Free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
►NWeak | Namespace containing weak and wounded algorithms |
CAbstractEuclideanDomain | Abstract Euclidean domain |
CAbstractGroup | Abstract group |
CAbstractPolicyHolder | Access a stream cipher policy object |
CAbstractRing | Abstract ring |
CAdditiveCipherAbstractPolicy | Policy object for additive stream ciphers |
CAdditiveCipherConcretePolicy | Base class for additive stream ciphers |
CAdditiveCipherTemplate | Base class for additive stream ciphers with SymmetricCipher interface |
CAdler32 | ADLER-32 checksum calculations |
CAES | AES block cipher (Rijndael) |
CAlgorithm | Interface for all crypto algorithms |
CAlgorithmImpl | Base class information |
CAlgorithmParameters | An object that implements NameValuePairs |
►CAlgorithmParametersBase | Base class for AlgorithmParameters |
CAlgorithmParametersTemplate | Template base class for AlgorithmParameters |
CAlignedSecByteBlock | SecBlock using AllocatorWithCleanup<byte, true> typedef |
CAllocatorBase | Base class for all allocators used by SecBlock |
►CAllocatorWithCleanup | Allocates a block of memory with cleanup |
►CARIA | ARIA block cipher |
CARIA_Info | ARIA block cipher information |
CArraySink | Copy input to a memory buffer |
CArraySource | Pointer-based implementation of the Source interface |
CArrayXorSink | Xor input to a memory buffer |
CASN1CryptoMaterial | Encode and decode ASN.1 objects with additional information |
CASN1Object | Interface for encoding and decoding ASN1 objects |
CASNOptional | Optional data encoder and decoder |
CAsymmetricAlgorithm | Interface for asymmetric algorithms |
CAuthenticatedDecryptionFilter | Filter wrapper for decrypting with AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher |
CAuthenticatedEncryptionFilter | Filter wrapper for encrypting with AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher |
CAuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain | Interface for domains of authenticated key agreement protocols |
►CAuthenticatedSymmetricCipher | Interface for authenticated encryption modes of operation |
CAuthenticatedSymmetricCipherBase | Base class for authenticated encryption modes of operation |
CAuthenticatedSymmetricCipherDocumentation | Provides Encryption and Decryption typedefs used by derived classes to implement an authenticated encryption cipher |
CAutoSeededRandomPool | Automatically Seeded Randomness Pool |
CAutoSeededX917RNG | Automatically Seeded X9.17 RNG |
CAutoSignaling | Provides auto signaling support |
CBase32Decoder | Base32 decodes data using DUDE encoding |
CBase32Encoder | Base32 encodes data using DUDE encoding |
CBase32HexDecoder | Base32 decodes data using extended hex |
CBase32HexEncoder | Base32 encodes data using extended hex |
CBase64Decoder | Base64 decodes data using DUDE |
CBase64Encoder | Base64 encodes data using DUDE |
CBase64URLDecoder | Base64 decodes data using a web safe alphabet |
CBase64URLEncoder | Base64 encodes data using a web safe alphabet |
CBaseAndExponent | Base and exponent |
CBaseN_Decoder | Decoder for bases that are a power of 2 |
CBaseN_Encoder | Encoder for bases that are a power of 2 |
CBERDecodeErr | Exception thrown when an ASN.1 BER decoing error is encountered |
CBERGeneralDecoder | BER General Decoder |
CBERSequenceDecoder | BER Sequence Decoder |
CBERSetDecoder | BER Set Decoder |
CBitBucket | Acts as an input discarding Filter or Sink |
CBLAKE2b | The BLAKE2b cryptographic hash function |
CBLAKE2b_Info | BLAKE2b hash information |
CBLAKE2b_ParameterBlock | BLAKE2b parameter block |
CBLAKE2b_State | BLAKE2b state information |
CBLAKE2s | The BLAKE2s cryptographic hash function |
CBLAKE2s_Info | BLAKE2s hash information |
CBLAKE2s_ParameterBlock | BLAKE2s parameter block |
CBLAKE2s_State | BLAKE2s state information |
CBlockCipher | Interface for one direction (encryption or decryption) of a block cipher |
CBlockCipherDocumentation | Provides Encryption and Decryption typedefs used by derived classes to implement a block cipher |
CBlockCipherFinal | Provides class member functions to key a block cipher |
CBlockCipherImpl | Provides a base implementation of Algorithm and SimpleKeyingInterface for block ciphers |
CBlockGetAndPut | Access a block of memory |
CBlockingRng | Wrapper class for /dev/random and /dev/srandom |
CBlockOrientedCipherModeBase | Block cipher mode of operation default implementation |
CBlockPaddingSchemeDef | Padding schemes used for block ciphers |
CBlockTransformation | Interface for the data processing part of block ciphers |
CBlowfish | Blowfish block cipher |
CBlowfish_Info | Blowfish block cipher information |
CBlumBlumShub | BlumBlumShub with factorization of the modulus |
CBTEA | BTEA block cipher |
CBTEA_Info | BTEA block cipher information |
►CBufferedTransformation | Interface for buffered transformations |
CBufferless | Base class for bufferless filters |
CByteArrayParameter | Used to pass byte array input as part of a NameValuePairs object |
►CByteQueue | Data structure used to store byte strings |
CCamellia | Camellia block cipher |
CCamellia_Info | Camellia block cipher information |
CCannotFlush | Flush(true) was called but it can't completely flush its buffers |
CCAST | CAST block cipher base |
CCAST128 | CAST128 block cipher |
CCAST128_Info | CAST128 block cipher information |
CCAST256 | CAST256 block cipher |
CCAST256_Info | CAST256 block cipher information |
CCBC_CTS_Decryption | CBC-CTS block cipher mode of operation decryption operation |
CCBC_CTS_Encryption | CBC-CTS block cipher mode of operation encryption operation |
CCBC_CTS_Mode | CBC-CTS block cipher mode of operation |
CCBC_CTS_Mode_ExternalCipher | CBC mode with ciphertext stealing, external cipher |
CCBC_Decryption | CBC block cipher mode of operation decryption operation |
