0;}
2699 };
2701 /// \brief Interface for public-key encryptors
2702 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_Encryptor : public PK_CryptoSystem, public PublicKeyAlgorithm
2703 {
2704 public:
2705  /// \brief Exception thrown when trying to encrypt plaintext of invalid length
2706  class CRYPTOPP_DLL InvalidPlaintextLength : public Exception
2707  {
2708  public:
2709  InvalidPlaintextLength() : Exception(OTHER_ERROR, "PK_Encryptor: invalid plaintext length") {}
2710  };
2712  /// \brief Encrypt a byte string
2713  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
2714  /// \param plaintext the plaintext byte buffer
2715  /// \param plaintextLength the size of the plaintext byte buffer
2716  /// \param ciphertext a byte buffer to hold the encrypted string
2717  /// \param parameters a set of NameValuePairs to initialize this object
2718  /// \pre <tt>CiphertextLength(plaintextLength) != 0</tt> ensures the plaintext isn't too large
2719  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(ciphertext) == CiphertextLength(plaintextLength)</tt> ensures the output
2720  /// byte buffer is large enough.
2721  /// \sa PK_Decryptor
2722  virtual void Encrypt(RandomNumberGenerator &rng,
2723  const byte *plaintext, size_t plaintextLength,
2724  byte *ciphertext, const NameValuePairs &parameters = g_nullNameValuePairs) const =0;
2726  /// \brief Create a new encryption filter
2727  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
2728  /// \param attachment an attached transformation
2729  /// \param parameters a set of NameValuePairs to initialize this object
2730  /// \details \p attachment can be \p NULL. The caller is responsible for deleting the returned pointer.
2731  /// Encoding parameters should be passed in the "EP" channel.
2733  BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULLPTR, const NameValuePairs &parameters = g_nullNameValuePairs) const;
2734 };
2736 /// \brief Interface for public-key decryptors
2737 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_Decryptor : public PK_CryptoSystem, public PrivateKeyAlgorithm
2738 {
2739 public:
2740  virtual ~PK_Decryptor() {}
2742  /// \brief Decrypt a byte string
2743  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
2744  /// \param ciphertext the encrypted byte buffer
2745  /// \param ciphertextLength the size of the encrypted byte buffer
2746  /// \param plaintext a byte buffer to hold the decrypted string
2747  /// \param parameters a set of NameValuePairs to initialize this object
2748  /// \return the result of the decryption operation
2749  /// \details If DecodingResult::isValidCoding is true, then DecodingResult::messageLength
2750  /// is valid and holds the actual length of the plaintext recovered. The result is undefined
2751  /// if decryption failed. If DecodingResult::isValidCoding is false, then DecodingResult::messageLength
2752  /// is undefined.
2753  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(plaintext) == MaxPlaintextLength(ciphertextLength)</tt> ensures the output
2754  /// byte buffer is large enough
2755  /// \sa PK_Encryptor
2757  const byte *ciphertext, size_t ciphertextLength,
2758  byte *plaintext, const NameValuePairs &parameters = g_nullNameValuePairs) const =0;
2760  /// \brief Create a new decryption filter
2761  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
2762  /// \param attachment an attached transformation
2763  /// \param parameters a set of NameValuePairs to initialize this object
2764  /// \return the newly created decryption filter
2765  /// \note the caller is responsible for deleting the returned pointer
2767  BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULLPTR, const NameValuePairs &parameters = g_nullNameValuePairs) const;
2769  /// \brief Decrypt a fixed size ciphertext
2770  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
2771  /// \param ciphertext the encrypted byte buffer
2772  /// \param plaintext a byte buffer to hold the decrypted string
2773  /// \param parameters a set of NameValuePairs to initialize this object
2774  /// \return the result of the decryption operation
2775  /// \details If DecodingResult::isValidCoding is true, then DecodingResult::messageLength
2776  /// is valid and holds the actual length of the plaintext recovered. The result is undefined
2777  /// if decryption failed. If DecodingResult::isValidCoding is false, then DecodingResult::messageLength
2778  /// is undefined.
2779  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(plaintext) == MaxPlaintextLength(ciphertextLength)</tt> ensures the output
2780  /// byte buffer is large enough
2781  /// \sa PK_Encryptor
2782  DecodingResult FixedLengthDecrypt(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *ciphertext, byte *plaintext, const NameValuePairs &parameters = g_nullNameValuePairs) const
2783  {return Decrypt(rng, ciphertext, FixedCiphertextLength(), plaintext, parameters);}
2784 };
2786 /// \brief Interface for public-key signers and verifiers
2787 /// \details This class provides an interface common to signers and verifiers for querying scheme properties
2788 /// \sa DL_SignatureSchemeBase, TF_SignatureSchemeBase, DL_SignerBase, TF_SignerBase
2790 {
2791 public:
2792  /// \brief Exception throw when the private or public key has a length that can't be used
2793  /// \details InvalidKeyLength() may be thrown by any function in this class if the private
2794  /// or public key has a length that can't be used
2795  class CRYPTOPP_DLL InvalidKeyLength : public Exception
2796  {
2797  public:
2798  InvalidKeyLength(const std::string &message) : Exception(OTHER_ERROR, message) {}
2799  };
2801  /// \brief Exception throw when the private or public key is too short to sign or verify
2802  /// \details KeyTooShort() may be thrown by any function in this class if the private or public
2803  /// key is too short to sign or verify anything
2804  class CRYPTOPP_DLL KeyTooShort : public InvalidKeyLength
2805  {
2806  public:
2807  KeyTooShort() : InvalidKeyLength("PK_Signer: key too short for this signature scheme") {}
2808  };
2810  virtual ~PK_SignatureScheme() {}
2812  /// \brief Provides the signature length if it only depends on the key
2813  /// \return the signature length if it only depends on the key, in bytes
2814  /// \details SignatureLength() returns the signature length if it only depends on the key, otherwise 0.
2815  virtual size_t SignatureLength() const =0;
2817  /// \brief Provides the maximum signature length produced given the length of the recoverable message part
2818  /// \param recoverablePartLength the length of the recoverable message part, in bytes
2819  /// \return the maximum signature length produced for a given length of recoverable message part, in bytes
2820  /// \details MaxSignatureLength() returns the maximum signature length produced given the length of the
2821  /// recoverable message part.
2822  virtual size_t MaxSignatureLength(size_t recoverablePartLength = 0) const
2823  {CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(recoverablePartLength); return SignatureLength();}
2825  /// \brief Provides the length of longest message that can be recovered
2826  /// \return the length of longest message that can be recovered, in bytes
2827  /// \details MaxRecoverableLength() returns the length of longest message that can be recovered, or 0 if
2828  /// this signature scheme does not support message recovery.
2829  virtual size_t MaxRecoverableLength() const =0;
2831  /// \brief Provides the length of longest message that can be recovered from a signature of given length
2832  /// \param signatureLength the length of the signature, in bytes
2833  /// \return the length of longest message that can be recovered from a signature of given length, in bytes
2834  /// \details MaxRecoverableLengthFromSignatureLength() returns the length of longest message that can be
2835  /// recovered from a signature of given length, or 0 if this signature scheme does not support message
2836  /// recovery.
2837  virtual size_t MaxRecoverableLengthFromSignatureLength(size_t signatureLength) const =0;
2839  /// \brief Determines whether a signature scheme requires a random number generator
2840  /// \return true if the signature scheme requires a RandomNumberGenerator() to sign
2841  /// \details if IsProbabilistic() returns false, then NullRNG() can be passed to functions that take
2842  /// RandomNumberGenerator().
2843  virtual bool IsProbabilistic() const =0;
2845  /// \brief Determines whether the non-recoverable message part can be signed
2846  /// \return true if the non-recoverable message part can be signed
2847  virtual bool AllowNonrecoverablePart() const =0;
2849  /// \brief Determines whether the signature must be input before the message
2850  /// \return true if the signature must be input before the message during verifcation
2851  /// \details if SignatureUpfront() returns true, then you must input the signature before the message
2852  /// during verification. Otherwise you can input the signature at anytime.
2853  virtual bool SignatureUpfront() const {return false;}
2855  /// \brief Determines whether the recoverable part must be input before the non-recoverable part
2856  /// \return true if the recoverable part must be input before the non-recoverable part during signing
2857  /// \details RecoverablePartFirst() determines whether you must input the recoverable part before the
2858  /// non-recoverable part during signing
2859  virtual bool RecoverablePartFirst() const =0;
2860 };
2862 /// \brief Interface for accumulating messages to be signed or verified
2863 /// \details Only Update() should be called from the PK_MessageAccumulator() class. No other functions
2864 /// inherited from HashTransformation, like DigestSize() and TruncatedFinal(), should be called.
