Crypto++  8.9
Free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NWeakNamespace containing weak and wounded algorithms
 CAbstractEuclideanDomainAbstract Euclidean domain
 CAbstractGroupAbstract group
 CAbstractPolicyHolderAccess a stream cipher policy object
 CAbstractRingAbstract ring
 CAdditiveCipherAbstractPolicyPolicy object for additive stream ciphers
 CAdditiveCipherConcretePolicyBase class for additive stream ciphers
 CAdditiveCipherTemplateBase class for additive stream ciphers with SymmetricCipher interface
 CAdler32ADLER-32 checksum calculations
 CAESAES block cipher (Rijndael)
 CAlgorithmInterface for all crypto algorithms
 CAlgorithmImplBase class information
 CAlgorithmParametersAn object that implements NameValuePairs
 CAlgorithmParametersBaseBase class for AlgorithmParameters
 CAlgorithmParametersTemplateTemplate base class for AlgorithmParameters
 CAlignedSecByteBlockSecBlock using AllocatorWithCleanup<byte, true> typedef
 CAllocatorBaseBase class for all allocators used by SecBlock
 CAllocatorWithCleanupAllocates a block of memory with cleanup
 CARIAARIA block cipher
 CARIA_InfoARIA block cipher information
 CArraySinkCopy input to a memory buffer
 CArraySourcePointer-based implementation of the Source interface
 CArrayXorSinkXor input to a memory buffer
 CASN1CryptoMaterialEncode and decode ASN.1 objects with additional information
 CASN1ObjectInterface for encoding and decoding ASN1 objects
 CASNOptionalOptional data encoder and decoder
 CAsymmetricAlgorithmInterface for asymmetric algorithms
 CAuthenticatedDecryptionFilterFilter wrapper for decrypting with AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher
 CAuthenticatedEncryptionFilterFilter wrapper for encrypting with AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher
 CAuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomainInterface for domains of authenticated key agreement protocols
 CAuthenticatedSymmetricCipherInterface for authenticated encryption modes of operation
 CAuthenticatedSymmetricCipherBaseBase class for authenticated encryption modes of operation
 CAuthenticatedSymmetricCipherDocumentationProvides Encryption and Decryption typedefs used by derived classes to implement an authenticated encryption cipher
 CAutoSeededRandomPoolAutomatically Seeded Randomness Pool
 CAutoSeededX917RNGAutomatically Seeded X9.17 RNG
 CAutoSignalingProvides auto signaling support
 CBase32DecoderBase32 decodes data using DUDE encoding
 CBase32EncoderBase32 encodes data using DUDE encoding
 CBase32HexDecoderBase32 decodes data using extended hex
 CBase32HexEncoderBase32 encodes data using extended hex
 CBase64DecoderBase64 decodes data using DUDE
 CBase64EncoderBase64 encodes data using DUDE
 CBase64URLDecoderBase64 decodes data using a web safe alphabet
 CBase64URLEncoderBase64 encodes data using a web safe alphabet
 CBaseAndExponentBase and exponent
 CBaseN_DecoderDecoder for bases that are a power of 2
 CBaseN_EncoderEncoder for bases that are a power of 2
 CBERDecodeErrException thrown when an ASN.1 BER decoing error is encountered
 CBERGeneralDecoderBER General Decoder
 CBERSequenceDecoderBER Sequence Decoder
 CBERSetDecoderBER Set Decoder
 CBitBucketActs as an input discarding Filter or Sink
 CBLAKE2bThe BLAKE2b cryptographic hash function
 CBLAKE2b_InfoBLAKE2b hash information
 CBLAKE2b_ParameterBlockBLAKE2b parameter block
 CBLAKE2b_StateBLAKE2b state information
 CBLAKE2sThe BLAKE2s cryptographic hash function
 CBLAKE2s_InfoBLAKE2s hash information
 CBLAKE2s_ParameterBlockBLAKE2s parameter block
 CBLAKE2s_StateBLAKE2s state information
 CBlockCipherInterface for one direction (encryption or decryption) of a block cipher
 CBlockCipherDocumentationProvides Encryption and Decryption typedefs used by derived classes to implement a block cipher
 CBlockCipherFinalProvides class member functions to key a block cipher
 CBlockCipherImplProvides a base implementation of Algorithm and SimpleKeyingInterface for block ciphers
 CBlockGetAndPutAccess a block of memory
 CBlockingRngWrapper class for /dev/random and /dev/srandom
 CBlockOrientedCipherModeBaseBlock cipher mode of operation default implementation
 CBlockPaddingSchemeDefPadding schemes used for block ciphers
 CBlockTransformationInterface for the data processing part of block ciphers
 CBlowfishBlowfish block cipher
 CBlowfish_InfoBlowfish block cipher information
 CBlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub with factorization of the modulus
 CBTEABTEA block cipher