CCBC_Encryption | CBC block cipher mode of operation encryption operation |
CCBC_MAC_Base | CBC-MAC base class |
CCBC_Mode | CBC block cipher mode of operation |
CCBC_Mode_ExternalCipher | CBC mode, external cipher |
CCBC_ModeBase | CBC block cipher mode of operation default implementation |
CCCM | CCM block cipher mode of operation |
CCCM_Base | CCM block cipher base implementation |
CCCM_Final | CCM block cipher final implementation |
CCertificate | Interface for certificates |
CCFB_CipherAbstractPolicy | Policy object for feedback based stream ciphers |
►CCFB_CipherConcretePolicy | Base class for feedback based stream ciphers |
CCFB_CipherTemplate | Base class for feedback based stream ciphers with SymmetricCipher interface |
CCFB_DecryptionTemplate | Base class for feedback based stream ciphers in the reverse direction with SymmetricCipher interface |
CCFB_EncryptionTemplate | Base class for feedback based stream ciphers in the forward direction with SymmetricCipher interface |
CCFB_FIPS_Mode | CFB block cipher mode of operation providing FIPS validated cryptography |
CCFB_FIPS_Mode_ExternalCipher | CFB mode, external cipher, providing FIPS validated cryptography |
CCFB_Mode | CFB block cipher mode of operation |
CCFB_Mode_ExternalCipher | CFB mode, external cipher |
CCFB_ModePolicy | CFB block cipher mode of operation |
CCFB_RequireFullDataBlocks | Base class for feedback based stream ciphers with a mandatory block size |
CChaCha | ChaCha stream cipher |
CChaCha20Poly1305 | IETF ChaCha20/Poly1305 AEAD scheme |
CChaCha20Poly1305_Base | IETF ChaCha20Poly1305 cipher base implementation |
CChaCha20Poly1305_Final | IETF ChaCha20Poly1305 cipher final implementation |
CChaCha_Info | ChaCha stream cipher information |
CChaCha_Policy | ChaCha stream cipher implementation |
CChaChaTLS | IETF ChaCha20 stream cipher |
CChaChaTLS_Info | IETF ChaCha20 stream cipher information |
CChaChaTLS_Policy | IETF ChaCha20 stream cipher implementation |
►CCHAM128 | CHAM 128-bit block cipher |
CCHAM128_Info | CHAM block cipher information |
►CCHAM64 | CHAM 64-bit block cipher |
CCHAM64_Info | CHAM block cipher information |
CChannelRouteIterator | |
CChannelSwitch | Route input to different and/or multiple channels based on channel ID |
CChannelSwitchTypedefs | |
CCipherModeBase | Block cipher mode of operation information |
CCipherModeDocumentation | Block cipher mode of operation information |
CCipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder | Block cipher mode of operation aggregate |
CCipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher | |
CClonable | Interface for cloning objects |
Cclonable_ptr | A pointer which can be copied and cloned |
CClonableImpl | Base class for identifying algorithm |
CCMAC | CMAC message authentication code |
CCMAC_Base | CMAC base implementation |
CCodeLessThan | |
CCombinedNameValuePairs | Combines two sets of NameValuePairs |
CConcretePolicyHolder | Stream cipher policy object |
CConstByteArrayParameter | Used to pass byte array input as part of a NameValuePairs object |
Ccounted_ptr | Reference counted pointer |
CCRC32 | CRC-32 Checksum Calculation |
CCRC32C | CRC-32C Checksum Calculation |
►CCryptoMaterial | Interface for crypto material |
CCryptoParameters | Interface for crypto parameters |
CCTR_Mode | CTR block cipher mode of operation |
CCTR_Mode_ExternalCipher | CTR mode, external cipher |
CCTR_ModePolicy | CTR block cipher mode of operation |
CCustomFlushPropagation | Interface for custom flush signals propagation |
CCustomSignalPropagation | Interface for custom flush signals |
CDARN | Hardware generated random numbers using DARN instruction |
CDARN_Err | Exception thrown when a DARN generator encounters a generator related error |
CDataDecryptor | Password-based Decryptor |
CDataDecryptorErr | Exception thrown when LegacyDecryptorWithMAC or DefaultDecryptorWithMAC decryption error is encountered |
CDataDecryptorWithMAC | Password-based decryptor with MAC |
CDataEncryptor | Password-based Encryptor |
CDataEncryptorWithMAC | Password-based encryptor with MAC |
CDataParametersInfo | Algorithm information for password-based encryptors and decryptors |
CDebugTrapHandler | Default SIGTRAP handler |
CDecodingResult | Returns a decoding results |
CDefaultAutoSeededRNG | A typedef providing a default generator |
CDefaultDecryptor | Password-based decryptor |
CDefaultDecryptorWithMAC | Password-based decryptor with MAC |
CDefaultEncryptor | Password-based encryptor |
CDefaultEncryptorWithMAC | Password-based encryptor with MAC |
CDefaultObjectFactory | Object factory for registering objects |
CDeflator | DEFLATE compressor (RFC 1951) |
CDERGeneralEncoder | DER General Encoder |
CDERSequenceEncoder | DER Sequence Encoder |
CDERSetEncoder | DER Set Encoder |
CDES | DES block cipher |
CDES_EDE2 | 2-key TripleDES block cipher |
CDES_EDE2_Info | 2-key TripleDES block cipher information |
CDES_EDE3 | 3-key TripleDES block cipher |
CDES_EDE3_Info | 3-key TripleDES block cipher information |
CDES_Info | DES block cipher information |
CDES_XEX3 | DESX block cipher |
CDES_XEX3_Info | DESX block cipher information |
CDeterministicSignatureAlgorithm | Interface for deterministic signers |
CDH | Diffie-Hellman in GF(p) |
CDH2 | Unified Diffie-Hellman in GF(p) |
CDH_Domain | Diffie-Hellman domain |
CDL_Algorithm_DSA_RFC6979 | DSA signature algorithm based on RFC 6979 |
CDL_Algorithm_ECDSA | Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) signature algorithm |
CDL_Algorithm_ECDSA_RFC6979 | Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) signature algorithm based on RFC 6979 |
CDL_Algorithm_ECGDSA | Elliptic Curve German DSA signature algorithm |
CDL_Algorithm_ECNR | Elliptic Curve NR (ECNR) signature algorithm |