2865 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_MessageAccumulator : public HashTransformation
2866 {
2867 public:
2868  /// \warning DigestSize() should not be called on PK_MessageAccumulator
2869  unsigned int DigestSize() const
2870  {throw NotImplemented("PK_MessageAccumulator: DigestSize() should not be called");}
2872  /// \warning TruncatedFinal() should not be called on PK_MessageAccumulator
2873  void TruncatedFinal(byte *digest, size_t digestSize)
2874  {
2875  CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(digest); CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(digestSize);
2876  throw NotImplemented("PK_MessageAccumulator: TruncatedFinal() should not be called");
2877  }
2878 };
2880 /// \brief Interface for public-key signers
2881 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_Signer : public PK_SignatureScheme, public PrivateKeyAlgorithm
2882 {
2883 public:
2884  virtual ~PK_Signer() {}
2886  /// \brief Create a new HashTransformation to accumulate the message to be signed
2887  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
2888  /// \return a pointer to a PK_MessageAccumulator
2889  /// \details NewSignatureAccumulator() can be used with all signing methods. Sign() will automatically delete the
2890  /// accumulator pointer. The caller is responsible for deletion if a method is called that takes a reference.
2893  /// \brief Input a recoverable message to an accumulator
2894  /// \param messageAccumulator a reference to a PK_MessageAccumulator
2895  /// \param recoverableMessage a pointer to the recoverable message part to be signed
2896  /// \param recoverableMessageLength the size of the recoverable message part
2897  virtual void InputRecoverableMessage(PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator, const byte *recoverableMessage, size_t recoverableMessageLength) const =0;
2899  /// \brief Sign and delete the messageAccumulator
2900  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
2901  /// \param messageAccumulator a pointer to a PK_MessageAccumulator derived class
2902  /// \param signature a block of bytes for the signature
2903  /// \return actual signature length
2904  /// \details Sign() deletes the messageAccumulator, even if an exception is thrown.
2905  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(signature) == MaxSignatureLength()</tt>
2906  virtual size_t Sign(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, PK_MessageAccumulator *messageAccumulator, byte *signature) const;
2908  /// \brief Sign and restart messageAccumulator
2909  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
2910  /// \param messageAccumulator a pointer to a PK_MessageAccumulator derived class
2911  /// \param signature a block of bytes for the signature
2912  /// \param restart flag indicating whether the messageAccumulator should be restarted
2913  /// \return actual signature length
2914  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(signature) == MaxSignatureLength()</tt>
2915  virtual size_t SignAndRestart(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator, byte *signature, bool restart=true) const =0;
2917  /// \brief Sign a message
2918  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
2919  /// \param message a pointer to the message
2920  /// \param messageLen the size of the message to be signed
2921  /// \param signature a block of bytes for the signature
2922  /// \return actual signature length
2923  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(signature) == MaxSignatureLength()</tt>
2924  virtual size_t SignMessage(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *message, size_t messageLen, byte *signature) const;
2926  /// \brief Sign a recoverable message
2927  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
2928  /// \param recoverableMessage a pointer to the recoverable message part to be signed
2929  /// \param recoverableMessageLength the size of the recoverable message part
2930  /// \param nonrecoverableMessage a pointer to the non-recoverable message part to be signed
2931  /// \param nonrecoverableMessageLength the size of the non-recoverable message part
2932  /// \param signature a block of bytes for the signature
2933  /// \return actual signature length
2934  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(signature) == MaxSignatureLength(recoverableMessageLength)</tt>
2935  virtual size_t SignMessageWithRecovery(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *recoverableMessage, size_t recoverableMessageLength,
2936  const byte *nonrecoverableMessage, size_t nonrecoverableMessageLength, byte *signature) const;
2937 };
2939 /// \brief Interface for public-key signature verifiers
2940 /// \details The Recover* functions throw NotImplemented if the signature scheme does not support
2941 /// message recovery.
2942 /// \details The Verify* functions throw InvalidDataFormat if the scheme does support message
2943 /// recovery and the signature contains a non-empty recoverable message part. The
2944 /// Recover* functions should be used in that case.
2945 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_Verifier : public PK_SignatureScheme, public PublicKeyAlgorithm
2946 {
2947 public:
2948  virtual ~PK_Verifier() {}
2950  /// \brief Create a new HashTransformation to accumulate the message to be verified
2951  /// \return a pointer to a PK_MessageAccumulator
2952  /// \details NewVerificationAccumulator() can be used with all verification methods. Verify() will automatically delete
2953  /// the accumulator pointer. The caller is responsible for deletion if a method is called that takes a reference.
2956  /// \brief Input signature into a message accumulator
2957  /// \param messageAccumulator a pointer to a PK_MessageAccumulator derived class
2958  /// \param signature the signature on the message
2959  /// \param signatureLength the size of the signature
2960  virtual void InputSignature(PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator, const byte *signature, size_t signatureLength) const =0;
2962  /// \brief Check whether messageAccumulator contains a valid signature and message
2963  /// \param messageAccumulator a pointer to a PK_MessageAccumulator derived class
2964  /// \return true if the signature is valid, false otherwise
2965  /// \details Verify() deletes the messageAccumulator, even if an exception is thrown.
2966  virtual bool Verify(PK_MessageAccumulator *messageAccumulator) const;
2968  /// \brief Check whether messageAccumulator contains a valid signature and message, and restart messageAccumulator
2969  /// \param messageAccumulator a reference to a PK_MessageAccumulator derived class
2970  /// \return true if the signature is valid, false otherwise
2971  /// \details VerifyAndRestart() restarts the messageAccumulator
2972  virtual bool VerifyAndRestart(PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator) const =0;
2974  /// \brief Check whether input signature is a valid signature for input message
2975  /// \param message a pointer to the message to be verified
2976  /// \param messageLen the size of the message
2977  /// \param signature a pointer to the signature over the message
2978  /// \param signatureLen the size of the signature
2979  /// \return true if the signature is valid, false otherwise
2980  virtual bool VerifyMessage(const byte *message, size_t messageLen,
2981  const byte *signature, size_t signatureLen) const;
2983  /// \brief Recover a message from its signature
2984  /// \param recoveredMessage a pointer to the recoverable message part to be verified
2985  /// \param messageAccumulator a pointer to a PK_MessageAccumulator derived class
2986  /// \return the result of the verification operation
2987  /// \details Recover() deletes the messageAccumulator, even if an exception is thrown.
2988  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(recoveredMessage) == MaxRecoverableLengthFromSignatureLength(signatureLength)</tt>
2989  virtual DecodingResult Recover(byte *recoveredMessage, PK_MessageAccumulator *messageAccumulator) const;
2991  /// \brief Recover a message from its signature
2992  /// \param recoveredMessage a pointer to the recoverable message part to be verified
2993  /// \param messageAccumulator a pointer to a PK_MessageAccumulator derived class
2994  /// \return the result of the verification operation
2995  /// \details RecoverAndRestart() restarts the messageAccumulator
2996  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(recoveredMessage) == MaxRecoverableLengthFromSignatureLength(signatureLength)</tt>
2997  virtual DecodingResult RecoverAndRestart(byte *recoveredMessage, PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator) const =0;
2999  /// \brief Recover a message from its signature
3000  /// \param recoveredMessage a pointer for the recovered message
3001  /// \param nonrecoverableMessage a pointer to the non-recoverable message part to be signed
3002  /// \param nonrecoverableMessageLength the size of the non-recoverable message part
3003  /// \param signature the signature on the message
3004  /// \param signatureLength the size of the signature
3005  /// \return the result of the verification operation
3006  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(recoveredMessage) == MaxRecoverableLengthFromSignatureLength(signatureLength)</tt>
3007  virtual DecodingResult RecoverMessage(byte *recoveredMessage,
3008  const byte *nonrecoverableMessage, size_t nonrecoverableMessageLength,
3009  const byte *signature, size_t signatureLength) const;
3010 };
3012 /// \brief Interface for domains of simple key agreement protocols
3013 /// \details A key agreement domain is a set of parameters that must be shared
3014 /// by two parties in a key agreement protocol, along with the algorithms
3015 /// for generating key pairs and deriving agreed values.
3016 /// \since Crypto++ 3.0
3017 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE SimpleKeyAgreementDomain : public KeyAgreementAlgorithm
3018 {
3019 public:
3020  virtual ~SimpleKeyAgreementDomain() {}
3022  /// \brief Provides the size of the agreed value
3023  /// \return size of agreed value produced in this domain
3024  virtual unsigned int AgreedValueLength() const =0;
3026  /// \brief Provides the size of the private key
3027  /// \return size of private keys in this domain
3028  virtual unsigned int PrivateKeyLength() const =0;
3030  /// \brief Provides the size of the public key
3031  /// \return size of public keys in this domain
3032  virtual unsigned int PublicKeyLength() const =0;
3034  /// \brief Generate private key in this domain
3035  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
3036  /// \param privateKey a byte buffer for the generated private key in this domain
3037  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(privateKey) == PrivateKeyLength()</tt>
3038  virtual void GeneratePrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey) const =0;
3040  /// \brief Generate a public key from a private key in this domain
3041  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
3042  /// \param privateKey a byte buffer with the previously generated private key
3043  /// \param publicKey a byte buffer for the generated public key in this domain
3044  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(publicKey) == PublicKeyLength()</tt>
3045  virtual void GeneratePublicKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const =0;
3047  /// \brief Generate a private/public key pair
3048  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
3049  /// \param privateKey a byte buffer for the generated private key in this domain
3050  /// \param publicKey a byte buffer for the generated public key in this domain
3051  /// \details GenerateKeyPair() is equivalent to calling GeneratePrivateKey() and then GeneratePublicKey().