 CBTEA_InfoBTEA block cipher information
 CBufferedTransformationInterface for buffered transformations
 CBufferlessBase class for bufferless filters
 CByteArrayParameterUsed to pass byte array input as part of a NameValuePairs object
 CByteQueueData structure used to store byte strings
 CCamelliaCamellia block cipher
 CCamellia_InfoCamellia block cipher information
 CCannotFlushFlush(true) was called but it can't completely flush its buffers
 CCASTCAST block cipher base
 CCAST128CAST128 block cipher
 CCAST128_InfoCAST128 block cipher information
 CCAST256CAST256 block cipher
 CCAST256_InfoCAST256 block cipher information
 CCBC_CTS_DecryptionCBC-CTS block cipher mode of operation decryption operation
 CCBC_CTS_EncryptionCBC-CTS block cipher mode of operation encryption operation
 CCBC_CTS_ModeCBC-CTS block cipher mode of operation
 CCBC_CTS_Mode_ExternalCipherCBC mode with ciphertext stealing, external cipher
 CCBC_DecryptionCBC block cipher mode of operation decryption operation
 CCBC_EncryptionCBC block cipher mode of operation encryption operation
 CCBC_MAC_BaseCBC-MAC base class
 CCBC_ModeCBC block cipher mode of operation
 CCBC_Mode_ExternalCipherCBC mode, external cipher
 CCBC_ModeBaseCBC block cipher mode of operation default implementation
 CCCMCCM block cipher mode of operation
 CCCM_BaseCCM block cipher base implementation
 CCCM_FinalCCM block cipher final implementation
 CCertificateInterface for certificates
 CCFB_CipherAbstractPolicyPolicy object for feedback based stream ciphers
 CCFB_CipherConcretePolicyBase class for feedback based stream ciphers
 CCFB_CipherTemplateBase class for feedback based stream ciphers with SymmetricCipher interface
 CCFB_DecryptionTemplateBase class for feedback based stream ciphers in the reverse direction with SymmetricCipher interface
 CCFB_EncryptionTemplateBase class for feedback based stream ciphers in the forward direction with SymmetricCipher interface
 CCFB_FIPS_ModeCFB block cipher mode of operation providing FIPS validated cryptography
 CCFB_FIPS_Mode_ExternalCipherCFB mode, external cipher, providing FIPS validated cryptography
 CCFB_ModeCFB block cipher mode of operation
 CCFB_Mode_ExternalCipherCFB mode, external cipher
 CCFB_ModePolicyCFB block cipher mode of operation
 CCFB_RequireFullDataBlocksBase class for feedback based stream ciphers with a mandatory block size
 CChaChaChaCha stream cipher
 CChaCha20Poly1305IETF ChaCha20/Poly1305 AEAD scheme
 CChaCha20Poly1305_BaseIETF ChaCha20Poly1305 cipher base implementation
 CChaCha20Poly1305_FinalIETF ChaCha20Poly1305 cipher final implementation
 CChaCha_InfoChaCha stream cipher information
 CChaCha_PolicyChaCha stream cipher implementation
 CChaChaTLSIETF ChaCha20 stream cipher
 CChaChaTLS_InfoIETF ChaCha20 stream cipher information
 CChaChaTLS_PolicyIETF ChaCha20 stream cipher implementation
 CCHAM128CHAM 128-bit block cipher
 CCHAM128_InfoCHAM block cipher information
 CCHAM64CHAM 64-bit block cipher
 CCHAM64_InfoCHAM block cipher information
 CChannelSwitchRoute input to different and/or multiple channels based on channel ID
 CCipherModeBaseBlock cipher mode of operation information
 CCipherModeDocumentationBlock cipher mode of operation information
 CCipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolderBlock cipher mode of operation aggregate
 CClonableInterface for cloning objects
 Cclonable_ptrA pointer which can be copied and cloned
 CClonableImplBase class for identifying algorithm
 CCMACCMAC message authentication code
 CCMAC_BaseCMAC base implementation
 CCombinedNameValuePairsCombines two sets of NameValuePairs
 CConcretePolicyHolderStream cipher policy object
 CConstByteArrayParameterUsed to pass byte array input as part of a NameValuePairs object
 Ccounted_ptrReference counted pointer
 CCRC32CRC-32 Checksum Calculation
 CCRC32CCRC-32C Checksum Calculation
 CCryptoMaterialInterface for crypto material
 CCryptoParametersInterface for crypto parameters
 CCTR_ModeCTR block cipher mode of operation
 CCTR_Mode_ExternalCipherCTR mode, external cipher
 CCTR_ModePolicyCTR block cipher mode of operation
 CCustomFlushPropagationInterface for custom flush signals propagation
 CCustomSignalPropagationInterface for custom flush signals
 CDARNHardware generated random numbers using DARN instruction
 CDARN_ErrException thrown when a DARN generator encounters a generator related error
 CDataDecryptorPassword-based Decryptor
 CDataDecryptorErrException thrown when LegacyDecryptorWithMAC or DefaultDecryptorWithMAC decryption error is encountered