CDL_Algorithm_GDSA | GDSA algorithm |
CDL_Algorithm_GDSA_ISO15946 | German Digital Signature Algorithm |
CDL_Algorithm_LUC_HMP | LUC HMP signature algorithm |
CDL_Algorithm_NR | NR algorithm |
CDL_BadElement | Exception thrown when an invalid group element is encountered |
CDL_Base | Discrete Log (DL) base interface |
CDL_BasePrecomputation_LUC | LUC Precomputation |
CDL_CryptoKeys_ElGamal | ElGamal encryption keys for safe interop |
CDL_CryptoKeys_GFP | Discrete Log (DL) encryption/decryption keys in GF(p) groups |
CDL_CryptoKeys_LUC | LUC encryption keys |
CDL_CryptoSchemeOptions | Discrete Log (DL) crypto scheme options |
CDL_CryptoSystemBase | Discrete Log (DL) cryptosystem base implementation |
CDL_DecryptorBase | Discrete Log (DL) decryptor base implementation |
CDL_DecryptorImpl | Discrete Log (DL) decryptor implementation |
CDL_ElgamalLikeSignatureAlgorithm | Interface for Elgamal-like signature algorithms |
CDL_EncryptionAlgorithm_Xor | P1363 based XOR Encryption Method |
CDL_EncryptorBase | Discrete Log (DL) encryptor base implementation |
CDL_EncryptorImpl | Discrete Log (DL) encryptor implementation |
CDL_ES | Discrete Log (DL) encryption scheme |
CDL_FixedBasePrecomputation | DL_FixedBasePrecomputation interface |
CDL_FixedBasePrecomputationImpl | DL_FixedBasePrecomputation adapter class |
CDL_GroupParameters | Interface for Discrete Log (DL) group parameters |
CDL_GroupParameters_DSA | DSA group parameters |
CDL_GroupParameters_EC | Elliptic Curve Parameters |
CDL_GroupParameters_ElGamal | ElGamal encryption for safe interop |
CDL_GroupParameters_GFP | GF(p) group parameters |
CDL_GroupParameters_GFP_DefaultSafePrime | GF(p) group parameters that default to safe primes |
CDL_GroupParameters_IntegerBased | Integer-based GroupParameters specialization |
CDL_GroupParameters_IntegerBasedImpl | Integer-based GroupParameters default implementation |
CDL_GroupParameters_LUC | LUC GroupParameters specialization |
CDL_GroupParameters_LUC_DefaultSafePrime | GF(p) group parameters that default to safe primes |
CDL_GroupParametersImpl | Base implementation of Discrete Log (DL) group parameters |
CDL_GroupPrecomputation | DL_GroupPrecomputation interface |
CDL_GroupPrecomputation_LUC | LUC GroupParameters precomputation |
CDL_Key | Base class for a Discrete Log (DL) key |
CDL_KeyAgreementAlgorithm | Interface for DL key agreement algorithms |
CDL_KeyAgreementAlgorithm_DH | Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm |
CDL_KeyDerivationAlgorithm | Interface for key derivation algorithms used in DL cryptosystems |
CDL_KeyDerivationAlgorithm_P1363 | P1363 based Key Derivation Method |
CDL_KeyedSchemeOptions | Discrete Log (DL) key options |
CDL_KeyImpl | Discrete Log (DL) key base implementation |
CDL_Keys_DSA | DSA keys |
CDL_Keys_EC | Elliptic Curve Discrete Log (DL) keys |
CDL_Keys_ECDSA | Elliptic Curve DSA keys |
CDL_Keys_ECGDSA | Elliptic Curve German DSA keys for ISO/IEC 15946 |
CDL_ObjectImpl | Discrete Log (DL) object implementation |
CDL_ObjectImplBase | Discrete Log (DL) base object implementation |
CDL_PrivateKey | Interface for Discrete Log (DL) private keys |
CDL_PrivateKey_EC | Elliptic Curve Discrete Log (DL) private key |
CDL_PrivateKey_ECGDSA | Elliptic Curve German DSA key for ISO/IEC 15946 |
CDL_PrivateKey_ElGamal | ElGamal Private Key adapter |
CDL_PrivateKey_GFP | Discrete Log (DL) private key in GF(p) groups |
CDL_PrivateKey_WithSignaturePairwiseConsistencyTest | |
CDL_PrivateKeyImpl | Discrete Log (DL) private key base implementation |
CDL_PublicKey | Interface for Discrete Log (DL) public keys |
CDL_PublicKey_EC | Elliptic Curve Discrete Log (DL) public key |
CDL_PublicKey_ECGDSA | Elliptic Curve German DSA key for ISO/IEC 15946 |
CDL_PublicKey_ElGamal | ElGamal Public Key adapter |
CDL_PublicKey_GFP | Discrete Log (DL) public key in GF(p) groups |
CDL_PublicKeyImpl | Discrete Log (DL) public key base implementation |
CDL_SchemeOptionsBase | Discrete Log (DL) scheme options |
CDL_SignatureKeys_GFP | Discrete Log (DL) signing/verification keys in GF(p) groups |
CDL_SignatureKeys_LUC | LUC signature keys |
CDL_SignatureMessageEncodingMethod_DSA | Interface for message encoding method for public key signature schemes |
CDL_SignatureMessageEncodingMethod_NR | Interface for message encoding method for public key signature schemes |
CDL_SignatureSchemeBase | Discrete Log (DL) signature scheme base implementation |
CDL_SignatureSchemeOptions | Discrete Log (DL) signature scheme options |
CDL_SignerBase | Discrete Log (DL) signature scheme signer base implementation |
CDL_SignerImpl | Discrete Log (DL) signer implementation |
CDL_SimpleKeyAgreementDomainBase | Discrete Log (DL) simple key agreement base implementation |
CDL_SS | Discrete Log (DL) signature scheme |
CDL_SymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm | Interface for symmetric encryption algorithms used in DL cryptosystems |
CDL_VerifierBase | Discret Log (DL) Verifier base class |
CDL_VerifierImpl | Discrete Log (DL) verifier implementation |
CDLIES | Discrete Log Integrated Encryption Scheme |
CDMAC | DMAC message authentication code |
CDMAC_Base | DMAC message authentication code base class |
CDSA2 | DSA signature scheme |
CDSA_RFC6979 | DSA deterministic signature scheme |
CEAX | EAX block cipher mode of operation |
CEAX_Base | EAX block cipher base implementation |
CEAX_Final | EAX block cipher final implementation |
CEC2N | Elliptic Curve over GF(2^n) |
CEC2NPoint | Elliptical Curve Point over GF(2^n) |
CECB_Mode | ECB block cipher mode of operation |
CECB_Mode_ExternalCipher | ECB mode, external cipher |
CECB_OneWay | ECB block cipher mode of operation default implementation |
CECDH | Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman |
CECDSA | Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) signature scheme |