3052  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(privateKey) == PrivateKeyLength()</tt>
3053  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(publicKey) == PublicKeyLength()</tt>
3054  virtual void GenerateKeyPair(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const;
3056  /// \brief Derive agreed value
3057  /// \param agreedValue a byte buffer for the shared secret
3058  /// \param privateKey a byte buffer with your private key in this domain
3059  /// \param otherPublicKey a byte buffer with the other party's public key in this domain
3060  /// \param validateOtherPublicKey a flag indicating if the other party's public key should be validated
3061  /// \return true upon success, false in case of failure
3062  /// \details Agree() derives an agreed value from your private keys and couterparty's public keys.
3063  /// \details The other party's public key is validated by default. If you have previously validated the
3064  /// static public key, use <tt>validateStaticOtherPublicKey=false</tt> to save time.
3065  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(agreedValue) == AgreedValueLength()</tt>
3066  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(privateKey) == PrivateKeyLength()</tt>
3067  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(otherPublicKey) == PublicKeyLength()</tt>
3068  virtual bool Agree(byte *agreedValue, const byte *privateKey, const byte *otherPublicKey, bool validateOtherPublicKey=true) const =0;
3069 };
3071 /// \brief Interface for domains of authenticated key agreement protocols
3072 /// \details In an authenticated key agreement protocol, each party has two
3073 /// key pairs. The long-lived key pair is called the static key pair,
3074 /// and the short-lived key pair is called the ephemeral key pair.
3075 /// \since Crypto++ 3.0
3076 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE AuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain : public KeyAgreementAlgorithm
3077 {
3078 public:
3079  virtual ~AuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain() {}
3081  /// \brief Provides the size of the agreed value
3082  /// \return size of agreed value produced in this domain
3083  virtual unsigned int AgreedValueLength() const =0;
3085  /// \brief Provides the size of the static private key
3086  /// \return size of static private keys in this domain
3087  virtual unsigned int StaticPrivateKeyLength() const =0;
3089  /// \brief Provides the size of the static public key
3090  /// \return size of static public keys in this domain
3091  virtual unsigned int StaticPublicKeyLength() const =0;
3093  /// \brief Generate static private key in this domain
3094  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
3095  /// \param privateKey a byte buffer for the generated private key in this domain
3096  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(privateKey) == PrivateStaticKeyLength()</tt>
3097  virtual void GenerateStaticPrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey) const =0;
3099  /// \brief Generate a static public key from a private key in this domain
3100  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
3101  /// \param privateKey a byte buffer with the previously generated private key
3102  /// \param publicKey a byte buffer for the generated public key in this domain
3103  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(publicKey) == PublicStaticKeyLength()</tt>
3104  virtual void GenerateStaticPublicKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const =0;
3106  /// \brief Generate a static private/public key pair
3107  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
3108  /// \param privateKey a byte buffer for the generated private key in this domain
3109  /// \param publicKey a byte buffer for the generated public key in this domain
3110  /// \details GenerateStaticKeyPair() is equivalent to calling GenerateStaticPrivateKey() and then GenerateStaticPublicKey().
3111  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(privateKey) == PrivateStaticKeyLength()</tt>
3112  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(publicKey) == PublicStaticKeyLength()</tt>
3113  virtual void GenerateStaticKeyPair(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const;
3115  /// \brief Provides the size of ephemeral private key
3116  /// \return the size of ephemeral private key in this domain
3117  virtual unsigned int EphemeralPrivateKeyLength() const =0;
3119  /// \brief Provides the size of ephemeral public key
3120  /// \return the size of ephemeral public key in this domain
3121  virtual unsigned int EphemeralPublicKeyLength() const =0;
3123  /// \brief Generate ephemeral private key
3124  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
3125  /// \param privateKey a byte buffer for the generated private key in this domain
3126  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(privateKey) == PrivateEphemeralKeyLength()</tt>
3127  virtual void GenerateEphemeralPrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey) const =0;
3129  /// \brief Generate ephemeral public key
3130  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
3131  /// \param privateKey a byte buffer for the generated private key in this domain
3132  /// \param publicKey a byte buffer for the generated public key in this domain
3133  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(publicKey) == PublicEphemeralKeyLength()</tt>
3134  virtual void GenerateEphemeralPublicKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const =0;
3136  /// \brief Generate private/public key pair
3137  /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
3138  /// \param privateKey a byte buffer for the generated private key in this domain
3139  /// \param publicKey a byte buffer for the generated public key in this domain
3140  /// \details GenerateEphemeralKeyPair() is equivalent to calling GenerateEphemeralPrivateKey() and then GenerateEphemeralPublicKey()
3141  virtual void GenerateEphemeralKeyPair(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const;
3143  /// \brief Derive agreed value
3144  /// \param agreedValue a byte buffer for the shared secret
3145  /// \param staticPrivateKey a byte buffer with your static private key in this domain
3146  /// \param ephemeralPrivateKey a byte buffer with your ephemeral private key in this domain
3147  /// \param staticOtherPublicKey a byte buffer with the other party's static public key in this domain
3148  /// \param ephemeralOtherPublicKey a byte buffer with the other party's ephemeral public key in this domain
3149  /// \param validateStaticOtherPublicKey a flag indicating if the other party's public key should be validated
3150  /// \return true upon success, false in case of failure
3151  /// \details Agree() derives an agreed value from your private keys and couterparty's public keys.
3152  /// \details The other party's ephemeral public key is validated by default. If you have previously validated
3153  /// the static public key, use <tt>validateStaticOtherPublicKey=false</tt> to save time.
3154  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(agreedValue) == AgreedValueLength()</tt>
3155  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(staticPrivateKey) == StaticPrivateKeyLength()</tt>
3156  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(ephemeralPrivateKey) == EphemeralPrivateKeyLength()</tt>
3157  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(staticOtherPublicKey) == StaticPublicKeyLength()</tt>
3158  /// \pre <tt>COUNTOF(ephemeralOtherPublicKey) == EphemeralPublicKeyLength()</tt>
3159  virtual bool Agree(byte *agreedValue,
3160  const byte *staticPrivateKey, const byte *ephemeralPrivateKey,
3161  const byte *staticOtherPublicKey, const byte *ephemeralOtherPublicKey,
3162  bool validateStaticOtherPublicKey=true) const =0;
3163 };
3165 // interface for password authenticated key agreement protocols, not implemented yet
3166 #if 0
3167 /// \brief Interface for protocol sessions
3168 /*! The methods should be called in the following order:
3170  InitializeSession(rng, parameters); // or call initialize method in derived class
3171  while (true)
3172  {
3173  if (OutgoingMessageAvailable())
3174  {
3175  length = GetOutgoingMessageLength();
3176  GetOutgoingMessage(message);
3177  ; // send outgoing message
3178  }
3180  if (LastMessageProcessed())
3181  break;
3183  ; // receive incoming message
3184  ProcessIncomingMessage(message);
3185  }
3186  ; // call methods in derived class to obtain result of protocol session
3187 */
3188 class ProtocolSession
3189 {
3190 public:
3191  /// Exception thrown when an invalid protocol message is processed
3192  class ProtocolError : public Exception
3193  {
3194  public:
3195  ProtocolError(ErrorType errorType, const std::string &s) : Exception(errorType, s) {}
3196  };
3198  /// Exception thrown when a function is called unexpectedly
3199  /*! for example calling ProcessIncomingMessage() when ProcessedLastMessage() == true */
3200  class UnexpectedMethodCall : public Exception
3201  {
3202  public:
3203  UnexpectedMethodCall(const std::string &s) : Exception(OTHER_ERROR, s) {}
3204  };
3206  virtual ~ProtocolSession() {}
3208  ProtocolSession() : m_rng(NULLPTR), m_throwOnProtocolError(true), m_validState(false) {}
3210  virtual void InitializeSession(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const NameValuePairs &parameters) =0;
3212  bool GetThrowOnProtocolError() const {return m_throwOnProtocolError;}
3213  void SetThrowOnProtocolError(bool throwOnProtocolError) {m_throwOnProtocolError = throwOnProtocolError;}
3215  bool HasValidState() const {return m_validState;}
3217  virtual bool OutgoingMessageAvailable() const =0;
3218  virtual unsigned int GetOutgoingMessageLength() const =0;
3219  virtual void GetOutgoingMessage(byte *message) =0;
3221  virtual bool LastMessageProcessed() const =0;