 CDataDecryptorWithMACPassword-based decryptor with MAC
 CDataEncryptorPassword-based Encryptor
 CDataEncryptorWithMACPassword-based encryptor with MAC
 CDataParametersInfoAlgorithm information for password-based encryptors and decryptors
 CDebugTrapHandlerDefault SIGTRAP handler
 CDecodingResultReturns a decoding results
 CDefaultAutoSeededRNGA typedef providing a default generator
 CDefaultDecryptorPassword-based decryptor
 CDefaultDecryptorWithMACPassword-based decryptor with MAC
 CDefaultEncryptorPassword-based encryptor
 CDefaultEncryptorWithMACPassword-based encryptor with MAC
 CDefaultObjectFactoryObject factory for registering objects
 CDeflatorDEFLATE compressor (RFC 1951)
 CDERGeneralEncoderDER General Encoder
 CDERSequenceEncoderDER Sequence Encoder
 CDERSetEncoderDER Set Encoder
 CDESDES block cipher
 CDES_EDE22-key TripleDES block cipher
 CDES_EDE2_Info2-key TripleDES block cipher information
 CDES_EDE33-key TripleDES block cipher
 CDES_EDE3_Info3-key TripleDES block cipher information
 CDES_InfoDES block cipher information
 CDES_XEX3DESX block cipher
 CDES_XEX3_InfoDESX block cipher information
 CDeterministicSignatureAlgorithmInterface for deterministic signers
 CDHDiffie-Hellman in GF(p)
 CDH2Unified Diffie-Hellman in GF(p)
 CDH_DomainDiffie-Hellman domain
 CDL_Algorithm_DSA_RFC6979DSA signature algorithm based on RFC 6979
 CDL_Algorithm_ECDSAElliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) signature algorithm
 CDL_Algorithm_ECDSA_RFC6979Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) signature algorithm based on RFC 6979
 CDL_Algorithm_ECGDSAElliptic Curve German DSA signature algorithm
 CDL_Algorithm_ECNRElliptic Curve NR (ECNR) signature algorithm
 CDL_Algorithm_GDSAGDSA algorithm
 CDL_Algorithm_GDSA_ISO15946German Digital Signature Algorithm
 CDL_Algorithm_LUC_HMPLUC HMP signature algorithm
 CDL_Algorithm_NRNR algorithm
 CDL_BadElementException thrown when an invalid group element is encountered
 CDL_BaseDiscrete Log (DL) base interface
 CDL_BasePrecomputation_LUCLUC Precomputation
 CDL_CryptoKeys_ElGamalElGamal encryption keys for safe interop
 CDL_CryptoKeys_GFPDiscrete Log (DL) encryption/decryption keys in GF(p) groups
 CDL_CryptoKeys_LUCLUC encryption keys
 CDL_CryptoSchemeOptionsDiscrete Log (DL) crypto scheme options
 CDL_CryptoSystemBaseDiscrete Log (DL) cryptosystem base implementation
 CDL_DecryptorBaseDiscrete Log (DL) decryptor base implementation
 CDL_DecryptorImplDiscrete Log (DL) decryptor implementation
 CDL_ElgamalLikeSignatureAlgorithmInterface for Elgamal-like signature algorithms
 CDL_EncryptionAlgorithm_XorP1363 based XOR Encryption Method
 CDL_EncryptorBaseDiscrete Log (DL) encryptor base implementation
 CDL_EncryptorImplDiscrete Log (DL) encryptor implementation
 CDL_ESDiscrete Log (DL) encryption scheme
 CDL_FixedBasePrecomputationDL_FixedBasePrecomputation interface
 CDL_FixedBasePrecomputationImplDL_FixedBasePrecomputation adapter class
 CDL_GroupParametersInterface for Discrete Log (DL) group parameters
 CDL_GroupParameters_DSADSA group parameters
 CDL_GroupParameters_ECElliptic Curve Parameters
 CDL_GroupParameters_ElGamalElGamal encryption for safe interop
 CDL_GroupParameters_GFPGF(p) group parameters
 CDL_GroupParameters_GFP_DefaultSafePrimeGF(p) group parameters that default to safe primes
 CDL_GroupParameters_IntegerBasedInteger-based GroupParameters specialization
 CDL_GroupParameters_IntegerBasedImplInteger-based GroupParameters default implementation
 CDL_GroupParameters_LUCLUC GroupParameters specialization
 CDL_GroupParameters_LUC_DefaultSafePrimeGF(p) group parameters that default to safe primes
 CDL_GroupParametersImplBase implementation of Discrete Log (DL) group parameters
 CDL_GroupPrecomputationDL_GroupPrecomputation interface
 CDL_GroupPrecomputation_LUCLUC GroupParameters precomputation
 CDL_KeyBase class for a Discrete Log (DL) key
 CDL_KeyAgreementAlgorithmInterface for DL key agreement algorithms
 CDL_KeyAgreementAlgorithm_DHDiffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm
 CDL_KeyDerivationAlgorithmInterface for key derivation algorithms used in DL cryptosystems
 CDL_KeyDerivationAlgorithm_P1363P1363 based Key Derivation Method
 CDL_KeyedSchemeOptionsDiscrete Log (DL) key options
 CDL_KeyImplDiscrete Log (DL) key base implementation
 CDL_Keys_DSADSA keys
 CDL_Keys_ECElliptic Curve Discrete Log (DL) keys
 CDL_Keys_ECDSAElliptic Curve DSA keys
 CDL_Keys_ECGDSAElliptic Curve German DSA keys for ISO/IEC 15946
 CDL_ObjectImplDiscrete Log (DL) object implementation
