Crypto++  8.9
Free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
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1 // integer.h - originally written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
3 /// \file integer.h
4 /// \brief Multiple precision integer with arithmetic operations
5 /// \details The Integer class can represent positive and negative integers
6 /// with absolute value less than (256**sizeof(word))<sup>(256**sizeof(int))</sup>.
7 /// \details Internally, the library uses a sign magnitude representation, and the class
8 /// has two data members. The first is a IntegerSecBlock (a SecBlock<word>) and it is
9 /// used to hold the representation. The second is a Sign (an enumeration), and it is
10 /// used to track the sign of the Integer.
11 /// \details For details on how the Integer class initializes its function pointers using
12 /// InitializeInteger and how it creates Integer::Zero(), Integer::One(), and
13 /// Integer::Two(), then see the comments at the top of <tt>integer.cpp</tt>.
14 /// \since Crypto++ 1.0
19 #include "cryptlib.h"
20 #include "secblock.h"
21 #include "stdcpp.h"
23 #include <iosfwd>
27 /// \struct InitializeInteger
28 /// \brief Performs static initialization of the Integer class
30 {
32 };
34 // Always align,
37 /// \brief Multiple precision integer with arithmetic operations
38 /// \details The Integer class can represent positive and negative integers
39 /// with absolute value less than (256**sizeof(word))<sup>(256**sizeof(int))</sup>.
40 /// \details Internally, the library uses a sign magnitude representation, and the class
41 /// has two data members. The first is a IntegerSecBlock (a SecBlock<word>) and it is
42 /// used to hold the representation. The second is a Sign (an enumeration), and it is
43 /// used to track the sign of the Integer.
44 /// \details For details on how the Integer class initializes its function pointers using
45 /// InitializeInteger and how it creates Integer::Zero(), Integer::One(), and
46 /// Integer::Two(), then see the comments at the top of <tt>integer.cpp</tt>.
47 /// \since Crypto++ 1.0
48 /// \nosubgrouping
49 class CRYPTOPP_DLL Integer : private InitializeInteger, public ASN1Object
50 {
51 public:
53  //@{
54  /// \brief Exception thrown when division by 0 is encountered
55  class DivideByZero : public Exception
56  {
57  public:
58  DivideByZero() : Exception(OTHER_ERROR, "Integer: division by zero") {}
59  };
61  /// \brief Exception thrown when a random number cannot be found that
62  /// satisfies the condition
64  {
65  public:
66  RandomNumberNotFound() : Exception(OTHER_ERROR, "Integer: no integer satisfies the given parameters") {}
67  };
69  /// \enum Sign
70  /// \brief Used internally to represent the integer
71  /// \details Sign is used internally to represent the integer. It is also used in a few API functions.
72  /// \sa SetPositive(), SetNegative(), Signedness
73  enum Sign {
74  /// \brief the value is positive or 0
76  /// \brief the value is negative
77  NEGATIVE=1};
79  /// \enum Signedness
80  /// \brief Used when importing and exporting integers
81  /// \details Signedness is usually used in API functions.
82  /// \sa Sign
83  enum Signedness {
84  /// \brief an unsigned value
86  /// \brief a signed value
87  SIGNED};
89  /// \enum RandomNumberType
90  /// \brief Properties of a random integer
92  /// \brief a number with no special properties
93  ANY,
94  /// \brief a number which is probabilistically prime
95  PRIME};
96  //@}
98  /// \name CREATORS
99  //@{
100  /// \brief Creates the zero integer
103  /// copy constructor
104  Integer(const Integer& t);
106  /// \brief Convert from signed long
107  Integer(signed long value);
109  /// \brief Convert from lword
110  /// \param sign enumeration indicating Sign
111  /// \param value the long word
112  Integer(Sign sign, lword value);
114  /// \brief Convert from two words
115  /// \param sign enumeration indicating Sign
116  /// \param highWord the high word
117  /// \param lowWord the low word
118  Integer(Sign sign, word highWord, word lowWord);
120  /// \brief Convert from a C-string
121  /// \param str C-string value
122  /// \param order the ByteOrder of the string to be processed
123  /// \details \p str can be in base 8, 10, or 16. Base is determined
124  /// by a case insensitive suffix of 'o' (8), '.' (10), or 'h' (16).
125  /// No suffix means base 10.
126  /// \details Byte order was added at Crypto++ 5.7 to allow use of little-endian
127  /// integers with curve25519, Poly1305 and Microsoft CAPI.
128  explicit Integer(const char *str, ByteOrder order = BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER);
130  /// \brief Convert from a wide C-string
131  /// \param str wide C-string value
132  /// \param order the ByteOrder of the string to be processed
133  /// \details \p str can be in base 8, 10, or 16. Base is determined
134  /// by a case insensitive suffix of 'o' (8), '.' (10), or 'h' (16).
135  /// No suffix means base 10.
136  /// \details Byte order was added at Crypto++ 5.7 to allow use of little-endian
137  /// integers with curve25519, Poly1305 and Microsoft CAPI.
138  explicit Integer(const wchar_t *str, ByteOrder order = BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER);
140  /// \brief Convert from a big-endian byte array
141  /// \param encodedInteger big-endian byte array
142  /// \param byteCount length of the byte array
143  /// \param sign enumeration indicating Signedness
144  /// \param order the ByteOrder of the array to be processed
145  /// \details Byte order was added at Crypto++ 5.7 to allow use of little-endian
146  /// integers with curve25519, Poly1305 and Microsoft CAPI.
147  Integer(const byte *encodedInteger, size_t byteCount, Signedness sign=UNSIGNED, ByteOrder order = BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER);
149  /// \brief Convert from a big-endian array
150  /// \param bt BufferedTransformation object with big-endian byte array
151  /// \param byteCount length of the byte array
152  /// \param sign enumeration indicating Signedness
153  /// \param order the ByteOrder of the data to be processed
154  /// \details Byte order was added at Crypto++ 5.7 to allow use of little-endian
155  /// integers with curve25519, Poly1305 and Microsoft CAPI.