3222  virtual void ProcessIncomingMessage(const byte *message, unsigned int messageLength) =0;
3224 protected:
3225  void HandleProtocolError(Exception::ErrorType errorType, const std::string &s) const;
3226  void CheckAndHandleInvalidState() const;
3227  void SetValidState(bool valid) {m_validState = valid;}
3229  RandomNumberGenerator *m_rng;
3231 private:
3232  bool m_throwOnProtocolError, m_validState;
3233 };
3235 class KeyAgreementSession : public ProtocolSession
3236 {
3237 public:
3238  virtual ~KeyAgreementSession() {}
3240  virtual unsigned int GetAgreedValueLength() const =0;
3241  virtual void GetAgreedValue(byte *agreedValue) const =0;
3242 };
3244 class PasswordAuthenticatedKeyAgreementSession : public KeyAgreementSession
3245 {
3246 public:
3247  virtual ~PasswordAuthenticatedKeyAgreementSession() {}
3249  void InitializePasswordAuthenticatedKeyAgreementSession(RandomNumberGenerator &rng,
3250  const byte *myId, unsigned int myIdLength,
3251  const byte *counterPartyId, unsigned int counterPartyIdLength,
3252  const byte *passwordOrVerifier, unsigned int passwordOrVerifierLength);
3253 };
3255 /// \brief Password based key agreement domain
3256 /// \since Crypto++ 3.0
3257 class PasswordAuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain : public KeyAgreementAlgorithm
3258 {
3259 public:
3260  virtual ~PasswordAuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain() {}
3262  /// return whether the domain parameters stored in this object are valid
3263  virtual bool ValidateDomainParameters(RandomNumberGenerator &rng) const
3264  {return GetCryptoParameters().Validate(rng, 2);}
3266  virtual unsigned int GetPasswordVerifierLength(const byte *password, unsigned int passwordLength) const =0;
3267  virtual void GeneratePasswordVerifier(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *userId, unsigned int userIdLength, const byte *password, unsigned int passwordLength, byte *verifier) const =0;
3269  enum RoleFlags {CLIENT=1, SERVER=2, INITIATOR=4, RESPONDER=8};
3271  virtual bool IsValidRole(unsigned int role) =0;
3272  virtual PasswordAuthenticatedKeyAgreementSession * CreateProtocolSession(unsigned int role) const =0;
3273 };
3274 #endif
3276 /// \brief Exception thrown when an ASN.1 BER decoing error is encountered
3277 class CRYPTOPP_DLL BERDecodeErr : public InvalidArgument
3278 {
3279 public:
3280  BERDecodeErr() : InvalidArgument("BER decode error") {}
3281  BERDecodeErr(const std::string &s) : InvalidArgument(s) {}
3282 };
3284 /// \brief Interface for encoding and decoding ASN1 objects
3285 /// \details Each class that derives from ASN1Object should provide a serialization format
3286 /// that controls subobject layout. Most of the time the serialization format is
3287 /// taken from a standard, like P1363 or an RFC.
3289 {
3290 public:
3291  virtual ~ASN1Object() {}
3293  /// \brief Decode this object from a BufferedTransformation
3294  /// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
3295  /// \details Uses Basic Encoding Rules (BER)
3296  virtual void BERDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt) =0;
3298  /// \brief Encode this object into a BufferedTransformation
3299  /// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
3300  /// \details Uses Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)
3301  virtual void DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const =0;
3303  /// \brief Encode this object into a BufferedTransformation
3304  /// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
3305  /// \details Uses Basic Encoding Rules (BER).
3306  /// \details This may be useful if DEREncode() would be too inefficient.
3307  virtual void BEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const {DEREncode(bt);}
3308 };
3310 /// \brief Specifies the build-time version of the library
3311 /// \return integer representing the build-time version
3312 /// \details LibraryVersion can help detect inadvertent mixing and matching of library
3313 /// versions. When using Crypto++ distributed by a third party, LibraryVersion()
3314 /// records the version of the shared object that was built by the third party.
3315 /// The LibraryVersion() record resides in <tt>cryptlib.o</tt> on Unix compatibles
3316 /// and <tt>cryptlib.obj</tt> on Windows. It does not change when an app links
3317 /// to the library.
3318 /// \details LibraryVersion() is declared with C linkage (<tt>extern "C"</tt>) within the
3319 /// CryptoPP namespace to help programs locate the symbol. If the symbol is present, then
3320 /// the library version is 5.7 or above. If it is missing, then the library version is
3321 /// 5.6.5 or below.
3322 /// \details The function could be used as shown below.
3323 /// <pre> if (LibraryVersion() != HeaderVersion())
3324 /// {
3325 /// cout << "Potential version mismatch" << endl;
3326 ///
3327 /// const int lmaj = (LibraryVersion() / 100U) % 10;
3328 /// const int lmin = (LibraryVersion() / 10U) % 10;
3329 /// const int hmaj = (HeaderVersion() / 100U) % 10;
3330 /// const int hmin = (HeaderVersion() / 10U) % 10;
3331 ///
3332 /// if(lmaj != hmaj)
3333 /// cout << "Major version mismatch" << endl;
3334 /// else if(lmin != hmin)
3335 /// cout << "Minor version mismatch" << endl;
3336 /// }
3337 /// </pre>
3338 /// \sa HeaderVersion(), <A HREF="">GitHub Issue 371</A>.
3339 /// \since Crypto++ 6.0
3340 extern "C" {
3341  int LibraryVersion(CRYPTOPP_NOINLINE_DOTDOTDOT);
3342 } // C linkage
3344 /// \brief Specifies the runtime version of the library
3345 /// \return integer representing the runtime version
3346 /// \details HeaderVersion() can help detect inadvertent mixing and matching of library
3347 /// versions. When using Crypto++ distributed by a third party, HeaderVersion()
3348 /// records the version of the headers used by the app when the app is compiled.
3349 /// \details HeaderVersion() is declared with C linkage (<tt>extern "C"</tt>) within the
3350 /// CryptoPP namespace to help programs locate the symbol. If the symbol is present, then
3351 /// the library version is 5.7 or above. If it is missing, then the library version is
3352 /// 5.6.5 or below.
3353 /// \details The function could be used as shown below.
3354 /// <pre> if (LibraryVersion() != HeaderVersion())
3355 /// {
3356 /// cout << "Potential version mismatch" << endl;
3357 ///
3358 /// const int lmaj = (LibraryVersion() / 100U) % 10;
3359 /// const int lmin = (LibraryVersion() / 10U) % 10;
3360 /// const int hmaj = (HeaderVersion() / 100U) % 10;
3361 /// const int hmin = (HeaderVersion() / 10U) % 10;
3362 ///
3363 /// if(lmaj != hmaj)
3364 /// cout << "Major version mismatch" << endl;
3365 /// else if(lmin != hmin)
3366 /// cout << "Minor version mismatch" << endl;
3367 /// }
3368 /// </pre>
3369 /// \sa LibraryVersion(), <A HREF="">GitHub Issue 371</A>.
3370 /// \since Crypto++ 6.0
3371 extern "C" {
3372 inline int HeaderVersion()
3373 {
3374  return CRYPTOPP_VERSION;
3375 }
3376 } // C linkage
3381 # pragma warning(pop)
3382 #endif
3384 #endif
bool operator==(const OID &lhs, const OID &rhs)
Compare two OIDs for equality.
Interface for encoding and decoding ASN1 objects.
Definition: cryptlib.h:3289
virtual void DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const =0
Encode this object into a BufferedTransformation.
virtual void BEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
Encode this object into a BufferedTransformation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:3307
virtual void BERDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt)=0
Decode this object from a BufferedTransformation.
Interface for all crypto algorithms.
Definition: cryptlib.h:604
Algorithm(bool checkSelfTestStatus=true)
Interface for all crypto algorithms.
virtual std::string AlgorithmName() const
Provides the name of this algorithm.
Definition: cryptlib.h:624
virtual std::string AlgorithmProvider() const
Retrieve the provider of this algorithm.
Definition: cryptlib.h:641
Interface for asymmetric algorithms.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2565
virtual CryptoMaterial & AccessMaterial()=0
Retrieves a reference to CryptoMaterial.
virtual const CryptoMaterial & GetMaterial() const =0
Retrieves a reference to CryptoMaterial.
Interface for domains of authenticated key agreement protocols.
Definition: cryptlib.h:3077
virtual void GenerateStaticPrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey) const =0
Generate static private key in this domain.
virtual unsigned int StaticPrivateKeyLength() const =0
Provides the size of the static private key.
virtual unsigned int EphemeralPublicKeyLength() const =0
Provides the size of ephemeral public key.
virtual unsigned int EphemeralPrivateKeyLength() const =0
Provides the size of ephemeral private key.
virtual void GenerateStaticPublicKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const =0
Generate a static public key from a private key in this domain.
virtual unsigned int AgreedValueLength() const =0
Provides the size of the agreed value.
virtual void GenerateEphemeralPublicKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const =0
Generate ephemeral public key.
virtual unsigned int StaticPublicKeyLength() const =0
Provides the size of the static public key.
virtual void GenerateEphemeralPrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey) const =0
Generate ephemeral private key.
virtual bool Agree(byte *agreedValue, const byte *staticPrivateKey, const byte *ephemeralPrivateKey, const byte *staticOtherPublicKey, const byte *ephemeralOtherPublicKey, bool validateStaticOtherPublicKey=true) const =0
Derive agreed value.
virtual void GenerateStaticKeyPair(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const
Generate a static private/public key pair.
virtual void GenerateEphemeralKeyPair(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const
Generate private/public key pair.