CECDSA_RFC6979 | Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) deterministic signature scheme |
CECFHMQV | Fully Hashed Elliptic Curve Menezes-Qu-Vanstone |
CECGDSA | Elliptic Curve German Digital Signature Algorithm signature scheme |
CECHMQV | Hashed Elliptic Curve Menezes-Qu-Vanstone |
CECIES | Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme |
CECIES_P1363 | Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme for P1363 |
CECMQV | Elliptic Curve Menezes-Qu-Vanstone |
CECNR | Elliptic Curve NR (ECNR) signature scheme |
CECP | Elliptic Curve over GF(p), where p is prime |
CECPPoint | Elliptical Curve Point over GF(p), where p is prime |
CEcPrecomputation | Elliptic Curve precomputation |
CEcPrecomputation< EC2N > | EC2N precomputation specialization |
CEcPrecomputation< ECP > | ECP precomputation specialization |
Ced25519 | Ed25519 signature scheme |
Ced25519_MessageAccumulator | Ed25519 message accumulator |
Ced25519PrivateKey | Ed25519 private key |
Ced25519PublicKey | Ed25519 public key |
Ced25519Signer | Ed25519 signature algorithm |
Ced25519Verifier | Ed25519 signature verification algorithm |
CElGamal | ElGamal encryption scheme with non-standard padding |
CElGamalBase | ElGamal key agreement and encryption schemes base class |
CElGamalKeys | ElGamal key agreement and encryption schemes keys |
CElGamalObjectImpl | ElGamal key agreement and encryption schemes default implementation |
CEmpty | An Empty class |
CEMSA2HashId | EMSA2 hash identifier |
►CEMSA2HashIdLookup | EMSA2 padding method |
CEMSA2Pad | EMSA2 padding method |
CEMSA5Pad | EMSA5 padding method |
CEncodedObjectFilter | ASN.1 encoded object filter |
CEncodedPoint | Abstract class for encoding and decoding ellicptic curve points |
CEncryptionStandard | Base class for public key encryption standard classes |
CEnumToType | Converts an enumeration to a type suitable for use as a template parameter |
►CEqualityComparisonFilter | Filter that checks messages on two channels for equality |
CESIGN | ESIGN signature scheme, IEEE P1363a |
CESIGN_Keys | ESIGN keys |
CESIGNFunction | ESIGN trapdoor function using the public key |
CEuclideanDomainOf | Euclidean domain |
CException | Base class for all exceptions thrown by the library |
CFHMQV_Domain | Fully Hashed Menezes-Qu-Vanstone in GF(p) |
►CFileSink | Implementation of Store interface |
CFileSource | Implementation of Store interface |
►CFileStore | Implementation of Store interface |
CFilter | Implementation of BufferedTransformation's attachment interface |
CFilterPutSpaceHelper | Create a working space in a BufferedTransformation |
CFilterWithBufferedInput | Divides an input stream into discrete blocks |
CFilterWithInputQueue | A filter that buffers input using a ByteQueue |
CFixedBlockSize | Inherited by algorithms with fixed block size |
CFixedKeyLength | Inherited by keyed algorithms with fixed key length |
CFixedRounds | Inherited by algorithms with fixed number of rounds |
CFixedSizeAlignedSecBlock | Fixed size stack-based SecBlock with 16-byte alignment |
CFixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup | Static secure memory block with cleanup |
CFixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S, A, false > | Static secure memory block with cleanup |
CFixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S, A, true > | Static secure memory block with cleanup |
CFixedSizeSecBlock | Fixed size stack-based SecBlock |
CFreqLessThan | |
CGCM | GCM block cipher mode of operation |
CGCM_Base | GCM block cipher base implementation |
CGCM_Final | GCM block cipher final implementation |
CGDSA | DSA signature scheme |
CGeneratableCryptoMaterial | Interface for crypto material |
CGetBlock | Access a block of memory |
CGF256 | GF(256) with polynomial basis |
CGF2_32 | GF(2^32) with polynomial basis |
CGF2NP | GF(2^n) with Polynomial Basis |
CGF2NPP | GF(2^n) with Pentanomial Basis |
CGF2NT | GF(2^n) with Trinomial Basis |
CGF2NT233 | GF(2^n) for b233 and k233 |
CGFP2_ONB | GF(p^2), optimal normal basis |
CGFP2Element | Element of GF(p^2) |
CGOST | GOST block cipher |
CGOST_Info | GOST block cipher information |
CGrouper | Filter that breaks input stream into groups of fixed size |
►CGunzip | GZIP Decompression (RFC 1952) |
CGzip | GZIP Compression (RFC 1952) |
CHash_DRBG | Hash_DRBG from SP 800-90A Rev 1 (June 2015) |
CHashFilter | Filter wrapper for HashTransformation |
CHashInputTooLong | Exception thrown when trying to hash more data than is allowed by a hash function |
CHashTransformation | Interface for hash functions and data processing part of MACs |
►CHashVerificationFilter | Filter wrapper for HashTransformation |
CHC128 | HC-128 stream cipher |
CHC128Info | HC-128 stream cipher information |
CHC128Policy | HC-128 stream cipher implementation |
CHC256 | HC-256 stream cipher |
CHC256Info | HC-256 stream cipher information |
CHC256Policy | HC-256 stream cipher implementation |
CHermeticHashFunctionMAC | MAC construction using a hermetic hash function |
CHexDecoder | Decode base 16 data back to bytes |
CHexEncoder | Converts given data to base 16 |
►CHIGHT | HIGHT 64-bit block cipher |
CHIGHT_Info | HIGHT block cipher information |
CHKDF | Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) |
CHMAC_Base | HMAC information |
CHMAC_DRBG | HMAC_DRBG from SP 800-90A Rev 1 (June 2015) |
CHMQV_Domain | Hashed Menezes-Qu-Vanstone in GF(p) |
►CHuffmanDecoder | Huffman Decoder |
►CHuffmanEncoder | Huffman Encoder |
CHuffmanNode | |
CIDEA | IDEA block cipher |
CIDEA_Info | IDEA block cipher information |
►CInflator | DEFLATE decompressor (RFC 1951) |
CInformationDispersal | Variant of Rabin's Information Dispersal Algorithm |
CInformationRecovery | Rabin's Information Dispersal Algorithm |