156  Integer(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t byteCount, Signedness sign=UNSIGNED, ByteOrder order = BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER);
158  /// \brief Convert from a BER encoded byte array
159  /// \param bt BufferedTransformation object with BER encoded byte array
162  /// \brief Create a random integer
163  /// \param rng RandomNumberGenerator used to generate material
164  /// \param bitCount the number of bits in the resulting integer
165  /// \details The random integer created is uniformly distributed over <tt>[0, 2<sup>bitCount</sup>]</tt>.
166  Integer(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, size_t bitCount);
168  /// \brief Integer representing 0
169  /// \return an Integer representing 0
170  /// \details Zero() avoids calling constructors for frequently used integers
171  static const Integer & CRYPTOPP_API Zero();
172  /// \brief Integer representing 1
173  /// \return an Integer representing 1
174  /// \details One() avoids calling constructors for frequently used integers
175  static const Integer & CRYPTOPP_API One();
176  /// \brief Integer representing 2
177  /// \return an Integer representing 2
178  /// \details Two() avoids calling constructors for frequently used integers
179  static const Integer & CRYPTOPP_API Two();
181  /// \brief Create a random integer of special form
182  /// \param rng RandomNumberGenerator used to generate material
183  /// \param min the minimum value
184  /// \param max the maximum value
185  /// \param rnType RandomNumberType to specify the type
186  /// \param equiv the equivalence class based on the parameter \p mod
187  /// \param mod the modulus used to reduce the equivalence class
188  /// \throw RandomNumberNotFound if the set is empty.
189  /// \details Ideally, the random integer created should be uniformly distributed
190  /// over <tt>{x | min <= x <= max</tt> and \p x is of rnType and <tt>x \% mod == equiv}</tt>.
191  /// However the actual distribution may not be uniform because sequential
192  /// search is used to find an appropriate number from a random starting
193  /// point.
194  /// \details May return (with very small probability) a pseudoprime when a prime
195  /// is requested and <tt>max > lastSmallPrime*lastSmallPrime</tt>. \p lastSmallPrime
196  /// is declared in nbtheory.h.
197  Integer(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &min, const Integer &max, RandomNumberType rnType=ANY, const Integer &equiv=Zero(), const Integer &mod=One());
199  /// \brief Exponentiates to a power of 2
200  /// \return the Integer 2<sup>e</sup>
201  /// \sa a_times_b_mod_c() and a_exp_b_mod_c()
202  static Integer CRYPTOPP_API Power2(size_t e);
203  //@}
205  /// \name ENCODE/DECODE
206  //@{
207  /// \brief Minimum number of bytes to encode this integer
208  /// \param sign enumeration indicating Signedness
209  /// \note The MinEncodedSize() of 0 is 1.
210  size_t MinEncodedSize(Signedness sign=UNSIGNED) const;
212  /// \brief Encode in big-endian format
213  /// \param output big-endian byte array
214  /// \param outputLen length of the byte array
215  /// \param sign enumeration indicating Signedness
216  /// \details Unsigned means encode absolute value, signed means encode two's complement if negative.
217  /// \details outputLen can be used to ensure an Integer is encoded to an exact size (rather than a
218  /// minimum size). An exact size is useful, for example, when encoding to a field element size.
219  void Encode(byte *output, size_t outputLen, Signedness sign=UNSIGNED) const;
221  /// \brief Encode in big-endian format
222  /// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
223  /// \param outputLen length of the encoding
224  /// \param sign enumeration indicating Signedness
225  /// \details Unsigned means encode absolute value, signed means encode two's complement if negative.
226  /// \details outputLen can be used to ensure an Integer is encoded to an exact size (rather than a
227  /// minimum size). An exact size is useful, for example, when encoding to a field element size.
228  void Encode(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t outputLen, Signedness sign=UNSIGNED) const;
230  /// \brief Encode in DER format
231  /// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
232  /// \details Encodes the Integer using Distinguished Encoding Rules
233  /// The result is placed into a BufferedTransformation object
236  /// \brief Encode absolute value as big-endian octet string
237  /// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
238  /// \param length the number of mytes to decode
239  void DEREncodeAsOctetString(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t length) const;
241  /// \brief Encode absolute value in OpenPGP format
242  /// \param output big-endian byte array
243  /// \param bufferSize length of the byte array
244  /// \return length of the output
245  /// \details OpenPGPEncode places result into the buffer and returns the
246  /// number of bytes used for the encoding
247  size_t OpenPGPEncode(byte *output, size_t bufferSize) const;
249  /// \brief Encode absolute value in OpenPGP format
250  /// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
251  /// \return length of the output
252  /// \details OpenPGPEncode places result into a BufferedTransformation object and returns the
253  /// number of bytes used for the encoding
256  /// \brief Decode from big-endian byte array
257  /// \param input big-endian byte array
258  /// \param inputLen length of the byte array
259  /// \param sign enumeration indicating Signedness
260  void Decode(const byte *input, size_t inputLen, Signedness sign=UNSIGNED);
262  /// \brief Decode nonnegative value from big-endian byte array
263  /// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
264  /// \param inputLen length of the byte array
265  /// \param sign enumeration indicating Signedness
266  /// \note <tt>bt.MaxRetrievable() >= inputLen</tt>.
267  void Decode(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t inputLen, Signedness sign=UNSIGNED);
269  /// \brief Decode from BER format
270  /// \param input big-endian byte array
271  /// \param inputLen length of the byte array
272  void BERDecode(const byte *input, size_t inputLen);
274  /// \brief Decode from BER format
275  /// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
278  /// \brief Decode nonnegative value from big-endian octet string
279  /// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
280  /// \param length length of the byte array
283  /// \brief Exception thrown when an error is encountered decoding an OpenPGP integer
285  {
286  public:
287  OpenPGPDecodeErr() : Exception(INVALID_DATA_FORMAT, "OpenPGP decode error") {}
288  };
290  /// \brief Decode from OpenPGP format
291  /// \param input big-endian byte array
292  /// \param inputLen length of the byte array
293  void OpenPGPDecode(const byte *input, size_t inputLen);
294  /// \brief Decode from OpenPGP format
295  /// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
297  //@}
299  /// \name ACCESSORS
300  //@{
301  /// \brief Determines if the Integer is convertable to Long
302  /// \return true if <tt>*this</tt> can be represented as a signed long
303  /// \sa ConvertToLong()
304  bool IsConvertableToLong() const;
305  /// \brief Convert the Integer to Long
306  /// \return equivalent signed long if possible, otherwise undefined
307  /// \sa IsConvertableToLong()
308  signed long ConvertToLong() const;
310  /// \brief Determines the number of bits required to represent the Integer
311  /// \return number of significant bits
312  /// \details BitCount is calculated as <tt>floor(log2(abs(*this))) + 1</tt>.