 CDL_ObjectImplBaseDiscrete Log (DL) base object implementation
 CDL_PrivateKeyInterface for Discrete Log (DL) private keys
 CDL_PrivateKey_ECElliptic Curve Discrete Log (DL) private key
 CDL_PrivateKey_ECGDSAElliptic Curve German DSA key for ISO/IEC 15946
 CDL_PrivateKey_ElGamalElGamal Private Key adapter
 CDL_PrivateKey_GFPDiscrete Log (DL) private key in GF(p) groups
 CDL_PrivateKeyImplDiscrete Log (DL) private key base implementation
 CDL_PublicKeyInterface for Discrete Log (DL) public keys
 CDL_PublicKey_ECElliptic Curve Discrete Log (DL) public key
 CDL_PublicKey_ECGDSAElliptic Curve German DSA key for ISO/IEC 15946
 CDL_PublicKey_ElGamalElGamal Public Key adapter
 CDL_PublicKey_GFPDiscrete Log (DL) public key in GF(p) groups
 CDL_PublicKeyImplDiscrete Log (DL) public key base implementation
 CDL_SchemeOptionsBaseDiscrete Log (DL) scheme options
 CDL_SignatureKeys_GFPDiscrete Log (DL) signing/verification keys in GF(p) groups
 CDL_SignatureKeys_LUCLUC signature keys
 CDL_SignatureMessageEncodingMethod_DSAInterface for message encoding method for public key signature schemes
 CDL_SignatureMessageEncodingMethod_NRInterface for message encoding method for public key signature schemes
 CDL_SignatureSchemeBaseDiscrete Log (DL) signature scheme base implementation
 CDL_SignatureSchemeOptionsDiscrete Log (DL) signature scheme options
 CDL_SignerBaseDiscrete Log (DL) signature scheme signer base implementation
 CDL_SignerImplDiscrete Log (DL) signer implementation
 CDL_SimpleKeyAgreementDomainBaseDiscrete Log (DL) simple key agreement base implementation
 CDL_SSDiscrete Log (DL) signature scheme
 CDL_SymmetricEncryptionAlgorithmInterface for symmetric encryption algorithms used in DL cryptosystems
 CDL_VerifierBaseDiscret Log (DL) Verifier base class
 CDL_VerifierImplDiscrete Log (DL) verifier implementation
 CDLIESDiscrete Log Integrated Encryption Scheme
 CDMACDMAC message authentication code
 CDMAC_BaseDMAC message authentication code base class
 CDSA2DSA signature scheme
 CDSA_RFC6979DSA deterministic signature scheme
 CEAXEAX block cipher mode of operation
 CEAX_BaseEAX block cipher base implementation
 CEAX_FinalEAX block cipher final implementation
 CEC2NElliptic Curve over GF(2^n)
 CEC2NPointElliptical Curve Point over GF(2^n)
 CECB_ModeECB block cipher mode of operation
 CECB_Mode_ExternalCipherECB mode, external cipher
 CECB_OneWayECB block cipher mode of operation default implementation
 CECDHElliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman
 CECDSAElliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) signature scheme
 CECDSA_RFC6979Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) deterministic signature scheme
 CECFHMQVFully Hashed Elliptic Curve Menezes-Qu-Vanstone
 CECGDSAElliptic Curve German Digital Signature Algorithm signature scheme
 CECHMQVHashed Elliptic Curve Menezes-Qu-Vanstone
 CECIESElliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme
 CECIES_P1363Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme for P1363
 CECMQVElliptic Curve Menezes-Qu-Vanstone
 CECNRElliptic Curve NR (ECNR) signature scheme
 CECPElliptic Curve over GF(p), where p is prime
 CECPPointElliptical Curve Point over GF(p), where p is prime
 CEcPrecomputationElliptic Curve precomputation
 CEcPrecomputation< EC2N >EC2N precomputation specialization
 CEcPrecomputation< ECP >ECP precomputation specialization
 Ced25519Ed25519 signature scheme
 Ced25519_MessageAccumulatorEd25519 message accumulator
 Ced25519PrivateKeyEd25519 private key
 Ced25519PublicKeyEd25519 public key
 Ced25519SignerEd25519 signature algorithm
 Ced25519VerifierEd25519 signature verification algorithm
 CElGamalElGamal encryption scheme with non-standard padding
 CElGamalBaseElGamal key agreement and encryption schemes base class
 CElGamalKeysElGamal key agreement and encryption schemes keys
 CElGamalObjectImplElGamal key agreement and encryption schemes default implementation
 CEmptyAn Empty class
 CEMSA2HashIdEMSA2 hash identifier
 CEMSA2HashIdLookupEMSA2 padding method
 CEMSA2PadEMSA2 padding method
 CEMSA5PadEMSA5 padding method
 CEncodedObjectFilterASN.1 encoded object filter
 CEncodedPointAbstract class for encoding and decoding ellicptic curve points
 CEncryptionStandardBase class for public key encryption standard classes
 CEnumToTypeConverts an enumeration to a type suitable for use as a template parameter
 CEqualityComparisonFilterFilter that checks messages on two channels for equality
 CESIGNESIGN signature scheme, IEEE P1363a