CInitializeInteger | Performs static initialization of the Integer class |
►CInputRejecting | Base class for input rejecting filters |
►CInteger | Multiple precision integer with arithmetic operations |
CInvalidArgument | An invalid argument was detected |
CInvalidBlockSize | Exception thrown when an invalid block size is encountered |
CInvalidCiphertext | A decryption filter encountered invalid ciphertext |
CInvalidDataFormat | Input data was received that did not conform to expected format |
CInvalidDerivedKeyLength | Exception thrown when an invalid derived key length is encountered |
CInvalidKeyLength | Exception thrown when an invalid key length is encountered |
CInvalidPersonalizationLength | Exception thrown when an invalid personalization string length is encountered |
CInvalidRounds | Exception thrown when an invalid number of rounds is encountered |
CInvalidSaltLength | Exception thrown when an invalid salt length is encountered |
CInvertibleESIGNFunction | ESIGN trapdoor function using the private key |
CInvertibleLUCFunction | The LUC inverse function |
CInvertibleRabinFunction | Rabin trapdoor function using the private key |
CInvertibleRSAFunction | RSA trapdoor function using the private key |
CInvertibleRSAFunction_ISO | RSA trapdoor function using the private key |
CInvertibleRWFunction | Rabin-Williams trapdoor function using the private key |
CIteratedHash | Iterated hash base class |
CIteratedHashBase | Iterated hash base class |
CIteratedHashWithStaticTransform | Iterated hash with a static transformation function |
►CKalyna128 | Kalyna 128-bit block cipher |
CKalyna128_Info | Kalyna-128 block cipher information |
►CKalyna256 | Kalyna 256-bit block cipher |
CKalyna256_Info | Kalyna-256 block cipher information |
►CKalyna512 | Kalyna 512-bit block cipher |
CKalyna512_Info | Kalyna-512 block cipher information |
CKalyna_Base | Kalyna block cipher base class |
CKeccak | Keccak message digest base class |
CKeccak_224 | Keccak-224 message digest |
CKeccak_256 | Keccak-256 message digest |
CKeccak_384 | Keccak-384 message digest |
CKeccak_512 | Keccak-512 message digest |
CKeccak_Final | Keccak message digest template |
CKeyAgreementAlgorithm | Interface for key agreement algorithms |
CKeyBadErr | Exception thrown when a bad key is encountered in DefaultDecryptorWithMAC and LegacyDecryptorWithMAC |
CKeyDerivationFunction | Interface for key derivation functions |
CLazyPutter | Helper class to finalize Puts on ByteQueue |
CLazyPutterModifiable | Helper class to finalize Puts on ByteQueue |
CLC_RNG | Linear Congruential Generator (LCG) |
►CLEA | LEA 128-bit block cipher |
CLEA_Info | LEA block cipher information |
CLegacyDecryptor | Password-based decryptor (deprecated) |
CLegacyDecryptorWithMAC | Password-based decryptor with MAC (deprecated) |
CLegacyEncryptor | Password-based encryptor (deprecated) |
CLegacyEncryptorWithMAC | Password-based encryptor with MAC (deprecated) |
CLowFirstBitReader | |
CLowFirstBitWriter | Encoding table writer |
CLR | Luby-Rackoff block cipher |
CLR_Info | Luby-Rackoff block cipher information |
CLSH224 | LSH-224 hash function |
CLSH256 | LSH-256 hash function |
CLSH256_Base | LSH-224 and LSH-256 hash base class |
CLSH384 | LSH-384 hash function |
CLSH512 | LSH-512 hash function |
CLSH512_256 | LSH-512-256 hash function |
CLSH512_Base | LSH-384 and LSH-512 hash base class |
CLUC | LUC cryptosystem |
CLUC_HMP | LUC-HMP, based on "Digital signature schemes based on Lucas functions" by Patrick Horster, Markus Michels, Holger Petersen |
CLUC_IES | LUC Integrated Encryption Scheme |
CLUCES | LUC encryption scheme |
CLUCFunction | The LUC function |
CLUCPrimeSelector | |
CLUCSS | LUC signature scheme with appendix |
CMACBadErr | Exception thrown when an incorrect MAC is encountered in DefaultDecryptorWithMAC and LegacyDecryptorWithMAC |
CMARS | MARS block cipher |
CMARS_Info | MARS block cipher information |
CMaskGeneratingFunction | Mask generation function interface |
CMaurerRandomnessTest | Maurer's Universal Statistical Test for Random Bit Generators |
CMDC | MDC cipher |
CMDC_Info | MDC_Info cipher information |
Cmember_ptr | Pointer that overloads operator -> |
CMersenneTwister | Mersenne Twister class for Monte-Carlo simulations |
CMessageAuthenticationCode | Interface for message authentication codes |
CMessageAuthenticationCodeFinal | Provides class member functions to key a message authentication code |
CMessageAuthenticationCodeImpl | Provides a base implementation of Algorithm and SimpleKeyingInterface for message authentication codes |
CMessageQueue | Data structure used to store messages |
CMeterFilter | Measure how many bytes and messages pass through the filter |
CMicrosoftCryptoProvider | |
CModePolicyCommonTemplate | Block cipher mode of operation common operations |
CModExpPrecomputation | |
CModularArithmetic | Ring of congruence classes modulo n |
CMontgomeryRepresentation | Performs modular arithmetic in Montgomery representation for increased speed |
CMQV_Domain | MQV domain for performing authenticated key agreement |
CMT19937 | Original MT19937 generator provided in the ACM paper |
CMT19937ar | Updated MT19937 generator adapted to provide an array for initialization |
CMultichannel | Multiple channels support for custom signal processing |
►CNameValuePairs | Interface for retrieving values given their names |
CNewObject | An object factory function |
►CNIST_DRBG | Interface for NIST DRBGs from SP 800-90A |
CNonblockingRng | Wrapper class for /dev/random and /dev/srandom |
CNotCopyable | Ensures an object is not copyable |
CNotImplemented | A method was called which was not implemented |
CNR | NR signature scheme |
CNullAllocator | NULL allocator |
CNullHash | Null hash |
CNullStore | Empty store |
COAEP | OAEP padding |
COAEP_Base | OAEP padding base class |