313  unsigned int BitCount() const;
314  /// \brief Determines the number of bytes required to represent the Integer
315  /// \return number of significant bytes
316  /// \details ByteCount is calculated as <tt>ceiling(BitCount()/8)</tt>.
317  unsigned int ByteCount() const;
318  /// \brief Determines the number of words required to represent the Integer
319  /// \return number of significant words
320  /// \details WordCount is calculated as <tt>ceiling(ByteCount()/sizeof(word))</tt>.
321  unsigned int WordCount() const;
323  /// \brief Provides the i-th bit of the Integer
324  /// \return the i-th bit, i=0 being the least significant bit
325  bool GetBit(size_t i) const;
326  /// \brief Provides the i-th byte of the Integer
327  /// \return the i-th byte
328  byte GetByte(size_t i) const;
329  /// \brief Provides the low order bits of the Integer
330  /// \return n lowest bits of <tt>*this >> i</tt>
331  lword GetBits(size_t i, size_t n) const;
333  /// \brief Determines if the Integer is 0
334  /// \return true if the Integer is 0, false otherwise
335  bool IsZero() const {return !*this;}
336  /// \brief Determines if the Integer is non-0
337  /// \return true if the Integer is non-0, false otherwise
338  bool NotZero() const {return !IsZero();}
339  /// \brief Determines if the Integer is negative
340  /// \return true if the Integer is negative, false otherwise
341  bool IsNegative() const {return sign == NEGATIVE;}
342  /// \brief Determines if the Integer is non-negative
343  /// \return true if the Integer is non-negative, false otherwise
344  bool NotNegative() const {return !IsNegative();}
345  /// \brief Determines if the Integer is positive
346  /// \return true if the Integer is positive, false otherwise
347  bool IsPositive() const {return NotNegative() && NotZero();}
348  /// \brief Determines if the Integer is non-positive
349  /// \return true if the Integer is non-positive, false otherwise
350  bool NotPositive() const {return !IsPositive();}
351  /// \brief Determines if the Integer is even parity
352  /// \return true if the Integer is even, false otherwise
353  bool IsEven() const {return GetBit(0) == 0;}
354  /// \brief Determines if the Integer is odd parity
355  /// \return true if the Integer is odd, false otherwise
356  bool IsOdd() const {return GetBit(0) == 1;}
357  //@}
359  /// \name MANIPULATORS
360  //@{
361  /// \brief Assignment
362  /// \param t the other Integer
363  /// \return the result of assignment
365  /// \brief Addition Assignment
366  /// \param t the other Integer
367  /// \return the result of <tt>*this + t</tt>
369  /// \brief Subtraction Assignment
370  /// \param t the other Integer
371  /// \return the result of <tt>*this - t</tt>
373  /// \brief Multiplication Assignment
374  /// \param t the other Integer
375  /// \return the result of <tt>*this * t</tt>
376  /// \sa a_times_b_mod_c() and a_exp_b_mod_c()
377  Integer& operator*=(const Integer& t) {return *this = Times(t);}
378  /// \brief Division Assignment
379  /// \param t the other Integer
380  /// \return the result of <tt>*this / t</tt>
381  Integer& operator/=(const Integer& t) {return *this = DividedBy(t);}
382  /// \brief Remainder Assignment
383  /// \param t the other Integer
384  /// \return the result of <tt>*this % t</tt>
385  /// \sa a_times_b_mod_c() and a_exp_b_mod_c()
386  Integer& operator%=(const Integer& t) {return *this = Modulo(t);}
387  /// \brief Division Assignment
388  /// \param t the other word
389  /// \return the result of <tt>*this / t</tt>
390  Integer& operator/=(word t) {return *this = DividedBy(t);}
391  /// \brief Remainder Assignment
392  /// \param t the other word
393  /// \return the result of <tt>*this % t</tt>
394  /// \sa a_times_b_mod_c() and a_exp_b_mod_c()
395  Integer& operator%=(word t) {return *this = Integer(POSITIVE, 0, Modulo(t));}
397  /// \brief Left-shift Assignment
398  /// \param n number of bits to shift
399  /// \return reference to this Integer
400  Integer& operator<<=(size_t n);
401  /// \brief Right-shift Assignment
402  /// \param n number of bits to shift
403  /// \return reference to this Integer
404  Integer& operator>>=(size_t n);
406  /// \brief Bitwise AND Assignment
407  /// \param t the other Integer
408  /// \return the result of <tt>*this & t</tt>
409  /// \details operator&=() performs a bitwise AND on <tt>*this</tt>. Missing bits are truncated
410  /// at the most significant bit positions, so the result is as small as the
411  /// smaller of the operands.
412  /// \details Internally, Crypto++ uses a sign-magnitude representation. The library
413  /// does not attempt to interpret bits, and the result is always POSITIVE. If needed,
414  /// the integer should be converted to a 2's compliment representation before performing
415  /// the operation.
416  /// \since Crypto++ 6.0
418  /// \brief Bitwise OR Assignment
419  /// \param t the second Integer
420  /// \return the result of <tt>*this | t</tt>
421  /// \details operator|=() performs a bitwise OR on <tt>*this</tt>. Missing bits are shifted in
422  /// at the most significant bit positions, so the result is as large as the
423  /// larger of the operands.
424  /// \details Internally, Crypto++ uses a sign-magnitude representation. The library
425  /// does not attempt to interpret bits, and the result is always POSITIVE. If needed,
426  /// the integer should be converted to a 2's compliment representation before performing
427  /// the operation.
