Crypto++  8.9
Free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // config_int.h - written and placed in public domain by Jeffrey Walton
2 // the bits that make up this source file are from the
3 // library's monolithic config.h.
5 /// \file config_int.h
6 /// \brief Library configuration file
7 /// \details <tt>config_int.h</tt> provides defines and typedefs for fixed
8 /// size integers. The library's choices for fixed size integers predates other
9 /// standard-based integers by about 5 years. After fixed sizes were
10 /// made standard, the library continued to use its own definitions for
11 /// compatibility with previous versions of the library.
12 /// \details <tt>config.h</tt> was split into components in May 2019 to better
13 /// integrate with Autoconf and its feature tests. The splitting occurred so
14 /// users could continue to include <tt>config.h</tt> while allowing Autoconf
15 /// to write new <tt>config_asm.h</tt> and new <tt>config_cxx.h</tt> using
16 /// its feature tests.
17 /// \note You should include <tt>config.h</tt> rather than <tt>config_int.h</tt>
18 /// directly.
19 /// \sa <A HREF="">Issue 835,
20 /// Make config.h more autoconf friendly</A>,
21 /// <A HREF=""> script</A>
22 /// on the Crypto++ wiki
23 /// \since Crypto++ 8.3
28 #include "config_ns.h"
29 #include "config_ver.h"
30 #include "config_misc.h"
32 // C5264 new for VS2022/v17.4, MSC v17.3.4
33 //
35 # pragma warning(push)
36 # if (CRYPTOPP_MSC_VERSION >= 1933)
37 # pragma warning(disable: 5264)
38 # endif
39 #endif
41 /// \brief Library byte guard
42 /// \details CRYPTOPP_NO_GLOBAL_BYTE indicates <tt>byte</tt> is in the Crypto++
43 /// namespace.
44 /// \details The Crypto++ <tt>byte</tt> was originally in global namespace to avoid
45 /// ambiguity with other byte typedefs. <tt>byte</tt> was moved to CryptoPP namespace
46 /// at Crypto++ 6.0 due to C++17, <tt>std::byte</tt> and potential compile problems.
47 /// \sa <A HREF="">Issue 442</A>,
48 /// <A HREF="">std::byte</A> on the
49 /// Crypto++ wiki
50 /// \since Crypto++ 6.0
55 // Signed words added at Issue 609 for early versions of and Visual Studio and
56 // the NaCl gear. Also see
58 /// \brief 8-bit unsigned datatype
59 /// \details The Crypto++ <tt>byte</tt> was originally in global namespace to avoid
60 /// ambiguity with other byte typedefs. <tt>byte</tt> was moved to CryptoPP namespace
61 /// at Crypto++ 6.0 due to C++17, <tt>std::byte</tt> and potential compile problems.
62 /// \sa CRYPTOPP_NO_GLOBAL_BYTE, <A HREF="">Issue 442</A>,
63 /// <A HREF="">std::byte</A> on the
64 /// Crypto++ wiki
65 /// \since Crypto++ 1.0, CryptoPP namespace since Crypto++ 6.0
66 typedef unsigned char byte;
67 /// \brief 16-bit unsigned datatype
68 /// \since Crypto++ 1.0
69 typedef unsigned short word16;
70 /// \brief 32-bit unsigned datatype
71 /// \since Crypto++ 1.0
72 typedef unsigned int word32;
74 /// \brief 8-bit signed datatype
75 /// \details The 8-bit signed datatype was added to support constant time
76 /// implementations for curve25519, X25519 key agreement and ed25519
77 /// signatures.
78 /// \since Crypto++ 8.0
79 typedef signed char sbyte;
80 /// \brief 16-bit signed datatype
81 /// \details The 32-bit signed datatype was added to support constant time
82 /// implementations for curve25519, X25519 key agreement and ed25519
83 /// signatures.
84 /// \since Crypto++ 8.0
85 typedef signed short sword16;
86 /// \brief 32-bit signed datatype
87 /// \details The 32-bit signed datatype was added to support constant time
88 /// implementations for curve25519, X25519 key agreement and ed25519
89 /// signatures.
90 /// \since Crypto++ 8.0
91 typedef signed int sword32;
95  /// \brief 64-bit unsigned datatype
96  /// \details The typedef for <tt>word64</tt> varies depending on the platform.
97  /// On Microsoft platforms it is <tt>unsigned __int64</tt>. On Unix &amp; Linux
98  /// with LP64 data model it is <tt>unsigned long</tt>. On Unix &amp; Linux with ILP32
99  /// data model it is <tt>unsigned long long</tt>.
100  /// \since Crypto++ 1.0
101  typedef unsigned long long word64;
103  /// \brief 64-bit signed datatype
104  /// \details The typedef for <tt>sword64</tt> varies depending on the platform.