CObjectFactory | Object factory interface for registering objects |
►CObjectFactoryRegistry | Object factory registry |
CObjectHolder | Uses encapsulation to hide an object in derived classes |
COFB_Mode | OFB block cipher mode of operation |
COFB_Mode_ExternalCipher | OFB mode, external cipher |
COFB_ModePolicy | OFB block cipher mode of operation |
COID | Object Identifier |
COldRandomPool | Randomness Pool based on PGP 2.6.x with MDC |
COpaqueFilter | A non-transparent MeterFilter |
COS_Error | The operating system reported an error |
COS_RNG_Err | Exception thrown when an operating system error is encountered |
COutputProxy | Filter class that is a proxy for a sink |
CP1363_EMSA2 | EMSA2/P1363 padding method |
CP1363_EMSA5 | EMSA5 padding method, for use with ESIGN |
CP1363_KDF2 | P1363 key derivation function |
CP1363_MGF1 | P1363 mask generation function |
CPaddingRemover | |
CPadlockRNG | Hardware generated random numbers using VIA XSTORE |
CPadlockRNG_Err | Exception thrown when a PadlockRNG generator encounters a generator related error |
CPanama | |
CPanamaCipher | Panama stream cipher |
CPanamaCipherInfo | Panama stream cipher information |
CPanamaCipherPolicy | Panama stream cipher operation |
CPasswordBasedKeyDerivationFunction | Interface for password based key derivation functions |
CPK_CryptoSystem | Interface for public-key encryptors and decryptors |
CPK_Decryptor | Interface for public-key decryptors |
CPK_DecryptorFilter | Filter wrapper for PK_Decryptor |
CPK_DeterministicSignatureMessageEncodingMethod | Interface for message encoding method for public key signature schemes |
CPK_EncryptionMessageEncodingMethod | Message encoding method for public key encryption |
►CPK_Encryptor | Interface for public-key encryptors |
CPK_EncryptorFilter | Filter wrapper for PK_Encryptor |
CPK_FinalTemplate | Template implementing constructors for public key algorithm classes |
CPK_FixedLengthCryptoSystemImpl | Public key trapdoor function default implementation |
CPK_MessageAccumulator | Interface for accumulating messages to be signed or verified |
CPK_MessageAccumulatorBase | Interface for message encoding method for public key signature schemes |
CPK_MessageAccumulatorImpl | Interface for message encoding method for public key signature schemes |
CPK_RecoverableSignatureMessageEncodingMethod | Interface for message encoding method for public key signature schemes |
►CPK_SignatureMessageEncodingMethod | Interface for message encoding method for public key signature schemes |
►CPK_SignatureScheme | Interface for public-key signers and verifiers |
CPK_Signer | Interface for public-key signers |
CPK_Verifier | Interface for public-key signature verifiers |
CPKCS12_PBKDF | PBKDF from PKCS #12, appendix B |
CPKCS1v15 | PKCS #1 version 1.5, for use with RSAES and RSASS |
►CPKCS1v15_SignatureMessageEncodingMethod | PKCS #1 v1.5 Signature Encoding Scheme |
CPKCS8PrivateKey | Encodes and Decodes privateKeyInfo |
CPKCS_DigestDecoration | PKCS #1 decoration data structure |
CPKCS_EncryptionPaddingScheme | PKCS #1 v1.5 Encryption Padding Scheme |
CPoly1305 | Poly1305 message authentication code |
CPoly1305_Base | Poly1305 message authentication code base class |
CPoly1305TLS | Poly1305-TLS message authentication code |
CPoly1305TLS_Base | Poly1305-TLS message authentication code base class |
►CPolynomialMod2 | Polynomial with Coefficients in GF(2) |
►CPolynomialOver | Single-variable polynomials over arbitrary rings |
CPolynomialOverFixedRing | Polynomials over a fixed ring |
CPrimeAndGenerator | Generator of prime numbers of special forms |
CPrimeSelector | Application callback to signal suitability of a candidate prime |
CPrivateKey | Interface for private keys |
CPrivateKeyAlgorithm | Interface for asymmetric algorithms using private keys |
CProxyFilter | Base class for Filter classes that are proxies for a chain of other filters |
CPSS | Probabilistic Signature Scheme with Appendix |
CPSSR | Probabilistic Signature Scheme with Recovery |
CPSSR_MEM | PSSR Message Encoding Method |
CPSSR_MEM_Base | PSSR Message Encoding Method interface |
CPSSR_MEM_BaseWithHashId | PSSR Message Encoding Method with Hash Identifier |
CPSSR_MEM_BaseWithHashId< false > | PSSR Message Encoding Method without Hash Identifier |
CPSSR_MEM_BaseWithHashId< true > | PSSR Message Encoding Method with Hash Identifier |
CPublicBlumBlumShub | BlumBlumShub without factorization of the modulus |
CPublicKey | Interface for public keys |
CPublicKeyAlgorithm | Interface for asymmetric algorithms using public keys |
CPutBlock | Access a block of memory |
CQuotientRing | Quotient ring |
CRabbit | Rabbit stream cipher |
CRabbitInfo | Rabbit stream cipher information |
CRabbitPolicy | Rabbit stream cipher implementation |
CRabbitWithIV | Rabbit stream cipher |
CRabbitWithIVInfo | Rabbit stream cipher information |
CRabbitWithIVPolicy | Rabbit stream cipher implementation |
CRabin | Rabin keys |
CRabinES | Rabin encryption scheme |
CRabinFunction | Rabin trapdoor function using the public key |
CRabinSS | Rabin signature scheme |
CRandomizedTrapdoorFunction | Applies the trapdoor function, using random data if required |
CRandomizedTrapdoorFunctionInverse | Applies the inverse of the trapdoor function, using random data if required |
CRandomNumberGenerator | Interface for random number generators |
CRandomNumberSink | Incorporates input into RNG as additional entropy |
CRandomNumberSource | RNG-based implementation of Source interface |
CRandomNumberStore | RNG-based implementation of Source interface |
CRandomPool | Randomness Pool based on AES-256 |
CRawDES | DES block cipher base class |
CRawIDA | Secret sharing and information dispersal base class |
►CRC2 | RC2 block cipher |
CRC2_Info | RC2 block cipher information |