428  /// \since Crypto++ 6.0
430  /// \brief Bitwise XOR Assignment
431  /// \param t the other Integer
432  /// \return the result of <tt>*this ^ t</tt>
433  /// \details operator^=() performs a bitwise XOR on <tt>*this</tt>. Missing bits are shifted
434  /// in at the most significant bit positions, so the result is as large as the
435  /// larger of the operands.
436  /// \details Internally, Crypto++ uses a sign-magnitude representation. The library
437  /// does not attempt to interpret bits, and the result is always POSITIVE. If needed,
438  /// the integer should be converted to a 2's compliment representation before performing
439  /// the operation.
440  /// \since Crypto++ 6.0
443  /// \brief Set this Integer to random integer
444  /// \param rng RandomNumberGenerator used to generate material
445  /// \param bitCount the number of bits in the resulting integer
446  /// \details The random integer created is uniformly distributed over <tt>[0, 2<sup>bitCount</sup>]</tt>.
447  /// \note If \p bitCount is 0, then this Integer is set to 0 (and not 0 or 1).
448  void Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, size_t bitCount);
450  /// \brief Set this Integer to random integer
451  /// \param rng RandomNumberGenerator used to generate material
452  /// \param min the minimum value
453  /// \param max the maximum value
454  /// \details The random integer created is uniformly distributed over <tt>[min, max]</tt>.
455  void Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &min, const Integer &max);
457  /// \brief Set this Integer to random integer of special form
458  /// \param rng RandomNumberGenerator used to generate material
459  /// \param min the minimum value
460  /// \param max the maximum value
461  /// \param rnType RandomNumberType to specify the type
462  /// \param equiv the equivalence class based on the parameter \p mod
463  /// \param mod the modulus used to reduce the equivalence class
464  /// \throw RandomNumberNotFound if the set is empty.
465  /// \details Ideally, the random integer created should be uniformly distributed
466  /// over <tt>{x | min <= x <= max</tt> and \p x is of rnType and <tt>x \% mod == equiv}</tt>.
467  /// However the actual distribution may not be uniform because sequential
468  /// search is used to find an appropriate number from a random starting
469  /// point.
470  /// \details May return (with very small probability) a pseudoprime when a prime
471  /// is requested and <tt>max > lastSmallPrime*lastSmallPrime</tt>. \p lastSmallPrime
472  /// is declared in nbtheory.h.
473  bool Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &min, const Integer &max, RandomNumberType rnType, const Integer &equiv=Zero(), const Integer &mod=One());
475  /// \brief Generate a random number
476  /// \param rng RandomNumberGenerator used to generate material
477  /// \param params additional parameters that cannot be passed directly to the function
478  /// \return true if a random number was generated, false otherwise
479  /// \details GenerateRandomNoThrow attempts to generate a random number according to the
480  /// parameters specified in params. The function does not throw RandomNumberNotFound.
481  /// \details The example below generates a prime number using NameValuePairs that Integer
482  /// class recognizes. The names are not provided in argnames.h.
483  /// <pre>
484  /// AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
485  /// AlgorithmParameters params = MakeParameters("BitLength", 2048)
486  /// ("RandomNumberType", Integer::PRIME);
487  /// Integer x;
488  /// if (x.GenerateRandomNoThrow(prng, params) == false)
489  /// throw std::runtime_error("Failed to generate prime number");
490  /// </pre>
493  /// \brief Generate a random number
494  /// \param rng RandomNumberGenerator used to generate material
495  /// \param params additional parameters that cannot be passed directly to the function
496  /// \throw RandomNumberNotFound if a random number is not found
497  /// \details GenerateRandom attempts to generate a random number according to the
498  /// parameters specified in params.
499  /// \details The example below generates a prime number using NameValuePairs that Integer
500  /// class recognizes. The names are not provided in argnames.h.
501  /// <pre>
502  /// AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
503  /// AlgorithmParameters params = MakeParameters("BitLength", 2048)
504  /// ("RandomNumberType", Integer::PRIME);
505  /// Integer x;
506  /// try { x.GenerateRandom(prng, params); }
507  /// catch (RandomNumberNotFound&) { x = -1; }
508  /// </pre>
510  {
511  if (!GenerateRandomNoThrow(rng, params))
512  throw RandomNumberNotFound();
513  }
515  /// \brief Set the n-th bit to value
516  /// \details 0-based numbering.
517  void SetBit(size_t n, bool value=1);
519  /// \brief Set the n-th byte to value
520  /// \details 0-based numbering.
521  void SetByte(size_t n, byte value);
523  /// \brief Reverse the Sign of the Integer
524  void Negate();
526  /// \brief Sets the Integer to positive
527  void SetPositive() {sign = POSITIVE;}
529  /// \brief Sets the Integer to negative
530  void SetNegative() {if (!!(*this)) sign = NEGATIVE;}
532  /// \brief Swaps this Integer with another Integer
533  void swap(Integer &a);
534  //@}
536  /// \name UNARY OPERATORS
537  //@{
538  /// \brief Negation
539  bool operator!() const;
540  /// \brief Addition
541  Integer operator+() const {return *this;}
542  /// \brief Subtraction
544  /// \brief Pre-increment
546  /// \brief Pre-decrement
548  /// \brief Post-increment
549  Integer operator++(int) {Integer temp = *this; ++*this; return temp;}
550  /// \brief Post-decrement
551  Integer operator--(int) {Integer temp = *this; --*this; return temp;}
552  //@}
554  /// \name BINARY OPERATORS
555  //@{
556  /// \brief Perform signed comparison
557  /// \param a the Integer to compare
558  /// \retval -1 if <tt>*this < a</tt>
559  /// \retval 0 if <tt>*this = a</tt>
560  /// \retval 1 if <tt>*this > a</tt>
561  int Compare(const Integer& a) const;
563  /// \brief Addition
564  Integer Plus(const Integer &b) const;
565  /// \brief Subtraction
566  Integer Minus(const Integer &b) const;
567  /// \brief Multiplication
568  /// \sa a_times_b_mod_c() and a_exp_b_mod_c()
569  Integer Times(const Integer &b) const;
570  /// \brief Division
571  Integer DividedBy(const Integer &b) const;
572  /// \brief Remainder
573  /// \sa a_times_b_mod_c() and a_exp_b_mod_c()
574  Integer Modulo(const Integer &b) const;
575  /// \brief Division
577  /// \brief Remainder
578  /// \sa a_times_b_mod_c() and a_exp_b_mod_c()
579  word Modulo(word b) const;
581  /// \brief Bitwise AND
582  /// \param t the other Integer
583  /// \return the result of <tt>*this & t</tt>
584  /// \details And() performs a bitwise AND on the operands. Missing bits are truncated
585  /// at the most significant bit positions, so the result is as small as the
586  /// smaller of the operands.