105  /// On Microsoft platforms it is <tt>signed __int64</tt>. On Unix &amp; Linux
106  /// with LP64 data model it is <tt>signed long</tt>. On Unix &amp; Linux with ILP32
107  /// data model it is <tt>signed long long</tt>.
108  /// \since Crypto++ 8.0
109  typedef signed long long sword64;
111  /// \brief 128-bit unsigned datatype
112  /// \details The typedef for <tt>word128</tt> varies depending on the platform.
113  /// <tt>word128</tt> is only available on 64-bit machines when
114  /// <tt>CRYPTOPP_WORD128_AVAILABLE</tt> is defined.
115  /// On Unix &amp; Linux with LP64 data model it is <tt>__uint128_t</tt>.
116  /// Microsoft platforms do not provide a 128-bit integer type. 32-bit platforms
117  /// do not provide a 128-bit integer type.
118  /// \since Crypto++ 5.6
119  typedef __uint128_t word128;
121  /// \brief Declare an unsigned word64
122  /// \details W64LIT is used to portability declare or assign 64-bit literal values.
123  /// W64LIT will append the proper suffix to ensure the compiler accepts the literal.
124  /// \details Use the macro like shown below.
125  /// <pre>
126  /// word64 x = W64LIT(0xffffffffffffffff);
127  /// </pre>
128  /// \since Crypto++ 1.0
129  #define W64LIT(x) ...
131  /// \brief Declare a signed word64
132  /// \details SW64LIT is used to portability declare or assign 64-bit literal values.
133  /// SW64LIT will append the proper suffix to ensure the compiler accepts the literal.
134  /// \details Use the macro like shown below.
135  /// <pre>
136  /// sword64 x = SW64LIT(0xffffffffffffffff);
137  /// </pre>
138  /// \since Crypto++ 8.0
139  #define SW64LIT(x) ...
141  /// \brief Declare ops on word64 are slow
142  /// \details CRYPTOPP_BOOL_SLOW_WORD64 is typically defined to 1 on platforms
143  /// that have a machine word smaller than 64-bits. That is, the define
144  /// is present on 32-bit platforms. The define is also present on platforms
145  /// where the cpu is slow even with a 64-bit cpu.
146  #define CRYPTOPP_BOOL_SLOW_WORD64 ...
148 #elif defined(CRYPTOPP_MSC_VERSION) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
149  typedef signed __int64 sword64;
150  typedef unsigned __int64 word64;
151  #define SW64LIT(x) x##i64
152  #define W64LIT(x) x##ui64
153 #elif (_LP64 || __LP64__)
154  typedef signed long sword64;
155  typedef unsigned long word64;
156  #define SW64LIT(x) x##L
157  #define W64LIT(x) x##UL
158 #else
159  typedef signed long long sword64;
160  typedef unsigned long long word64;
161  #define SW64LIT(x) x##LL
162  #define W64LIT(x) x##ULL
163 #endif
165 /// \brief Large word type
166 /// \details lword is a typedef for large word types. It is used for file
167 /// offsets and such.
168 typedef word64 lword;
170 /// \brief Large word type max value
171 /// \details LWORD_MAX is the maximum value for large word types.
172 /// Since an <tt>lword</tt> is an unsigned type, the value is
173 /// <tt>0xffffffffffffffff</tt>. W64LIT will append the proper suffix.
174 CRYPTOPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR lword LWORD_MAX = W64LIT(0xffffffffffffffff);
177  /// \brief Half word used for multiprecision integer arithmetic
178  /// \details hword is used for multiprecision integer arithmetic.
179  /// The typedef for <tt>hword</tt> varies depending on the platform.
180  /// On 32-bit platforms it is usually <tt>word16</tt>. On 64-bit platforms
181  /// it is usually <tt>word32</tt>.
182  /// \details Library users typically use byte, word16, word32 and word64.
183  /// \since Crypto++ 2.0
184  typedef word32 hword;
185  /// \brief Full word used for multiprecision integer arithmetic
186  /// \details word is used for multiprecision integer arithmetic.
187  /// The typedef for <tt>word</tt> varies depending on the platform.
188  /// On 32-bit platforms it is usually <tt>word32</tt>. On 64-bit platforms
189  /// it is usually <tt>word64</tt>.
190  /// \details Library users typically use byte, word16, word32 and word64.
191  /// \since Crypto++ 2.0
192  typedef word64 word;
193  /// \brief Double word used for multiprecision integer arithmetic
194  /// \details dword is used for multiprecision integer arithmetic.
195  /// The typedef for <tt>dword</tt> varies depending on the platform.