Exception thrown when the object is in the wrong state for the operation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1334
Interface for authenticated encryption modes of operation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1326
virtual lword MaxHeaderLength() const =0
Provides the maximum length of AAD that can be input.
virtual lword MaxFooterLength() const
Provides the maximum length of AAD.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1350
virtual void EncryptAndAuthenticate(byte *ciphertext, byte *mac, size_t macSize, const byte *iv, int ivLength, const byte *header, size_t headerLength, const byte *message, size_t messageLength)
Encrypts and calculates a MAC in one call.
virtual std::string AlgorithmProvider() const
Retrieve the provider of this algorithm.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1423
void SpecifyDataLengths(lword headerLength, lword messageLength, lword footerLength=0)
Prescribes the data lengths.
virtual lword MaxMessageLength() const =0
Provides the maximum length of encrypted data.
virtual bool DecryptAndVerify(byte *message, const byte *mac, size_t macSize, const byte *iv, int ivLength, const byte *header, size_t headerLength, const byte *ciphertext, size_t ciphertextLength)
Decrypts and verifies a MAC in one call.
virtual std::string AlgorithmName() const
Provides the name of this algorithm.
virtual bool NeedsPrespecifiedDataLengths() const
Determines if data lengths must be specified prior to inputting data.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1357
Exception thrown when an ASN.1 BER decoing error is encountered.
Definition: cryptlib.h:3278
Interface for one direction (encryption or decryption) of a block cipher.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1288
Interface for the data processing part of block ciphers.
Definition: cryptlib.h:861
virtual void ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte *inBlock, const byte *xorBlock, byte *outBlock) const =0
Encrypt or decrypt a block.
virtual bool IsForwardTransformation() const =0
Determines if the cipher is being operated in its forward direction.
CipherDir GetCipherDirection() const
Provides the direction of the cipher.
Definition: cryptlib.h:945
void ProcessBlock(const byte *inBlock, byte *outBlock) const
Encrypt or decrypt a block.
Definition: cryptlib.h:884
virtual size_t AdvancedProcessBlocks(const byte *inBlocks, const byte *xorBlocks, byte *outBlocks, size_t length, word32 flags) const
Encrypt and xor multiple blocks using additional flags.
virtual unsigned int OptimalNumberOfParallelBlocks() const
Determines the number of blocks that can be processed in parallel.
Definition: cryptlib.h:917
virtual bool IsPermutation() const
Determines if the transformation is a permutation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:907
void ProcessBlock(byte *inoutBlock) const
Encrypt or decrypt a block in place.
Definition: cryptlib.h:893
Bit flags that control AdvancedProcessBlocks() behavior.
Definition: cryptlib.h:920
virtual unsigned int BlockSize() const =0
Provides the block size of the cipher.
virtual unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment() const
Provides input and output data alignment for optimal performance.
Interface for buffered transformations.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1657
virtual bool AnyRetrievable() const
Determines whether bytes are ready for retrieval.
virtual bool AnyMessages() const
Determines if any messages are available for retrieval.
unsigned int TransferMessagesTo(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int count=UINT_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL)
Transfer messages from this object to another BufferedTransformation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2076
unsigned int GetMaxWaitObjectCount() const
Retrieves the maximum number of waitable objects.
virtual size_t Peek(byte *outString, size_t peekMax) const
Peek a block of bytes.
size_t ChannelPutWord64(const std::string &channel, word64 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true)
Input a 64-bit word for processing on a channel.
virtual void Initialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters=g_nullNameValuePairs, int propagation=-1)
Initialize or reinitialize this object, with signal propagation.
void GetWaitObjects(WaitObjectContainer &container, CallStack const &callStack)
Retrieves waitable objects.
virtual unsigned int SkipMessages(unsigned int count=UINT_MAX)
Skip a number of meessages.
void CopyAllTo(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const
Copy messages from this object to another BufferedTransformation.
virtual size_t Get(byte &outByte)
Retrieve a 8-bit byte.
size_t TransferMessagesTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int &messageCount, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true)
Transfer messages from this object to another BufferedTransformation.
size_t GetWord16(word16 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)
Retrieve a 16-bit word.
virtual bool Attachable()
Determines whether the object allows attachment.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2340
virtual unsigned int NumberOfMessages() const
Provides the number of meesages processed by this object.
bool MessageEnd(int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
Signals the end of messages to the object.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1748
BufferedTransformation & Ref()
Provides a reference to this object.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1667
virtual size_t TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &byteCount, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true)=0
Transfer bytes from this object to another BufferedTransformation.
virtual void SetRetrievalChannel(const std::string &channel)
Sets the default retrieval channel.
virtual bool ChannelFlush(const std::string &channel, bool hardFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
Flush buffered input and/or output on a channel.
unsigned int CopyMessagesTo(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int count=UINT_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const
Copy messages from this object to another BufferedTransformation.
virtual size_t Peek(byte &outByte) const
Peek a 8-bit byte.
size_t ChannelPutModifiable(const std::string &channel, byte *inString, size_t length, bool blocking=true)
Input multiple bytes that may be modified by callee on a channel.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2219
size_t TransferAllTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true)
Transfer all bytes from this object to another BufferedTransformation.
size_t Put(const byte *inString, size_t length, bool blocking=true)
Input a byte buffer for processing.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1688
size_t PeekWord16(word16 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER) const
Peek a 16-bit word.
virtual void Attach(BufferedTransformation *newAttachment)
Add newAttachment to the end of attachment chain.
size_t ChannelPut(const std::string &channel, const byte *inString, size_t length, bool blocking=true)
Input a byte buffer for processing on a channel.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2209
Construct a BufferedTransformation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1662
size_t PeekWord32(word32 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER) const
Peek a 32-bit word.
size_t PutWord64(word64 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true)
Input a 64-bit word for processing.
virtual size_t ChannelPutModifiable2(const std::string &channel, byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
Input multiple bytes that may be modified by callee on a channel.
virtual bool IsolatedFlush(bool hardFlush, bool blocking)=0
Flushes data buffered by this object, without signal propagation.
size_t GetWord32(word32 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)
Retrieve a 32-bit word.
lword CopyTo(BufferedTransformation &target, lword copyMax=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const
Copy bytes from this object to another BufferedTransformation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2018
virtual int GetAutoSignalPropagation() const
Retrieve automatic signal propagation value.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1892
virtual size_t PutModifiable2(byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
Input multiple bytes that may be modified by callee.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1783
lword CopyRangeTo(BufferedTransformation &target, lword position, lword copyMax=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const
Copy bytes from this object using an index to another BufferedTransformation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2031
virtual void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters)
Initialize or reinitialize this object, without signal propagation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1821
virtual size_t CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) const =0
Copy bytes from this object to another BufferedTransformation.
virtual byte * ChannelCreatePutSpace(const std::string &channel, size_t &size)
Request space which can be written into by the caller.
void TransferAllTo(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL)
Transfer all bytes from this object to another BufferedTransformation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2098
virtual size_t ChannelPut2(const std::string &channel, const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
Input multiple bytes for processing on a channel.
virtual void SkipAll()
Skip all messages in the series.
size_t PutWord16(word16 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true)
Input a 16-bit word for processing.
size_t ChannelPut(const std::string &channel, byte inByte, bool blocking=true)
Input a byte for processing on a channel.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2199
virtual bool MessageSeriesEnd(int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
Marks the end of a series of messages, with signal propagation.
size_t PutMessageEnd(const byte *inString, size_t length, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
Input multiple bytes for processing and signal the end of a message.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1762
size_t ChannelPutWord16(const std::string &channel, word16 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true)
Input a 16-bit word for processing on a channel.
virtual bool GetNextMessage()
Start retrieving the next message.
virtual bool IsolatedMessageSeriesEnd(bool blocking)
Marks the end of a series of messages, without signal propagation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1837
virtual const BufferedTransformation * AttachedTransformation() const
Returns the object immediately attached to this object.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2352
virtual BufferedTransformation * AttachedTransformation()
Returns the object immediately attached to this object.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2346
lword TransferTo(BufferedTransformation &target, lword transferMax=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL)
move transferMax bytes of the buffered output to target as input
Definition: cryptlib.h:1996
virtual bool Flush(bool hardFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
Flush buffered input and/or output, with signal propagation.
virtual void Detach(BufferedTransformation *newAttachment=NULL)
Delete the current attachment chain and attach a new one.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2361
virtual bool ChannelMessageSeriesEnd(const std::string &channel, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
Marks the end of a series of messages on a channel.
virtual lword TotalBytesRetrievable() const
Provides the number of bytes ready for retrieval.