CRC5 | RC5 block cipher |
CRC5_Info | RC5 block cipher information |
CRC6 | RC6 block cipher |
CRC6_Info | RC6 block cipher information |
CRDRAND | Hardware generated random numbers using RDRAND instruction |
CRDRAND_Err | Exception thrown when a RDRAND generator encounters a generator related error |
CRDSEED | Hardware generated random numbers using RDSEED instruction |
CRDSEED_Err | Exception thrown when a RDSEED generator encounters a generator related error |
CRedirector | Redirect input to another BufferedTransformation without owning it |
CRegisterDefaultFactoryFor | Object factory registry helper |
CRijndael | Rijndael block cipher |
CRijndael_Info | Rijndael block cipher information |
►CRingOfPolynomialsOver | Ring of polynomials over another ring |
CRIPEMD128 | RIPEMD-128 message digest |
CRIPEMD160 | RIPEMD-160 message digest |
CRIPEMD256 | RIPEMD-256 message digest |
CRIPEMD320 | RIPEMD-320 message digest |
CRSA | RSA algorithm |
CRSA_ISO | RSA algorithm |
CRSAES | RSA encryption algorithm |
CRSAES_OAEP_SHA256_Decryptor | RSAES<OAEP<SHA256>>::Decryptor typedef |
CRSAES_OAEP_SHA256_Encryptor | RSAES<OAEP<SHA256>>::Encryptor typedef |
CRSAES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor | RSAES<OAEP<SHA1>>::Decryptor typedef |
CRSAES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor | RSAES<OAEP<SHA1>>::Encryptor typedef |
CRSAES_PKCS1v15_Decryptor | RSAES<PKCS1v15>::Decryptor typedef |
CRSAES_PKCS1v15_Encryptor | RSAES<PKCS1v15>::Encryptor typedef |
CRSAFunction | RSA trapdoor function using the public key |
CRSAFunction_ISO | RSA trapdoor function using the public key |
CRSASS | RSA signature algorithm |
CRSASS_ISO | RSA signature algorithm |
CRSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA256_Signer | RSASS<PKCS1v15,SHA256>::Signer typedef |
CRSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA256_Verifier | RSASS<PKCS1v15,SHA256>::Verifier typedef |
CRSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Signer | RSASS<PKCS1v15,SHA1>::Signer typedef |
CRSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Verifier | RSASS<PKCS1v15,SHA1>::Verifier typedef |
CRW | Rabin-Williams keys |
CRWFunction | Rabin-Williams trapdoor function using the public key |
CRWSS | Rabin-Williams signature scheme |
►CSAFER | SAFER block cipher |
CSAFER_Impl | SAFER block cipher default implementation |
CSAFER_K | SAFER-K block cipher |
CSAFER_K_Info | SAFER-K block cipher information |
CSAFER_SK | SAFER-SK block cipher |
CSAFER_SK_Info | SAFER-SK block cipher information |
CSafeShifter | Safely shift values when undefined behavior could occur |
CSafeShifter< false > | Shifts a value in the absence of overflow |
CSafeShifter< true > | Shifts a value in the presence of overflow |
CSalsa20 | Salsa20 stream cipher |
CSalsa20_Info | Salsa20 stream cipher information |
CSalsa20_Policy | Salsa20 stream cipher operation |
CSameKeyLengthAs | Provides key lengths based on another class's key length |
CScrypt | Scrypt key derivation function |
CSEAL | SEAL stream cipher |
CSEAL_Gamma | |
CSEAL_Info | SEAL stream cipher information |
CSEAL_Policy | SEAL stream cipher operation |
CSecBlock | Secure memory block with allocator and cleanup |
CSecBlockWithHint | Stack-based SecBlock that grows into the heap |
CSecByteBlock | SecBlock<byte> typedef |
CSecretRecovery | Shamir's Secret Sharing Algorithm |
CSecretSharing | Shamir's Secret Sharing Algorithm |
CSecWordBlock | SecBlock<word> typedef |
CSEED | SEED block cipher |
CSEED_Info | SEED block cipher information |
CSelfTestFailure | Exception thrown when a crypto algorithm is used after a self test fails |
CSerpent | Serpent block cipher |
CSerpent_Info | Serpent block cipher information |
CSHA1 | SHA-1 message digest |
CSHA224 | SHA-224 message digest |
CSHA256 | SHA-256 message digest |
CSHA3 | SHA3 message digest base class |
CSHA384 | SHA-384 message digest |
CSHA3_224 | SHA3-224 message digest |
CSHA3_256 | SHA3-256 message digest |
CSHA3_384 | SHA3-384 message digest |
CSHA3_512 | SHA3-512 message digest |
CSHA3_Final | SHA3 message digest template |
CSHA512 | SHA-512 message digest |
CSHACAL2 | SHACAL2 block cipher |
CSHACAL2_Info | SHACAL2 block cipher information |
CSHAKE | SHAKE message digest base class |
CSHAKE128 | SHAKE128 message digest |
CSHAKE256 | SHAKE256 message digest |
CSHAKE_Final | SHAKE message digest template |
CSHARK | SHARK block cipher SHARK-E |
CSHARK_Info | SHARK block cipher information |
CSignalHandler | Signal handler for Linux and Unix compatibles |
CSignatureStandard | Base class for public key signature standard classes |
►CSignatureVerificationFilter | Filter wrapper for PK_Verifier |
CSignerFilter | Filter wrapper for PK_Signer |
►CSIMECK32 | SIMECK 32-bit block cipher |
CSIMECK32_Info | SIMECK block cipher information |
►CSIMECK64 | SIMECK 64-bit block cipher |
CSIMECK64_Info | SIMECK block cipher information |
►CSIMON128 | SIMON 128-bit block cipher |
►CSIMON64 | SIMON 64-bit block cipher |
CSIMON_Base | SIMON block cipher base class |
CSIMON_Info | SIMON block cipher information |
Csimple_ptr | Manages resources for a single object |
CSimpleKeyAgreementDomain | Interface for domains of simple key agreement protocols |
CSimpleKeyingInterface | Interface for algorithms that take byte strings as keys |
CSimpleKeyingInterfaceImpl | Provides a base implementation of SimpleKeyingInterface |
CSimpleProxyFilter | Proxy filter that doesn't modify the underlying filter's input or output |
CSingleton | Restricts the instantiation of a class to one static object without locks |
CSink | Implementation of BufferedTransformation's attachment interface |
CSipHash | SipHash message authentication code |
CSipHash_Base | SipHash message authentication code base class |
CSipHash_Info | SipHash message authentication code information |