 CESIGNFunctionESIGN trapdoor function using the public key
 CEuclideanDomainOfEuclidean domain
 CExceptionBase class for all exceptions thrown by the library
 CFHMQV_DomainFully Hashed Menezes-Qu-Vanstone in GF(p)
 CFileSinkImplementation of Store interface
 CFileSourceImplementation of Store interface
 CFileStoreImplementation of Store interface
 CFilterImplementation of BufferedTransformation's attachment interface
 CFilterPutSpaceHelperCreate a working space in a BufferedTransformation
 CFilterWithBufferedInputDivides an input stream into discrete blocks
 CFilterWithInputQueueA filter that buffers input using a ByteQueue
 CFixedBlockSizeInherited by algorithms with fixed block size
 CFixedKeyLengthInherited by keyed algorithms with fixed key length
 CFixedRoundsInherited by algorithms with fixed number of rounds
 CFixedSizeAlignedSecBlockFixed size stack-based SecBlock with 16-byte alignment
 CFixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanupStatic secure memory block with cleanup
 CFixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S, A, false >Static secure memory block with cleanup
 CFixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S, A, true >Static secure memory block with cleanup
 CFixedSizeSecBlockFixed size stack-based SecBlock
 CGCMGCM block cipher mode of operation
 CGCM_BaseGCM block cipher base implementation
 CGCM_FinalGCM block cipher final implementation
 CGDSADSA signature scheme
 CGeneratableCryptoMaterialInterface for crypto material
 CGetBlockAccess a block of memory
 CGF256GF(256) with polynomial basis
 CGF2_32GF(2^32) with polynomial basis
 CGF2NPGF(2^n) with Polynomial Basis
 CGF2NPPGF(2^n) with Pentanomial Basis
 CGF2NTGF(2^n) with Trinomial Basis
 CGF2NT233GF(2^n) for b233 and k233
 CGFP2_ONBGF(p^2), optimal normal basis
 CGFP2ElementElement of GF(p^2)
 CGOSTGOST block cipher
 CGOST_InfoGOST block cipher information
 CGrouperFilter that breaks input stream into groups of fixed size
 CGunzipGZIP Decompression (RFC 1952)
 CGzipGZIP Compression (RFC 1952)
 CHash_DRBGHash_DRBG from SP 800-90A Rev 1 (June 2015)
 CHashFilterFilter wrapper for HashTransformation
 CHashInputTooLongException thrown when trying to hash more data than is allowed by a hash function
 CHashTransformationInterface for hash functions and data processing part of MACs
 CHashVerificationFilterFilter wrapper for HashTransformation
 CHC128HC-128 stream cipher
 CHC128InfoHC-128 stream cipher information
 CHC128PolicyHC-128 stream cipher implementation
 CHC256HC-256 stream cipher
 CHC256InfoHC-256 stream cipher information
 CHC256PolicyHC-256 stream cipher implementation
 CHermeticHashFunctionMACMAC construction using a hermetic hash function
 CHexDecoderDecode base 16 data back to bytes
 CHexEncoderConverts given data to base 16
 CHIGHTHIGHT 64-bit block cipher
 CHIGHT_InfoHIGHT block cipher information
 CHKDFExtract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF)
 CHMAC_BaseHMAC information
 CHMAC_DRBGHMAC_DRBG from SP 800-90A Rev 1 (June 2015)
 CHMQV_DomainHashed Menezes-Qu-Vanstone in GF(p)
 CHuffmanDecoderHuffman Decoder
 CHuffmanEncoderHuffman Encoder
 CIDEAIDEA block cipher
 CIDEA_InfoIDEA block cipher information
 CInflatorDEFLATE decompressor (RFC 1951)
 CInformationDispersalVariant of Rabin's Information Dispersal Algorithm
 CInformationRecoveryRabin's Information Dispersal Algorithm
 CInitializeIntegerPerforms static initialization of the Integer class
 CInputRejectingBase class for input rejecting filters
 CIntegerMultiple precision integer with arithmetic operations
 CInvalidArgumentAn invalid argument was detected
 CInvalidBlockSizeException thrown when an invalid block size is encountered
 CInvalidCiphertextA decryption filter encountered invalid ciphertext
 CInvalidDataFormatInput data was received that did not conform to expected format
 CInvalidDerivedKeyLengthException thrown when an invalid derived key length is encountered
 CInvalidKeyLengthException thrown when an invalid key length is encountered
 CInvalidPersonalizationLengthException thrown when an invalid personalization string length is encountered
 CInvalidRoundsException thrown when an invalid number of rounds is encountered
 CInvalidSaltLengthException thrown when an invalid salt length is encountered
 CInvertibleESIGNFunctionESIGN trapdoor function using the private key
 CInvertibleLUCFunctionThe LUC inverse function
 CInvertibleRabinFunctionRabin trapdoor function using the private key
 CInvertibleRSAFunctionRSA trapdoor function using the private key