587  /// \details Internally, Crypto++ uses a sign-magnitude representation. The library
588  /// does not attempt to interpret bits, and the result is always POSITIVE. If needed,
589  /// the integer should be converted to a 2's compliment representation before performing
590  /// the operation.
591  /// \since Crypto++ 6.0
592  Integer And(const Integer& t) const;
594  /// \brief Bitwise OR
595  /// \param t the other Integer
596  /// \return the result of <tt>*this | t</tt>
597  /// \details Or() performs a bitwise OR on the operands. Missing bits are shifted in
598  /// at the most significant bit positions, so the result is as large as the
599  /// larger of the operands.
600  /// \details Internally, Crypto++ uses a sign-magnitude representation. The library
601  /// does not attempt to interpret bits, and the result is always POSITIVE. If needed,
602  /// the integer should be converted to a 2's compliment representation before performing
603  /// the operation.
604  /// \since Crypto++ 6.0
605  Integer Or(const Integer& t) const;
607  /// \brief Bitwise XOR
608  /// \param t the other Integer
609  /// \return the result of <tt>*this ^ t</tt>
610  /// \details Xor() performs a bitwise XOR on the operands. Missing bits are shifted in
611  /// at the most significant bit positions, so the result is as large as the
612  /// larger of the operands.
613  /// \details Internally, Crypto++ uses a sign-magnitude representation. The library
614  /// does not attempt to interpret bits, and the result is always POSITIVE. If needed,
615  /// the integer should be converted to a 2's compliment representation before performing
616  /// the operation.
617  /// \since Crypto++ 6.0
618  Integer Xor(const Integer& t) const;
620  /// \brief Right-shift
621  Integer operator>>(size_t n) const {return Integer(*this)>>=n;}
622  /// \brief Left-shift
623  Integer operator<<(size_t n) const {return Integer(*this)<<=n;}
624  //@}
627  //@{
628  /// \brief Retrieve the absolute value of this integer
630  /// \brief Add this integer to itself
631  Integer Doubled() const {return Plus(*this);}
632  /// \brief Multiply this integer by itself
633  /// \sa a_times_b_mod_c() and a_exp_b_mod_c()
634  Integer Squared() const {return Times(*this);}
635  /// \brief Extract square root
636  /// \details if negative return 0, else return floor of square root
638  /// \brief Determine whether this integer is a perfect square
639  bool IsSquare() const;
641  /// \brief Determine if 1 or -1
642  /// \return true if this integer is 1 or -1, false otherwise
643  bool IsUnit() const;
644  /// \brief Calculate multiplicative inverse
645  /// \return MultiplicativeInverse inverse if 1 or -1, otherwise return 0.
648  /// \brief Extended Division
649  /// \param r a reference for the remainder
650  /// \param q a reference for the quotient
651  /// \param a reference to the dividend
652  /// \param d reference to the divisor
653  /// \details Divide calculates r and q such that (a == d*q + r) && (0 <= r < abs(d)).
654  static void CRYPTOPP_API Divide(Integer &r, Integer &q, const Integer &a, const Integer &d);
656  /// \brief Extended Division
657  /// \param r a reference for the remainder
658  /// \param q a reference for the quotient
659  /// \param a reference to the dividend
660  /// \param d reference to the divisor
661  /// \details Divide calculates r and q such that (a == d*q + r) && (0 <= r < abs(d)).
662  /// This overload uses a faster division algorithm because the divisor is short.
663  static void CRYPTOPP_API Divide(word &r, Integer &q, const Integer &a, word d);
665  /// \brief Extended Division
666  /// \param r a reference for the remainder
667  /// \param q a reference for the quotient
668  /// \param a reference to the dividend
669  /// \param n reference to the divisor
670  /// \details DivideByPowerOf2 calculates r and q such that (a == d*q + r) && (0 <= r < abs(d)).
671  /// It returns same result as Divide(r, q, a, Power2(n)), but faster.
672  /// This overload uses a faster division algorithm because the divisor is a power of 2.
673  static void CRYPTOPP_API DivideByPowerOf2(Integer &r, Integer &q, const Integer &a, unsigned int n);
675  /// \brief Calculate greatest common divisor
676  /// \param a reference to the first number
677  /// \param n reference to the secind number
678  /// \return the greatest common divisor <tt>a</tt> and <tt>n</tt>.
679  static Integer CRYPTOPP_API Gcd(const Integer &a, const Integer &n);
681  /// \brief Calculate multiplicative inverse
682  /// \param n reference to the modulus
683  /// \return an Integer <tt>*this % n</tt>.
684  /// \details InverseMod returns the multiplicative inverse of the Integer <tt>*this</tt>
685  /// modulo the Integer <tt>n</tt>. If no Integer exists then Integer 0 is returned.
686  /// \sa a_times_b_mod_c() and a_exp_b_mod_c()
687  Integer InverseMod(const Integer &n) const;
689  /// \brief Calculate multiplicative inverse
690  /// \param n the modulus
691  /// \return a word <tt>*this % n</tt>.
692  /// \details InverseMod returns the multiplicative inverse of the Integer <tt>*this</tt>
693  /// modulo the word <tt>n</tt>. If no Integer exists then word 0 is returned.