size_t ChannelPutWord32(const std::string &channel, word32 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true)
Input a 32-bit word for processing on a channel.
virtual unsigned int NumberOfMessagesInThisSeries() const
Provides the number of messages in a series.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2113
virtual unsigned int NumberOfMessageSeries() const
Provides the number of messages in a series.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2116
virtual size_t Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)=0
Input multiple bytes for processing.
size_t ChannelPutMessageEnd(const std::string &channel, const byte *inString, size_t length, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
Input multiple bytes for processing and signal the end of a message.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2269
size_t GetWord64(word64 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)
Retrieve a 64-bit word.
bool ChannelMessageEnd(const std::string &channel, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
Signal the end of a message.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2257
size_t PutModifiable(byte *inString, size_t length, bool blocking=true)
Input multiple bytes that may be modified by callee.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1740
size_t PeekWord64(word64 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER) const
Peek a 64-bit word.
size_t Put(byte inByte, bool blocking=true)
Input a byte for processing.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1678
virtual void SetAutoSignalPropagation(int propagation)
Set propagation of automatically generated and transferred signals.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1886
virtual bool GetNextMessageSeries()
Retrieve the next message in a series.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2110
virtual lword Skip(lword skipMax=LWORD_MAX)
Discard skipMax bytes from the output buffer.
virtual size_t Get(byte *outString, size_t getMax)
Retrieve a block of bytes.
virtual byte * CreatePutSpace(size_t &size)
Request space which can be written into by the caller.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1725
virtual bool CanModifyInput() const
Determines whether input can be modified by the callee.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1731
virtual lword MaxRetrievable() const
Provides the number of bytes ready for retrieval.
size_t PutWord32(word32 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true)
Input a 32-bit word for processing.
Flush(true) was called but it can't completely flush its buffers.
Definition: cryptlib.h:248
CannotFlush(const std::string &s)
Construct an CannotFlush.
Definition: cryptlib.h:253
Interface for certificates.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2556
Interface for cloning objects.
Definition: cryptlib.h:590
virtual Clonable * Clone() const
Copies this object.
Definition: cryptlib.h:599
Exception thrown when invalid crypto material is detected.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2399
Interface for crypto material.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2395
virtual void Save(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
Saves a key to a BufferedTransformation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2444
virtual void AssignFrom(const NameValuePairs &source)=0
Assign values to this object.
virtual void LoadPrecomputation(BufferedTransformation &storedPrecomputation)
Retrieve previously saved precomputation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2486
virtual bool SupportsPrecomputation() const
Determines whether the object supports precomputation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2467
virtual void SavePrecomputation(BufferedTransformation &storedPrecomputation) const
Save precomputation for later use.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2493
virtual void Precompute(unsigned int precomputationStorage)
Perform precomputation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2477
void DoQuickSanityCheck() const
Perform a quick sanity check.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2498
virtual bool Validate(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int level) const =0
Check this object for errors.
virtual void Load(BufferedTransformation &bt)
Loads a key from a BufferedTransformation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2461
virtual void ThrowIfInvalid(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int level) const
Check this object for errors.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2432
Interface for crypto parameters.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2551
Base class for all exceptions thrown by the library.
Definition: cryptlib.h:164
void SetErrorType(ErrorType errorType)
Sets the error type for the exceptions.
Definition: cryptlib.h:199
void SetWhat(const std::string &s)
Sets the error string for the exception.
Definition: cryptlib.h:195
Exception(ErrorType errorType, const std::string &s)
Construct a new Exception.
Definition: cryptlib.h:188
Error types or categories.
Definition: cryptlib.h:168
BufferedTransformation received a Flush(true) signal but can't flush buffers.
Definition: cryptlib.h:174
A method was called which was not implemented.
Definition: cryptlib.h:170
Input data was received that did not conform to expected format.
Definition: cryptlib.h:178
Data integerity check, such as CRC or MAC, failed.
Definition: cryptlib.h:176
An invalid argument was detected.
Definition: cryptlib.h:172
Error reading from input device or writing to output device.
Definition: cryptlib.h:180
ErrorType GetErrorType() const
Retrieves the error type for the exception.
Definition: cryptlib.h:197
const char * what() const
Retrieves a C-string describing the exception.
Definition: cryptlib.h:191
const std::string & GetWhat() const
Retrieves a string describing the exception.
Definition: cryptlib.h:193
Interface for crypto material.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2515
void GenerateRandomWithKeySize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int keySize)
Generate a random key or crypto parameters.
virtual void GenerateRandom(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const NameValuePairs &params=g_nullNameValuePairs)
Generate a random key or crypto parameters.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2525
Interface for hash functions and data processing part of MACs.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1118
virtual unsigned int BlockSize() const
Provides the block size of the compression function.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1170
virtual void CalculateTruncatedDigest(byte *digest, size_t digestSize, const byte *input, size_t length)
Updates the hash with additional input and computes the hash of the current message.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1243
virtual unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment() const
Provides input and output data alignment for optimal performance.
virtual bool Verify(const byte *digest)
Verifies the hash of the current message.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1205
HashTransformation & Ref()
Provides a reference to this object.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1125
virtual void TruncatedFinal(byte *digest, size_t digestSize)=0
Computes the hash of the current message.
virtual bool VerifyTruncatedDigest(const byte *digest, size_t digestLength, const byte *input, size_t length)
Updates the hash with additional input and verifies the hash of the current message.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1274
virtual void Restart()
Restart the hash.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1152
virtual unsigned int DigestSize() const =0
Provides the digest size of the hash.
virtual byte * CreateUpdateSpace(size_t &size)
Request space which can be written into by the caller.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1140
virtual void Final(byte *digest)
Computes the hash of the current message.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1147
virtual void Update(const byte *input, size_t length)=0
Updates a hash with additional input.
virtual bool VerifyDigest(const byte *digest, const byte *input, size_t length)
Updates the hash with additional input and verifies the hash of the current message.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1221
virtual bool TruncatedVerify(const byte *digest, size_t digestLength)
Verifies the hash of the current message.
virtual unsigned int OptimalBlockSize() const
Provides the input block size most efficient for this hash.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1177
unsigned int TagSize() const
Provides the tag size of the hash.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1162
virtual void CalculateDigest(byte *digest, const byte *input, size_t length)
Updates the hash with additional input and computes the hash of the current message.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1193
Multiple precision integer with arithmetic operations.
Definition: integer.h:50
An invalid argument was detected.
Definition: cryptlib.h:208
InvalidArgument(const std::string &s)
Construct an InvalidArgument.
Definition: cryptlib.h:213
A decryption filter encountered invalid ciphertext.
Definition: cryptlib.h:228
InvalidCiphertext(const std::string &s)
Construct an InvalidCiphertext.
Definition: cryptlib.h:233
Input data was received that did not conform to expected format.
Definition: cryptlib.h:218
InvalidDataFormat(const std::string &s)
Construct an InvalidDataFormat.
Definition: cryptlib.h:223
Interface for key agreement algorithms.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2643
const CryptoMaterial & GetMaterial() const
Retrieves a reference to Crypto Parameters.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2652
virtual const CryptoParameters & GetCryptoParameters() const
Retrieves a reference to Crypto Parameters.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2659
CryptoMaterial & AccessMaterial()
Retrieves a reference to Crypto Parameters.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2649
virtual CryptoParameters & AccessCryptoParameters()=0
Retrieves a reference to Crypto Parameters.
Interface for key derivation functions.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1528
virtual size_t MinDerivedKeyLength() const
Determine minimum number of bytes.
virtual void SetParameters(const NameValuePairs &params)
Set or change parameters.
virtual size_t DeriveKey(byte *derived, size_t derivedLen, const byte *secret, size_t secretLen, const NameValuePairs &params=g_nullNameValuePairs) const =0
Derive a key from a seed.
virtual size_t MaxDerivedKeyLength() const
Determine maximum number of bytes.
virtual bool IsValidDerivedLength(size_t keylength) const
Returns whether keylength is a valid key length.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1553
virtual size_t GetValidDerivedLength(size_t keylength) const =0
Returns a valid key length for the derivation function.
virtual std::string AlgorithmName() const =0
Provides the name of this algorithm.
Interface for message authentication codes.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1304
Thrown when an unexpected type is encountered.
Definition: cryptlib.h:335
ValueTypeMismatch(const std::string &name, const std::type_info &stored, const std::type_info &retrieving)
Construct a ValueTypeMismatch.
Definition: cryptlib.h:341
const std::type_info & GetStoredTypeInfo() const
Provides the stored type.
Definition: cryptlib.h:347
const std::type_info & GetRetrievingTypeInfo() const
Provides the retrieveing type.
Definition: cryptlib.h:351
Interface for retrieving values given their names.
Definition: cryptlib.h:327
virtual CRYPTOPP_DLL bool GetVoidValue(const char *name, const std::type_info &valueType, void *pValue) const =0
Get a named value.
CRYPTOPP_DLL word64 GetWord64ValueWithDefault(const char *name, word64 defaultValue) const
Get a named value with type word64, with default.