 CInvertibleRSAFunction_ISORSA trapdoor function using the private key
 CInvertibleRWFunctionRabin-Williams trapdoor function using the private key
 CIteratedHashIterated hash base class
 CIteratedHashBaseIterated hash base class
 CIteratedHashWithStaticTransformIterated hash with a static transformation function
 CKalyna128Kalyna 128-bit block cipher
 CKalyna128_InfoKalyna-128 block cipher information
 CKalyna256Kalyna 256-bit block cipher
 CKalyna256_InfoKalyna-256 block cipher information
 CKalyna512Kalyna 512-bit block cipher
 CKalyna512_InfoKalyna-512 block cipher information
 CKalyna_BaseKalyna block cipher base class
 CKeccakKeccak message digest base class
 CKeccak_224Keccak-224 message digest
 CKeccak_256Keccak-256 message digest
 CKeccak_384Keccak-384 message digest
 CKeccak_512Keccak-512 message digest
 CKeccak_FinalKeccak message digest template
 CKeyAgreementAlgorithmInterface for key agreement algorithms
 CKeyBadErrException thrown when a bad key is encountered in DefaultDecryptorWithMAC and LegacyDecryptorWithMAC
 CKeyDerivationFunctionInterface for key derivation functions
 CLazyPutterHelper class to finalize Puts on ByteQueue
 CLazyPutterModifiableHelper class to finalize Puts on ByteQueue
 CLC_RNGLinear Congruential Generator (LCG)
 CLEALEA 128-bit block cipher
 CLEA_InfoLEA block cipher information
 CLegacyDecryptorPassword-based decryptor (deprecated)
 CLegacyDecryptorWithMACPassword-based decryptor with MAC (deprecated)
 CLegacyEncryptorPassword-based encryptor (deprecated)
 CLegacyEncryptorWithMACPassword-based encryptor with MAC (deprecated)
 CLowFirstBitWriterEncoding table writer
 CLRLuby-Rackoff block cipher
 CLR_InfoLuby-Rackoff block cipher information
 CLSH224LSH-224 hash function
 CLSH256LSH-256 hash function
 CLSH256_BaseLSH-224 and LSH-256 hash base class
 CLSH384LSH-384 hash function
 CLSH512LSH-512 hash function
 CLSH512_256LSH-512-256 hash function
 CLSH512_BaseLSH-384 and LSH-512 hash base class
 CLUCLUC cryptosystem
 CLUC_HMPLUC-HMP, based on "Digital signature schemes based on Lucas functions" by Patrick Horster, Markus Michels, Holger Petersen
 CLUC_IESLUC Integrated Encryption Scheme
 CLUCESLUC encryption scheme
 CLUCFunctionThe LUC function
 CLUCSSLUC signature scheme with appendix
 CMACBadErrException thrown when an incorrect MAC is encountered in DefaultDecryptorWithMAC and LegacyDecryptorWithMAC
 CMARSMARS block cipher
 CMARS_InfoMARS block cipher information
 CMaskGeneratingFunctionMask generation function interface
 CMaurerRandomnessTestMaurer's Universal Statistical Test for Random Bit Generators
 CMDCMDC cipher
 CMDC_InfoMDC_Info cipher information
 Cmember_ptrPointer that overloads operator ->
 CMersenneTwisterMersenne Twister class for Monte-Carlo simulations
 CMessageAuthenticationCodeInterface for message authentication codes
 CMessageAuthenticationCodeFinalProvides class member functions to key a message authentication code
 CMessageAuthenticationCodeImplProvides a base implementation of Algorithm and SimpleKeyingInterface for message authentication codes
 CMessageQueueData structure used to store messages
 CMeterFilterMeasure how many bytes and messages pass through the filter
 CModePolicyCommonTemplateBlock cipher mode of operation common operations
 CModularArithmeticRing of congruence classes modulo n
 CMontgomeryRepresentationPerforms modular arithmetic in Montgomery representation for increased speed
 CMQV_DomainMQV domain for performing authenticated key agreement
 CMT19937Original MT19937 generator provided in the ACM paper
 CMT19937arUpdated MT19937 generator adapted to provide an array for initialization
 CMultichannelMultiple channels support for custom signal processing
 CNameValuePairsInterface for retrieving values given their names
 CNewObjectAn object factory function
 CNIST_DRBGInterface for NIST DRBGs from SP 800-90A
 CNonblockingRngWrapper class for /dev/random and /dev/srandom
 CNotCopyableEnsures an object is not copyable
 CNotImplementedA method was called which was not implemented
 CNRNR signature scheme
 CNullAllocatorNULL allocator
 CNullHashNull hash
 CNullStoreEmpty store
 COAEPOAEP padding
 COAEP_BaseOAEP padding base class
 CObjectFactoryObject factory interface for registering objects
 CObjectFactoryRegistryObject factory registry
 CObjectHolderUses encapsulation to hide an object in derived classes
 COFB_ModeOFB block cipher mode of operation
 COFB_Mode_ExternalCipherOFB mode, external cipher
 COFB_ModePolicyOFB block cipher mode of operation