694  /// \sa a_times_b_mod_c() and a_exp_b_mod_c()
695  word InverseMod(word n) const;
696  //@}
698  /// \name INPUT/OUTPUT
699  //@{
700  /// \brief Extraction operator
701  /// \param in reference to a std::istream
702  /// \param a reference to an Integer
703  /// \return reference to a std::istream reference
704  friend CRYPTOPP_DLL std::istream& CRYPTOPP_API operator>>(std::istream& in, Integer &a);
706  /// \brief Insertion operator
707  /// \param out reference to a std::ostream
708  /// \param a a constant reference to an Integer
709  /// \return reference to a std::ostream reference
710  /// \details The output integer responds to hex, std::oct, std::hex, std::upper and
711  /// std::lower. The output includes the suffix \a h (for hex), \a . (\a dot, for dec)
712  /// and \a o (for octal). There is currently no way to suppress the suffix.
713  /// \details If you want to print an Integer without the suffix or using an arbitrary base, then
714  /// use IntToString<Integer>().
715  /// \sa IntToString<Integer>
716  friend CRYPTOPP_DLL std::ostream& CRYPTOPP_API operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Integer &a);
717  //@}
719  /// \brief Modular multiplication
720  /// \param x reference to the first term
721  /// \param y reference to the second term
722  /// \param m reference to the modulus
723  /// \return an Integer <tt>(a * b) % m</tt>.
724  CRYPTOPP_DLL friend Integer CRYPTOPP_API a_times_b_mod_c(const Integer &x, const Integer& y, const Integer& m);
725  /// \brief Modular exponentiation
726  /// \param x reference to the base
727  /// \param e reference to the exponent
728  /// \param m reference to the modulus
729  /// \return an Integer <tt>(a ^ b) % m</tt>.
730  CRYPTOPP_DLL friend Integer CRYPTOPP_API a_exp_b_mod_c(const Integer &x, const Integer& e, const Integer& m);
732 protected:
734  //
735  Integer InverseModNext(const Integer &n) const;
737 private:
739  Integer(word value, size_t length);
740  int PositiveCompare(const Integer &t) const;
742  IntegerSecBlock reg;
743  Sign sign;
746  friend class ModularArithmetic;
747  friend class MontgomeryRepresentation;
748  friend class HalfMontgomeryRepresentation;
750  friend void PositiveAdd(Integer &sum, const Integer &a, const Integer &b);
751  friend void PositiveSubtract(Integer &diff, const Integer &a, const Integer &b);
752  friend void PositiveMultiply(Integer &product, const Integer &a, const Integer &b);
753  friend void PositiveDivide(Integer &remainder, Integer &quotient, const Integer &dividend, const Integer &divisor);
754 #endif
755 };
757 /// \brief Comparison
758 inline bool operator==(const CryptoPP::Integer& a, const CryptoPP::Integer& b) {return a.Compare(b)==0;}
759 /// \brief Comparison
760 inline bool operator!=(const CryptoPP::Integer& a, const CryptoPP::Integer& b) {return a.Compare(b)!=0;}
761 /// \brief Comparison
762 inline bool operator> (const CryptoPP::Integer& a, const CryptoPP::Integer& b) {return a.Compare(b)> 0;}
763 /// \brief Comparison
764 inline bool operator>=(const CryptoPP::Integer& a, const CryptoPP::Integer& b) {return a.Compare(b)>=0;}
765 /// \brief Comparison
766 inline bool operator< (const CryptoPP::Integer& a, const CryptoPP::Integer& b) {return a.Compare(b)< 0;}
767 /// \brief Comparison
768 inline bool operator<=(const CryptoPP::Integer& a, const CryptoPP::Integer& b) {return a.Compare(b)<=0;}
769 /// \brief Addition
770 inline CryptoPP::Integer operator+(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, const CryptoPP::Integer &b) {return a.Plus(b);}
771 /// \brief Subtraction
772 inline CryptoPP::Integer operator-(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, const CryptoPP::Integer &b) {return a.Minus(b);}
773 /// \brief Multiplication
774 /// \sa a_times_b_mod_c() and a_exp_b_mod_c()
775 inline CryptoPP::Integer operator*(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, const CryptoPP::Integer &b) {return a.Times(b);}
776 /// \brief Division
777 inline CryptoPP::Integer operator/(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, const CryptoPP::Integer &b) {return a.DividedBy(b);}
778 /// \brief Remainder
779 /// \sa a_times_b_mod_c() and a_exp_b_mod_c()
780 inline CryptoPP::Integer operator%(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, const CryptoPP::Integer &b) {return a.Modulo(b);}
781 /// \brief Division
782 inline CryptoPP::Integer operator/(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, CryptoPP::word b) {return a.DividedBy(b);}
783 /// \brief Remainder
784 /// \sa a_times_b_mod_c() and a_exp_b_mod_c()
785 inline CryptoPP::word operator%(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, CryptoPP::word b) {return a.Modulo(b);}
787 /// \brief Bitwise AND
788 /// \param a the first Integer
789 /// \param b the second Integer
790 /// \return the result of a & b
791 /// \details operator&() performs a bitwise AND on the operands. Missing bits are truncated
792 /// at the most significant bit positions, so the result is as small as the
793 /// smaller of the operands.
794 /// \details Internally, Crypto++ uses a sign-magnitude representation. The library
795 /// does not attempt to interpret bits, and the result is always POSITIVE. If needed,
796 /// the integer should be converted to a 2's compliment representation before performing
797 /// the operation.
798 /// \since Crypto++ 6.0
799 inline CryptoPP::Integer operator&(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, const CryptoPP::Integer &b) {return a.And(b);}
801 /// \brief Bitwise OR
802 /// \param a the first Integer
803 /// \param b the second Integer
804 /// \return the result of a | b
805 /// \details operator|() performs a bitwise OR on the operands. Missing bits are shifted in
806 /// at the most significant bit positions, so the result is as large as the
807 /// larger of the operands.
808 /// \details Internally, Crypto++ uses a sign-magnitude representation. The library
809 /// does not attempt to interpret bits, and the result is always POSITIVE. If needed,
810 /// the integer should be converted to a 2's compliment representation before performing
811 /// the operation.