Definition: cryptlib.h:447
bool GetThisObject(T &object) const
Get a copy of this object or subobject.
Definition: cryptlib.h:362
T GetValueWithDefault(const char *name, T defaultValue) const
Get a named value.
Definition: cryptlib.h:397
bool GetValue(const char *name, T &value) const
Get a named value.
Definition: cryptlib.h:384
CRYPTOPP_DLL int GetIntValueWithDefault(const char *name, int defaultValue) const
Get a named value with type int, with default.
Definition: cryptlib.h:429
CRYPTOPP_DLL bool GetWord64Value(const char *name, word64 &value) const
Get a named value with type word64.
Definition: cryptlib.h:438
CRYPTOPP_DLL bool GetIntValue(const char *name, int &value) const
Get a named value with type int.
Definition: cryptlib.h:420
static CRYPTOPP_DLL void ThrowIfTypeMismatch(const char *name, const std::type_info &stored, const std::type_info &retrieving)
Ensures an expected name and type is present.
Definition: cryptlib.h:459
CRYPTOPP_DLL void GetRequiredIntParameter(const char *className, const char *name, int &value) const
Retrieves a required name/value pair.
Definition: cryptlib.h:488
bool GetThisPointer(T *&ptr) const
Get a pointer to this object.
Definition: cryptlib.h:371
CRYPTOPP_DLL std::string GetValueNames() const
Get a list of value names that can be retrieved.
Definition: cryptlib.h:409
void GetRequiredParameter(const char *className, const char *name, T &value) const
Retrieves a required name/value pair.
Definition: cryptlib.h:473
A method was called which was not implemented.
Definition: cryptlib.h:238
NotImplemented(const std::string &s)
Construct an NotImplemented.
Definition: cryptlib.h:243
The operating system reported an error.
Definition: cryptlib.h:258
OS_Error(ErrorType errorType, const std::string &s, const std::string &operation, int errorCode)
Construct an OS_Error.
Definition: cryptlib.h:268
int GetErrorCode() const
Retrieve the error code returned by the operating system.
Definition: cryptlib.h:274
const std::string & GetOperation() const
Retrieve the operating system API that reported the error.
Definition: cryptlib.h:272
Interface for public-key encryptors and decryptors.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2666
virtual bool ParameterSupported(const char *name) const =0
Determines whether this object supports the use of a named parameter.
virtual size_t FixedMaxPlaintextLength() const
Provides the maximum plaintext length given a fixed ciphertext length.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2698
virtual size_t MaxPlaintextLength(size_t ciphertextLength) const =0
Provides the maximum length of plaintext for a given ciphertext length.
virtual size_t CiphertextLength(size_t plaintextLength) const =0
Calculate the length of ciphertext given length of plaintext.
virtual size_t FixedCiphertextLength() const
Provides the fixed ciphertext length, if one exists.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2691
Interface for public-key decryptors.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2738
DecodingResult FixedLengthDecrypt(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *ciphertext, byte *plaintext, const NameValuePairs &parameters=g_nullNameValuePairs) const
Decrypt a fixed size ciphertext.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2782
virtual DecodingResult Decrypt(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *ciphertext, size_t ciphertextLength, byte *plaintext, const NameValuePairs &parameters=g_nullNameValuePairs) const =0
Decrypt a byte string.
virtual BufferedTransformation * CreateDecryptionFilter(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL, const NameValuePairs &parameters=g_nullNameValuePairs) const
Create a new decryption filter.
Exception thrown when trying to encrypt plaintext of invalid length.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2707
Interface for public-key encryptors.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2703
virtual BufferedTransformation * CreateEncryptionFilter(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL, const NameValuePairs &parameters=g_nullNameValuePairs) const
Create a new encryption filter.
virtual void Encrypt(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *plaintext, size_t plaintextLength, byte *ciphertext, const NameValuePairs &parameters=g_nullNameValuePairs) const =0
Encrypt a byte string.
Interface for accumulating messages to be signed or verified.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2866
void TruncatedFinal(byte *digest, size_t digestSize)
Definition: cryptlib.h:2873
unsigned int DigestSize() const
Definition: cryptlib.h:2869
Exception throw when the private or public key has a length that can't be used.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2796
Exception throw when the private or public key is too short to sign or verify.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2805
Interface for public-key signers and verifiers.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2790
virtual bool AllowNonrecoverablePart() const =0
Determines whether the non-recoverable message part can be signed.
virtual bool RecoverablePartFirst() const =0
Determines whether the recoverable part must be input before the non-recoverable part.
virtual size_t MaxRecoverableLength() const =0
Provides the length of longest message that can be recovered.
virtual size_t MaxRecoverableLengthFromSignatureLength(size_t signatureLength) const =0
Provides the length of longest message that can be recovered from a signature of given length.
virtual size_t MaxSignatureLength(size_t recoverablePartLength=0) const
Provides the maximum signature length produced given the length of the recoverable message part.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2822
virtual bool SignatureUpfront() const
Determines whether the signature must be input before the message.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2853
virtual size_t SignatureLength() const =0
Provides the signature length if it only depends on the key.
virtual bool IsProbabilistic() const =0
Determines whether a signature scheme requires a random number generator.
Interface for public-key signers.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2882
virtual size_t SignMessageWithRecovery(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *recoverableMessage, size_t recoverableMessageLength, const byte *nonrecoverableMessage, size_t nonrecoverableMessageLength, byte *signature) const
Sign a recoverable message.
virtual void InputRecoverableMessage(PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator, const byte *recoverableMessage, size_t recoverableMessageLength) const =0
Input a recoverable message to an accumulator.
virtual size_t Sign(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, PK_MessageAccumulator *messageAccumulator, byte *signature) const
Sign and delete the messageAccumulator.
virtual size_t SignMessage(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *message, size_t messageLen, byte *signature) const
Sign a message.
virtual size_t SignAndRestart(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator, byte *signature, bool restart=true) const =0
Sign and restart messageAccumulator.
virtual PK_MessageAccumulator * NewSignatureAccumulator(RandomNumberGenerator &rng) const =0
Create a new HashTransformation to accumulate the message to be signed.
Interface for public-key signature verifiers.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2946
virtual bool VerifyMessage(const byte *message, size_t messageLen, const byte *signature, size_t signatureLen) const
Check whether input signature is a valid signature for input message.
virtual DecodingResult RecoverMessage(byte *recoveredMessage, const byte *nonrecoverableMessage, size_t nonrecoverableMessageLength, const byte *signature, size_t signatureLength) const
Recover a message from its signature.
virtual bool VerifyAndRestart(PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator) const =0
Check whether messageAccumulator contains a valid signature and message, and restart messageAccumulat...
virtual void InputSignature(PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator, const byte *signature, size_t signatureLength) const =0
Input signature into a message accumulator.
virtual DecodingResult RecoverAndRestart(byte *recoveredMessage, PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator) const =0
Recover a message from its signature.
virtual DecodingResult Recover(byte *recoveredMessage, PK_MessageAccumulator *messageAccumulator) const
Recover a message from its signature.
virtual PK_MessageAccumulator * NewVerificationAccumulator() const =0
Create a new HashTransformation to accumulate the message to be verified.
virtual bool Verify(PK_MessageAccumulator *messageAccumulator) const
Check whether messageAccumulator contains a valid signature and message.
Interface for asymmetric algorithms using private keys.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2622
CryptoMaterial & AccessMaterial()
Retrieves a reference to a Private Key.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2628
const CryptoMaterial & GetMaterial() const
Retrieves a reference to a Private Key.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2631
virtual const PrivateKey & GetPrivateKey() const
Retrieves a reference to a Private Key.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2638
virtual PrivateKey & AccessPrivateKey()=0
Retrieves a reference to a Private Key.
Interface for private keys.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2546
Interface for asymmetric algorithms using public keys.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2596
virtual PublicKey & AccessPublicKey()=0
Retrieves a reference to a Public Key.
virtual const PublicKey & GetPublicKey() const
Retrieves a reference to a Public Key.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2616
CryptoMaterial & AccessMaterial()
Retrieves a reference to a Public Key.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2604
const CryptoMaterial & GetMaterial() const
Retrieves a reference to a Public Key.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2608
Interface for public keys.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2541
Interface for random number generators.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1440
virtual void DiscardBytes(size_t n)
Generate and discard n bytes.
virtual word32 GenerateWord32(word32 min=0, word32 max=0xffffffffUL)
Generate a random 32 bit word in the range min to max, inclusive.
virtual byte GenerateByte()
Generate new random byte and return it.
virtual void IncorporateEntropy(const byte *input, size_t length)
Update RNG state with additional unpredictable values.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1452
virtual bool CanIncorporateEntropy() const
Determines if a generator can accept additional entropy.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1460
virtual void GenerateIntoBufferedTransformation(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel, lword length)
Generate random bytes into a BufferedTransformation.
virtual unsigned int GenerateBit()
Generate new random bit and return it.
virtual void GenerateBlock(byte *output, size_t size)
Generate random array of bytes.
void Shuffle(IT begin, IT end)
Randomly shuffle the specified array.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1515
Interface for domains of simple key agreement protocols.