 COIDObject Identifier
 COldRandomPoolRandomness Pool based on PGP 2.6.x with MDC
 COpaqueFilterA non-transparent MeterFilter
 COS_ErrorThe operating system reported an error
 COS_RNG_ErrException thrown when an operating system error is encountered
 COutputProxyFilter class that is a proxy for a sink
 CP1363_EMSA2EMSA2/P1363 padding method
 CP1363_EMSA5EMSA5 padding method, for use with ESIGN
 CP1363_KDF2P1363 key derivation function
 CP1363_MGF1P1363 mask generation function
 CPadlockRNGHardware generated random numbers using VIA XSTORE
 CPadlockRNG_ErrException thrown when a PadlockRNG generator encounters a generator related error
 CPanamaCipherPanama stream cipher
 CPanamaCipherInfoPanama stream cipher information
 CPanamaCipherPolicyPanama stream cipher operation
 CPasswordBasedKeyDerivationFunctionInterface for password based key derivation functions
 CPK_CryptoSystemInterface for public-key encryptors and decryptors
 CPK_DecryptorInterface for public-key decryptors
 CPK_DecryptorFilterFilter wrapper for PK_Decryptor
 CPK_DeterministicSignatureMessageEncodingMethodInterface for message encoding method for public key signature schemes
 CPK_EncryptionMessageEncodingMethodMessage encoding method for public key encryption
 CPK_EncryptorInterface for public-key encryptors
 CPK_EncryptorFilterFilter wrapper for PK_Encryptor
 CPK_FinalTemplateTemplate implementing constructors for public key algorithm classes
 CPK_FixedLengthCryptoSystemImplPublic key trapdoor function default implementation
 CPK_MessageAccumulatorInterface for accumulating messages to be signed or verified
 CPK_MessageAccumulatorBaseInterface for message encoding method for public key signature schemes
 CPK_MessageAccumulatorImplInterface for message encoding method for public key signature schemes
 CPK_RecoverableSignatureMessageEncodingMethodInterface for message encoding method for public key signature schemes
 CPK_SignatureMessageEncodingMethodInterface for message encoding method for public key signature schemes
 CPK_SignatureSchemeInterface for public-key signers and verifiers
 CPK_SignerInterface for public-key signers
 CPK_VerifierInterface for public-key signature verifiers
 CPKCS12_PBKDFPBKDF from PKCS #12, appendix B
 CPKCS1v15PKCS #1 version 1.5, for use with RSAES and RSASS
 CPKCS1v15_SignatureMessageEncodingMethodPKCS #1 v1.5 Signature Encoding Scheme
 CPKCS8PrivateKeyEncodes and Decodes privateKeyInfo
 CPKCS_DigestDecorationPKCS #1 decoration data structure
 CPKCS_EncryptionPaddingSchemePKCS #1 v1.5 Encryption Padding Scheme
 CPoly1305Poly1305 message authentication code
 CPoly1305_BasePoly1305 message authentication code base class
 CPoly1305TLSPoly1305-TLS message authentication code
 CPoly1305TLS_BasePoly1305-TLS message authentication code base class
 CPolynomialMod2Polynomial with Coefficients in GF(2)
 CPolynomialOverSingle-variable polynomials over arbitrary rings
 CPolynomialOverFixedRingPolynomials over a fixed ring
 CPrimeAndGeneratorGenerator of prime numbers of special forms
 CPrimeSelectorApplication callback to signal suitability of a candidate prime
 CPrivateKeyInterface for private keys
 CPrivateKeyAlgorithmInterface for asymmetric algorithms using private keys
 CProxyFilterBase class for Filter classes that are proxies for a chain of other filters
 CPSSProbabilistic Signature Scheme with Appendix
 CPSSRProbabilistic Signature Scheme with Recovery
 CPSSR_MEMPSSR Message Encoding Method
 CPSSR_MEM_BasePSSR Message Encoding Method interface
 CPSSR_MEM_BaseWithHashIdPSSR Message Encoding Method with Hash Identifier
 CPSSR_MEM_BaseWithHashId< false >PSSR Message Encoding Method without Hash Identifier
 CPSSR_MEM_BaseWithHashId< true >PSSR Message Encoding Method with Hash Identifier
 CPublicBlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub without factorization of the modulus
 CPublicKeyInterface for public keys
 CPublicKeyAlgorithmInterface for asymmetric algorithms using public keys
 CPutBlockAccess a block of memory
 CQuotientRingQuotient ring
 CRabbitRabbit stream cipher
 CRabbitInfoRabbit stream cipher information
 CRabbitPolicyRabbit stream cipher implementation
 CRabbitWithIVRabbit stream cipher
 CRabbitWithIVInfoRabbit stream cipher information
 CRabbitWithIVPolicyRabbit stream cipher implementation
 CRabinRabin keys
 CRabinESRabin encryption scheme
 CRabinFunctionRabin trapdoor function using the public key
 CRabinSSRabin signature scheme
 CRandomizedTrapdoorFunctionApplies the trapdoor function, using random data if required