812 /// \since Crypto++ 6.0
813 inline CryptoPP::Integer operator|(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, const CryptoPP::Integer &b) {return a.Or(b);}
815 /// \brief Bitwise XOR
816 /// \param a the first Integer
817 /// \param b the second Integer
818 /// \return the result of a ^ b
819 /// \details operator^() performs a bitwise XOR on the operands. Missing bits are shifted
820 /// in at the most significant bit positions, so the result is as large as the
821 /// larger of the operands.
822 /// \details Internally, Crypto++ uses a sign-magnitude representation. The library
823 /// does not attempt to interpret bits, and the result is always POSITIVE. If needed,
824 /// the integer should be converted to a 2's compliment representation before performing
825 /// the operation.
826 /// \since Crypto++ 6.0
827 inline CryptoPP::Integer operator^(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, const CryptoPP::Integer &b) {return a.Xor(b);}
831 #ifndef __BORLANDC__
833 inline void swap(CryptoPP::Integer &a, CryptoPP::Integer &b)
834 {
835  a.swap(b);
836 }
838 #endif
840 #endif
Interface for encoding and decoding ASN1 objects.
Definition: cryptlib.h:3289
Interface for buffered transformations.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1657
Base class for all exceptions thrown by the library.
Definition: cryptlib.h:164
Exception thrown when division by 0 is encountered.
Definition: integer.h:56
Exception thrown when an error is encountered decoding an OpenPGP integer.
Definition: integer.h:285
Exception thrown when a random number cannot be found that satisfies the condition.
Definition: integer.h:64
Multiple precision integer with arithmetic operations.
Definition: integer.h:50
Integer operator--(int)
Definition: integer.h:551
static void Divide(Integer &r, Integer &q, const Integer &a, const Integer &d)
Extended Division.
void DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
Encode in DER format.
void GenerateRandom(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const NameValuePairs &params=g_nullNameValuePairs)
Generate a random number.
Definition: integer.h:509
bool GetBit(size_t i) const
Provides the i-th bit of the Integer.
void SetByte(size_t n, byte value)
Set the n-th byte to value.
static void DivideByPowerOf2(Integer &r, Integer &q, const Integer &a, unsigned int n)
Extended Division.
Integer & operator&=(const Integer &t)
Bitwise AND Assignment.
bool IsPositive() const
Determines if the Integer is positive.
Definition: integer.h:347
Integer operator++(int)
Definition: integer.h:549
friend CRYPTOPP_DLL std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Integer &a)
Insertion operator.
Integer(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t byteCount, Signedness sign=UNSIGNED, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)
Convert from a big-endian array.
Integer Minus(const Integer &b) const
Integer(const byte *encodedInteger, size_t byteCount, Signedness sign=UNSIGNED, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)
Convert from a big-endian byte array.
signed long ConvertToLong() const
Convert the Integer to Long.
Integer operator-() const
void SetBit(size_t n, bool value=1)
Set the n-th bit to value.
friend CRYPTOPP_DLL std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &in, Integer &a)
Extraction operator.
word InverseMod(word n) const
Calculate multiplicative inverse.
Integer & operator%=(word t)
Remainder Assignment.
Definition: integer.h:395
Integer And(const Integer &t) const
Bitwise AND.
bool IsSquare() const
Determine whether this integer is a perfect square.
Integer Plus(const Integer &b) const
Integer DividedBy(const Integer &b) const
Integer DividedBy(word b) const
Integer & operator%=(const Integer &t)
Remainder Assignment.
Definition: integer.h:386
void DEREncodeAsOctetString(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t length) const
Encode absolute value as big-endian octet string.
void OpenPGPDecode(const byte *input, size_t inputLen)
Decode from OpenPGP format.
Integer Doubled() const
Add this integer to itself.
Definition: integer.h:631
Integer & operator^=(const Integer &t)
Bitwise XOR Assignment.
bool NotZero() const
Determines if the Integer is non-0.
Definition: integer.h:338
Integer Times(const Integer &b) const
Integer & operator=(const Integer &t)
Integer operator>>(size_t n) const
Definition: integer.h:621
void BERDecodeAsOctetString(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t length)
Decode nonnegative value from big-endian octet string.
byte GetByte(size_t i) const
Provides the i-th byte of the Integer.
word Modulo(word b) const
void Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, size_t bitCount)
Set this Integer to random integer.
CRYPTOPP_DLL friend Integer a_times_b_mod_c(const Integer &x, const Integer &y, const Integer &m)
Modular multiplication.
bool IsConvertableToLong() const
Determines if the Integer is convertable to Long.
Integer(Sign sign, lword value)
Convert from lword.
void Encode(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t outputLen, Signedness sign=UNSIGNED) const
Encode in big-endian format.
Integer & operator/=(word t)
Division Assignment.
Definition: integer.h:390
Integer Or(const Integer &t) const
Bitwise OR.
lword GetBits(size_t i, size_t n) const
Provides the low order bits of the Integer.
Integer & operator+=(const Integer &t)
Addition Assignment.
static Integer Power2(size_t e)
Exponentiates to a power of 2.
Integer & operator|=(const Integer &t)
Bitwise OR Assignment.
Integer Squared() const
Multiply this integer by itself.
Definition: integer.h:634
Creates the zero integer.
Integer & operator/=(const Integer &t)
Division Assignment.
Definition: integer.h:381
void BERDecode(const byte *input, size_t inputLen)
Decode from BER format.
Integer(BufferedTransformation &bt)
Convert from a BER encoded byte array.
size_t MinEncodedSize(Signedness sign=UNSIGNED) const
Minimum number of bytes to encode this integer.
bool NotPositive() const
Determines if the Integer is non-positive.
Definition: integer.h:350
bool Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &min, const Integer &max, RandomNumberType rnType, const Integer &equiv=Zero(), const Integer &mod=One())
Set this Integer to random integer of special form.
void SetNegative()
Sets the Integer to negative.
Definition: integer.h:530
static const Integer & One()
Integer representing 1.
unsigned int BitCount() const
Determines the number of bits required to represent the Integer.
void BERDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt)
Decode from BER format.
void Negate()
Reverse the Sign of the Integer.
bool NotNegative() const
Determines if the Integer is non-negative.