CSKIPJACK | SKIPJACK block cipher |
CSKIPJACK_Info | SKIPJACK block cipher information |
CSM3 | SM3 hash function |
►CSM4 | Classes for the SM4 block cipher |
CSM4_Info | SM4 block cipher information |
CSosemanuk | Sosemanuk stream cipher |
CSosemanukInfo | Sosemanuk stream cipher information |
CSosemanukPolicy | Sosemanuk stream cipher implementation |
CSource | Implementation of BufferedTransformation's attachment interface |
CSourceTemplate | Transform a Store into a Source |
►CSPECK128 | SPECK 128-bit block cipher |
►CSPECK64 | SPECK 64-bit block cipher |
CSPECK_Base | SPECK block cipher base class |
CSPECK_Info | SPECK block cipher information |
CSquare | Square block cipher |
CSquare_Info | Square block cipher information |
CStore | Acts as a Source for pre-existing, static data |
CStreamTransformation | Interface for the data processing portion of stream ciphers |
CStreamTransformationFilter | Filter wrapper for StreamTransformation |
CStringSink | Append input to a string object |
CStringSinkTemplate | Append input to a string object |
CStringSource | String-based implementation of the Source interface |
CStringStore | String-based implementation of Store interface |
CSymmetricCipher | Interface for one direction (encryption or decryption) of a stream cipher or cipher mode |
CSymmetricCipherDocumentation | Provides Encryption and Decryption typedefs used by derived classes to implement a symmetric cipher |
CSymmetricCipherFinal | SymmetricCipher implementation |
CTEA | TEA block cipher |
CTEA_Info | TEA block cipher information |
CTF_Base | The base for trapdoor based cryptosystems |
CTF_CryptoSchemeOptions | Trapdoor Function (TF) scheme options |
CTF_CryptoSystemBase | Trapdoor function cryptosystem base class |
CTF_DecryptorBase | Trapdoor function cryptosystems decryption base class |
CTF_DecryptorImpl | Trapdoor Function (TF) decryptor options |
CTF_EncryptorBase | Trapdoor function cryptosystems encryption base class |
CTF_EncryptorImpl | Trapdoor Function (TF) encryptor options |
CTF_ES | Trapdoor Function (TF) encryption scheme |
CTF_ObjectImpl | Trapdoor Function (TF) signature scheme options |
CTF_ObjectImplBase | Trapdoor Function (TF) base implementation |
CTF_ObjectImplExtRef | Trapdoor Function (TF) signature with external reference |
CTF_SignatureSchemeBase | Trapdoor Function (TF) Signature Scheme base class |
CTF_SignatureSchemeOptions | Trapdoor Function (TF) signature scheme options |
CTF_SignerBase | Trapdoor Function (TF) Signer base class |
CTF_SignerImpl | Trapdoor Function (TF) encryptor options |
CTF_SS | Trapdoor Function (TF) Signature Scheme |
CTF_VerifierBase | Trapdoor Function (TF) Verifier base class |
CTF_VerifierImpl | Trapdoor Function (TF) encryptor options |
CThreadUserTimer | Measure CPU time spent executing instructions of this thread |
►CThreefish1024 | Threefish 1024-bit block cipher |
►CThreefish256 | Threefish 256-bit block cipher |
►CThreefish512 | Threefish 512-bit block cipher |
CThreefish_Base | Threefish block cipher base class |
CThreefish_Info | Threefish block cipher information |
CThreeWay | ThreeWay block cipher |
CThreeWay_Info | ThreeWay block cipher information |
CTiger | Tiger message digest |
CTimer | High resolution timer |
CTimerBase | Base class for timers |
CTransparentFilter | A transparent MeterFilter |
CTrapdoorFunction | Applies the trapdoor function |
CTrapdoorFunctionBounds | Provides range for plaintext and ciphertext lengths |
CTrapdoorFunctionInverse | Applies the inverse of the trapdoor function |
CTruncatedHashTemplate | Construct new HashModule with smaller digest size from an existing one |
CTTMAC | Two-Track-MAC message authentication code |
CTTMAC_Base | TTMAC message authentication code information |
CTwofish | Twofish block cipher |
CTwofish_Info | Twofish block cipher information |
CUnflushable | Base class for unflushable filters |
CUnknownOID | Exception thrown when an unknown object identifier is encountered |
Cvalue_ptr | Value pointer |
CVariableKeyLength | Inherited by keyed algorithms with variable key length |
CVariableRounds | Inherited by algorithms with variable number of rounds |
Cvector_member_ptrs | Manages resources for an array of objects |
CVectorSink | Append input to a std::vector<byte> object |
CVectorSource | Std::vector-based implementation of the Source interface |
CVMAC | VMAC message authentication code |
CVMAC_Base | VMAC message authentication code base class |
CWaitable | Interface for objects that can be waited on |
CWAKE_Base | |
CWAKE_OFB | WAKE stream cipher |
CWAKE_OFB_Info | WAKE stream cipher information |
CWAKE_Policy | WAKE stream cipher operation |
CWhirlpool | Whirlpool message digest |
CWindowSlider | |
Cx25519 | X25519 with key validation |
CX509PublicKey | Encodes and decodes subjectPublicKeyInfo |
CX917RNG | ANSI X9.17 RNG |
CXChaCha20 | IETF XChaCha20 stream cipher |
CXChaCha20_Info | IETF XChaCha20 stream cipher information |
CXChaCha20_Policy | IETF XChaCha20 stream cipher implementation |
CXChaCha20Poly1305 | IETF XChaCha20/Poly1305 AEAD scheme |
CXChaCha20Poly1305_Base | IETF XChaCha20Poly1305 cipher base implementation |
CXChaCha20Poly1305_Final | IETF XChaCha20Poly1305 cipher final implementation |
CXSalsa20 | XSalsa20 stream cipher |
CXSalsa20_Info | XSalsa20 stream cipher information |
CXSalsa20_Policy | XSalsa20 stream cipher operation |
CXTEA | XTEA block cipher |
CXTEA_Info | XTEA block cipher information |
CXTR_DH | XTR-DH with key validation |
CXTS | XTS block cipher mode of operation |
CXTS_Final | XTS block cipher mode of operation implementation |
CXTS_ModeBase | XTS block cipher mode of operation default implementation |
CZlibCompressor | ZLIB Compressor (RFC 1950) |
►CZlibDecompressor | ZLIB Decompressor (RFC 1950) |