Definition: cryptlib.h:3018
virtual void GeneratePublicKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const =0
Generate a public key from a private key in this domain.
virtual unsigned int PublicKeyLength() const =0
Provides the size of the public key.
virtual bool Agree(byte *agreedValue, const byte *privateKey, const byte *otherPublicKey, bool validateOtherPublicKey=true) const =0
Derive agreed value.
virtual unsigned int PrivateKeyLength() const =0
Provides the size of the private key.
virtual void GenerateKeyPair(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const
Generate a private/public key pair.
virtual unsigned int AgreedValueLength() const =0
Provides the size of the agreed value.
virtual void GeneratePrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey) const =0
Generate private key in this domain.
Interface for algorithms that take byte strings as keys.
Definition: cryptlib.h:647
void SetKeyWithRounds(const byte *key, size_t length, int rounds)
Sets or reset the key of this object.
virtual size_t MinKeyLength() const =0
Returns smallest valid key length.
virtual void GetNextIV(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *iv)
Retrieves a secure IV for the next message.
virtual bool IsValidKeyLength(size_t keylength) const
Returns whether keylength is a valid key length.
Definition: cryptlib.h:677
void SetKeyWithIV(const byte *key, size_t length, const byte *iv, size_t ivLength)
Sets or reset the key of this object.
bool IsResynchronizable() const
Determines if the object can be resynchronized.
Definition: cryptlib.h:745
virtual IV_Requirement IVRequirement() const =0
Minimal requirement for secure IVs.
Secure IVs requirements as enumerated values.
Definition: cryptlib.h:724
The IV must be random and possibly predictable.
Definition: cryptlib.h:728
The IV is set by the object.
Definition: cryptlib.h:732
The IV must be random and unpredictable.
Definition: cryptlib.h:730
virtual unsigned int MaxIVLength() const
Provides the maximum size of an IV.
Definition: cryptlib.h:781
virtual void SetKey(const byte *key, size_t length, const NameValuePairs &params=g_nullNameValuePairs)
Sets or reset the key of this object.
bool CanUseRandomIVs() const
Determines if the object can use random IVs.
Definition: cryptlib.h:749
virtual size_t GetValidKeyLength(size_t keylength) const =0
Returns a valid key length for the algorithm.
virtual unsigned int MinIVLength() const
Provides the minimum size of an IV.
Definition: cryptlib.h:776
bool CanUsePredictableIVs() const
Determines if the object can use random but possibly predictable IVs.
Definition: cryptlib.h:754
void SetKeyWithIV(const byte *key, size_t length, const byte *iv)
Sets or reset the key of this object.
Definition: cryptlib.h:713
virtual unsigned int IVSize() const
Returns length of the IV accepted by this object.
Definition: cryptlib.h:766
virtual size_t MaxKeyLength() const =0
Returns largest valid key length.
virtual void Resynchronize(const byte *iv, int ivLength=-1)
Resynchronize with an IV.
Definition: cryptlib.h:788
virtual size_t DefaultKeyLength() const =0
Returns default key length.
unsigned int DefaultIVLength() const
Provides the default size of an IV.
Definition: cryptlib.h:771
bool CanUseStructuredIVs() const
Determines if the object can use structured IVs.
Definition: cryptlib.h:760
Interface for the data processing portion of stream ciphers.
Definition: cryptlib.h:951
virtual unsigned int MinLastBlockSize() const
Provides the size of the last block.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1026
void ProcessString(byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t length)
Encrypt or decrypt a string of bytes.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1073
virtual void ProcessData(byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t length)=0
Encrypt or decrypt an array of bytes.
virtual bool IsForwardTransformation() const =0
Determines if the cipher is being operated in its forward direction.
virtual bool IsSelfInverting() const =0
Determines whether the cipher is self-inverting.
virtual bool IsLastBlockSpecial() const
Determines if the last block receives special processing.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1059
byte ProcessByte(byte input)
Encrypt or decrypt a byte.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1079
StreamTransformation & Ref()
Provides a reference to this object.
Definition: cryptlib.h:958
virtual void Seek(lword pos)
Seek to an absolute position.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1091
virtual size_t ProcessLastBlock(byte *outString, size_t outLength, const byte *inString, size_t inLength)
Encrypt or decrypt the last block of data.
virtual unsigned int GetOptimalBlockSizeUsed() const
Provides the number of bytes used in the current block when processing at optimal block size.
Definition: cryptlib.h:981
virtual unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment() const
Provides input and output data alignment for optimal performance.
void ProcessString(byte *inoutString, size_t length)
Encrypt or decrypt a string of bytes.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1065
virtual bool IsRandomAccess() const =0
Determines whether the cipher supports random access.
virtual unsigned int MandatoryBlockSize() const
Provides the mandatory block size of the cipher.
Definition: cryptlib.h:970
virtual unsigned int OptimalBlockSize() const
Provides the input block size most efficient for this cipher.
Definition: cryptlib.h:977
Interface for one direction (encryption or decryption) of a stream cipher or cipher mode.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1296
Interface for objects that can be waited on.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1608
virtual unsigned int GetMaxWaitObjectCount() const =0
Maximum number of wait objects that this object can return.
virtual void GetWaitObjects(WaitObjectContainer &container, CallStack const &callStack)=0
Retrieves waitable objects.
bool Wait(unsigned long milliseconds, CallStack const &callStack)
Wait on this object.
Library configuration file.
Win32 calling convention.
Definition: config_dll.h:119
const lword LWORD_MAX
Large word type max value.
Definition: config_int.h:174
unsigned int word32
32-bit unsigned datatype
Definition: config_int.h:72
unsigned short word16
16-bit unsigned datatype
Definition: config_int.h:69
unsigned long long word64
64-bit unsigned datatype
Definition: config_int.h:101
word64 lword
Large word type.
Definition: config_int.h:168
Full library version.
Definition: config_ver.h:53
int HeaderVersion()
Specifies the runtime version of the library.
Definition: cryptlib.h:3372
Specifies a direction for a cipher to operate.
Definition: cryptlib.h:128
the cipher is performing encryption
Definition: cryptlib.h:130
the cipher is performing decryption
Definition: cryptlib.h:132
int LibraryVersion(...)
Specifies the build-time version of the library.
const unsigned long INFINITE_TIME
Represents infinite time.
Definition: cryptlib.h:135
const std::string DEFAULT_CHANNEL
Default channel for BufferedTransformation.
Definition: cryptlib.h:516
const NameValuePairs & g_nullNameValuePairs
An empty set of name-value pairs.
Definition: cryptlib.h:534
Provides the byte ordering.
Definition: cryptlib.h:148
byte order is little-endian
Definition: cryptlib.h:150
byte order is big-endian
Definition: cryptlib.h:152
CRYPTOPP_DLL BufferedTransformation & TheBitBucket()
An input discarding BufferedTransformation.
EnumToType< ByteOrder, LITTLE_ENDIAN_ORDER > LittleEndian
Provides a constant for LittleEndian.
Definition: cryptlib.h:155
CRYPTOPP_DLL RandomNumberGenerator & NullRNG()
Random Number Generator that does not produce random numbers.
EnumToType< ByteOrder, BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER > BigEndian
Provides a constant for BigEndian.
Definition: cryptlib.h:157
const std::string AAD_CHANNEL
Channel for additional authenticated data.
Definition: cryptlib.h:525
Crypto++ library namespace.
Namespace containing NaCl library functions.
Definition: cryptlib.h:573
Namespace containing value name definitions.
Definition: argnames.h:13
const char * DigestSize()
int, in bytes
Definition: argnames.h:79
Namespace containing testing and benchmark classes.
Definition: cryptlib.h:580
Namespace containing weak and wounded algorithms.
Definition: arc4.cpp:14
Common C++ header files.
Exception thrown by objects that have not implemented nonblocking input processing.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1789
Exception thrown when a filter does not recognize a named channel.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2191
Exception thrown when a filter does not support named channels.
Definition: cryptlib.h:2188
Returns a decoding results.
Definition: cryptlib.h:283
DecodingResult(size_t len)
Constructs a DecodingResult.
Definition: cryptlib.h:291
bool operator!=(const DecodingResult &rhs) const
Compare two DecodingResult.
Definition: cryptlib.h:303
bool operator==(const DecodingResult &rhs) const
Compare two DecodingResult.
Definition: cryptlib.h:297
Constructs a DecodingResult.
Definition: cryptlib.h:287
bool isValidCoding
Flag to indicate the decoding is valid.
Definition: cryptlib.h:306
size_t messageLength
Recovered message length if isValidCoding is true, undefined otherwise.
Definition: cryptlib.h:308
Converts an enumeration to a type suitable for use as a template parameter.
Definition: cryptlib.h:141
Interface for password based key derivation functions.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1592
Debugging and diagnostic assertions.
#define CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(exp)
Debugging and diagnostic assertion.
Definition: trap.h:68