Definition: integer.h:344
Integer(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &min, const Integer &max, RandomNumberType rnType=ANY, const Integer &equiv=Zero(), const Integer &mod=One())
Create a random integer of special form.
Integer & operator++()
void SetPositive()
Sets the Integer to positive.
Definition: integer.h:527
unsigned int WordCount() const
Determines the number of words required to represent the Integer.
CRYPTOPP_DLL friend Integer a_exp_b_mod_c(const Integer &x, const Integer &e, const Integer &m)
Modular exponentiation.
Integer & operator--()
Integer operator+() const
Definition: integer.h:541
Properties of a random integer.
Definition: integer.h:91
a number with no special properties
Definition: integer.h:93
bool operator!() const
static const Integer & Zero()
Integer representing 0.
Integer & operator-=(const Integer &t)
Subtraction Assignment.
Integer(const Integer &t)
copy constructor
Integer AbsoluteValue() const
Retrieve the absolute value of this integer.
void OpenPGPDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt)
Decode from OpenPGP format.
Integer(const char *str, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)
Convert from a C-string.
Used when importing and exporting integers.
Definition: integer.h:83
an unsigned value
Definition: integer.h:85
Integer Xor(const Integer &t) const
Bitwise XOR.
Integer(Sign sign, word highWord, word lowWord)
Convert from two words.
void Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &min, const Integer &max)
Set this Integer to random integer.
Integer operator<<(size_t n) const
Definition: integer.h:623
int Compare(const Integer &a) const
Perform signed comparison.
Integer Modulo(const Integer &b) const
Integer(signed long value)
Convert from signed long.
size_t OpenPGPEncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
Encode absolute value in OpenPGP format.
size_t OpenPGPEncode(byte *output, size_t bufferSize) const
Encode absolute value in OpenPGP format.
void swap(Integer &a)
Swaps this Integer with another Integer.
bool IsZero() const
Determines if the Integer is 0.
Definition: integer.h:335
Integer MultiplicativeInverse() const
Calculate multiplicative inverse.
bool GenerateRandomNoThrow(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const NameValuePairs &params=g_nullNameValuePairs)
Generate a random number.
Integer & operator<<=(size_t n)
Left-shift Assignment.
bool IsNegative() const
Determines if the Integer is negative.
Definition: integer.h:341
Integer & operator*=(const Integer &t)
Multiplication Assignment.
Definition: integer.h:377
void Decode(const byte *input, size_t inputLen, Signedness sign=UNSIGNED)
Decode from big-endian byte array.
Used internally to represent the integer.
Definition: integer.h:73
Integer(const wchar_t *str, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)
Convert from a wide C-string.
static const Integer & Two()
Integer representing 2.
unsigned int ByteCount() const
Determines the number of bytes required to represent the Integer.
void Decode(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t inputLen, Signedness sign=UNSIGNED)
Decode nonnegative value from big-endian byte array.
bool IsUnit() const
Determine if 1 or -1.
Integer(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, size_t bitCount)
Create a random integer.
bool IsOdd() const
Determines if the Integer is odd parity.
Definition: integer.h:356
static void Divide(word &r, Integer &q, const Integer &a, word d)
Extended Division.
Integer & operator>>=(size_t n)
Right-shift Assignment.
static Integer Gcd(const Integer &a, const Integer &n)
Calculate greatest common divisor.
void Encode(byte *output, size_t outputLen, Signedness sign=UNSIGNED) const
Encode in big-endian format.
Integer InverseMod(const Integer &n) const
Calculate multiplicative inverse.
Integer SquareRoot() const
Extract square root.
bool IsEven() const
Determines if the Integer is even parity.
Definition: integer.h:353
Ring of congruence classes modulo n.
Definition: modarith.h:44
Performs modular arithmetic in Montgomery representation for increased speed.
Definition: modarith.h:296
Interface for retrieving values given their names.
Definition: cryptlib.h:327
Interface for random number generators.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1440
Secure memory block with allocator and cleanup.
Definition: secblock.h:731
Win32 calling convention.
Definition: config_dll.h:119
word64 word
Full word used for multiprecision integer arithmetic.
Definition: config_int.h:192
word64 lword
Large word type.
Definition: config_int.h:168
Abstract base classes that provide a uniform interface to this library.
const NameValuePairs & g_nullNameValuePairs
An empty set of name-value pairs.
Definition: cryptlib.h:534
Provides the byte ordering.
Definition: cryptlib.h:148
byte order is big-endian
Definition: cryptlib.h:152
inline ::Integer operator&(const ::Integer &a, const ::Integer &b)
Bitwise AND.
Definition: integer.h:799
inline ::Integer operator%(const ::Integer &a, const ::Integer &b)
Definition: integer.h:780
bool operator<(const ::Integer &a, const ::Integer &b)
Definition: integer.h:766
inline ::Integer operator-(const ::Integer &a, const ::Integer &b)
Definition: integer.h:772
inline ::Integer operator^(const ::Integer &a, const ::Integer &b)
Bitwise XOR.
Definition: integer.h:827
inline ::Integer operator|(const ::Integer &a, const ::Integer &b)
Bitwise OR.
Definition: integer.h:813
bool operator>=(const ::Integer &a, const ::Integer &b)
Definition: integer.h:764
inline ::Integer operator*(const ::Integer &a, const ::Integer &b)
Definition: integer.h:775
bool operator<=(const ::Integer &a, const ::Integer &b)
Definition: integer.h:768
inline ::Integer operator/(const ::Integer &a, const ::Integer &b)
Definition: integer.h:777
bool operator==(const ::Integer &a, const ::Integer &b)
Definition: integer.h:758
bool operator>(const ::Integer &a, const ::Integer &b)
Definition: integer.h:762
bool operator!=(const ::Integer &a, const ::Integer &b)
Definition: integer.h:760
inline ::Integer operator+(const ::Integer &a, const ::Integer &b)
Definition: integer.h:770
Crypto++ library namespace.
Classes and functions for secure memory allocations.
void swap(::SecBlock< T, A > &a, ::SecBlock< T, A > &b)
Swap two SecBlocks.
Definition: secblock.h:1289
Common C++ header files.
Performs static initialization of the Integer class.
Definition: integer.h:30