196  /// On 32-bit platforms it is usually <tt>word64</tt>. On 64-bit Unix &amp;
197  /// Linux platforms it is usually <tt>word128</tt>. <tt>word128</tt> is
198  /// not available on Microsoft platforms. <tt>word128</tt> is only available
199  /// when <tt>CRYPTOPP_WORD128_AVAILABLE</tt> is defined.
200  /// \details Library users typically use byte, word16, word32 and word64.
202  /// \since Crypto++ 2.0
203  typedef word128 dword;
205  /// \brief 128-bit word availability
206  /// \details CRYPTOPP_WORD128_AVAILABLE indicates a 128-bit word is
207  /// available from the platform. 128-bit words are usually available on
208  /// 64-bit platforms, but not available 32-bit platforms.
209  /// \details If CRYPTOPP_WORD128_AVAILABLE is not defined, then 128-bit
210  /// words are not available.
211  /// \details GCC and compatible compilers signal 128-bit word availability
212  /// with the preporcessor macro <tt>__SIZEOF_INT128__ >= 16</tt>.
213  /// \since Crypto++ 2.0
214  #define CRYPTOPP_WORD128_AVAILABLE ...
215 #else
216  // define hword, word, and dword. these are used for multiprecision integer arithmetic
217  // Intel compiler won't have _umul128 until version 10.0. See
218  #if (defined(CRYPTOPP_MSC_VERSION) && (!defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || __INTEL_COMPILER >= 1000) && (defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IA64))) || (defined(__DECCXX) && defined(__alpha__)) || (defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && defined(__x86_64__)) || (defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && defined(__x86_64__))
219  typedef word32 hword;
220  typedef word64 word;
221  #else
223  #if defined(__alpha__) || defined(__ia64__) || defined(_ARCH_PPC64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__mips64) || defined(__sparc64__) || defined(__aarch64__)
224  #if ((CRYPTOPP_GCC_VERSION >= 30400) || (CRYPTOPP_LLVM_CLANG_VERSION >= 30000) || (CRYPTOPP_APPLE_CLANG_VERSION >= 40300)) && (__SIZEOF_INT128__ >= 16)
225  // GCC 4.0.1 on MacOS X is missing __umodti3 and __udivti3
226  // GCC 4.8.3 and bad uint128_t ops on PPC64/POWER7 (Issue 421)
227  // mode(TI) division broken on amd64 with GCC earlier than GCC 3.4
228  typedef word32 hword;
229  typedef word64 word;
230  typedef __uint128_t dword;
231  typedef __uint128_t word128;
233  #else
234  // if we're here, it means we're on a 64-bit CPU but we don't have a way to obtain 128-bit multiplication results
235  typedef word16 hword;
236  typedef word32 word;
237  typedef word64 dword;
238  #endif
239  #else
240  // being here means the native register size is probably 32 bits or less
241  #define CRYPTOPP_BOOL_SLOW_WORD64 1
242  typedef word16 hword;
243  typedef word32 word;
244  typedef word64 dword;
245  #endif
246  #endif
247 #endif
250 # define CRYPTOPP_BOOL_SLOW_WORD64 0
251 #endif
253 /// \brief Size of a platform word in bytes
254 /// \details The size of a platform word, in bytes
255 CRYPTOPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR unsigned int WORD_SIZE = sizeof(word);
257 /// \brief Size of a platform word in bits
258 /// \details The size of a platform word, in bits
259 /// \sa
265 # pragma warning(pop)
266 #endif
signed long long sword64
64-bit signed datatype
Definition: config_int.h:109
word64 word
Full word used for multiprecision integer arithmetic.
Definition: config_int.h:192
#define W64LIT(x)
Declare an unsigned word64.
Definition: config_int.h:129
const lword LWORD_MAX
Large word type max value.
Definition: config_int.h:174
signed int sword32
32-bit signed datatype
Definition: config_int.h:91
__uint128_t word128
128-bit unsigned datatype
Definition: config_int.h:119
const unsigned int WORD_BITS
Size of a platform word in bits.
Definition: config_int.h:260
unsigned int word32
32-bit unsigned datatype
Definition: config_int.h:72
unsigned short word16
16-bit unsigned datatype
Definition: config_int.h:69
word128 dword
Double word used for multiprecision integer arithmetic.
Definition: config_int.h:203
unsigned long long word64
64-bit unsigned datatype
Definition: config_int.h:101
word32 hword
Half word used for multiprecision integer arithmetic.
Definition: config_int.h:184
signed short sword16
16-bit signed datatype
Definition: config_int.h:85
signed char sbyte
8-bit signed datatype
Definition: config_int.h:79
const unsigned int WORD_SIZE
Size of a platform word in bytes.
Definition: config_int.h:255
word64 lword
Large word type.
Definition: config_int.h:168
Library configuration file.
Library configuration file.
Library configuration file.
Crypto++ library namespace.