 CRandomizedTrapdoorFunctionInverseApplies the inverse of the trapdoor function, using random data if required
 CRandomNumberGeneratorInterface for random number generators
 CRandomNumberSinkIncorporates input into RNG as additional entropy
 CRandomNumberSourceRNG-based implementation of Source interface
 CRandomNumberStoreRNG-based implementation of Source interface
 CRandomPoolRandomness Pool based on AES-256
 CRawDESDES block cipher base class
 CRawIDASecret sharing and information dispersal base class
 CRC2RC2 block cipher
 CRC2_InfoRC2 block cipher information
 CRC5RC5 block cipher
 CRC5_InfoRC5 block cipher information
 CRC6RC6 block cipher
 CRC6_InfoRC6 block cipher information
 CRDRANDHardware generated random numbers using RDRAND instruction
 CRDRAND_ErrException thrown when a RDRAND generator encounters a generator related error
 CRDSEEDHardware generated random numbers using RDSEED instruction
 CRDSEED_ErrException thrown when a RDSEED generator encounters a generator related error
 CRedirectorRedirect input to another BufferedTransformation without owning it
 CRegisterDefaultFactoryForObject factory registry helper
 CRijndaelRijndael block cipher
 CRijndael_InfoRijndael block cipher information
 CRingOfPolynomialsOverRing of polynomials over another ring
 CRIPEMD128RIPEMD-128 message digest
 CRIPEMD160RIPEMD-160 message digest
 CRIPEMD256RIPEMD-256 message digest
 CRIPEMD320RIPEMD-320 message digest
 CRSARSA algorithm
 CRSA_ISORSA algorithm
 CRSAESRSA encryption algorithm
 CRSAES_OAEP_SHA256_DecryptorRSAES<OAEP<SHA256>>::Decryptor typedef
 CRSAES_OAEP_SHA256_EncryptorRSAES<OAEP<SHA256>>::Encryptor typedef
 CRSAES_OAEP_SHA_DecryptorRSAES<OAEP<SHA1>>::Decryptor typedef
 CRSAES_OAEP_SHA_EncryptorRSAES<OAEP<SHA1>>::Encryptor typedef
 CRSAES_PKCS1v15_DecryptorRSAES<PKCS1v15>::Decryptor typedef
 CRSAES_PKCS1v15_EncryptorRSAES<PKCS1v15>::Encryptor typedef
 CRSAFunctionRSA trapdoor function using the public key
 CRSAFunction_ISORSA trapdoor function using the public key
 CRSASSRSA signature algorithm
 CRSASS_ISORSA signature algorithm
 CRSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA256_SignerRSASS<PKCS1v15,SHA256>::Signer typedef
 CRSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA256_VerifierRSASS<PKCS1v15,SHA256>::Verifier typedef
 CRSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_SignerRSASS<PKCS1v15,SHA1>::Signer typedef
 CRSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_VerifierRSASS<PKCS1v15,SHA1>::Verifier typedef
 CRWRabin-Williams keys
 CRWFunctionRabin-Williams trapdoor function using the public key
 CRWSSRabin-Williams signature scheme
 CSAFERSAFER block cipher
 CSAFER_ImplSAFER block cipher default implementation
 CSAFER_KSAFER-K block cipher
 CSAFER_K_InfoSAFER-K block cipher information
 CSAFER_SKSAFER-SK block cipher
 CSAFER_SK_InfoSAFER-SK block cipher information
 CSafeShifterSafely shift values when undefined behavior could occur
 CSafeShifter< false >Shifts a value in the absence of overflow
 CSafeShifter< true >Shifts a value in the presence of overflow
 CSalsa20Salsa20 stream cipher
 CSalsa20_InfoSalsa20 stream cipher information
 CSalsa20_PolicySalsa20 stream cipher operation
 CSameKeyLengthAsProvides key lengths based on another class's key length
 CScryptScrypt key derivation function
 CSEALSEAL stream cipher
 CSEAL_InfoSEAL stream cipher information
 CSEAL_PolicySEAL stream cipher operation
 CSecBlockSecure memory block with allocator and cleanup
 CSecBlockWithHintStack-based SecBlock that grows into the heap
 CSecByteBlockSecBlock<byte> typedef
 CSecretRecoveryShamir's Secret Sharing Algorithm
 CSecretSharingShamir's Secret Sharing Algorithm
 CSecWordBlockSecBlock<word> typedef
 CSEEDSEED block cipher
 CSEED_InfoSEED block cipher information
 CSelfTestFailureException thrown when a crypto algorithm is used after a self test fails
 CSerpentSerpent block cipher
 CSerpent_InfoSerpent block cipher information
 CSHA1SHA-1 message digest
 CSHA224SHA-224 message digest
 CSHA256SHA-256 message digest
 CSHA3SHA3 message digest base class
 CSHA384SHA-384 message digest
 CSHA3_224SHA3-224 message digest
 CSHA3_256SHA3-256 message digest
 CSHA3_384SHA3-384 message digest
 CSHA3_512SHA3-512 message digest
 CSHA3_FinalSHA3 message digest template
 CSHA512SHA-512 message digest
 CSHACAL2SHACAL2 block cipher
 CSHACAL2_InfoSHACAL2 block cipher information
 CSHAKESHAKE message digest base class
 CSHAKE128SHAKE128 message digest
 CSHAKE256SHAKE256 message digest
 CSHAKE_FinalSHAKE message digest template
 CSHARK_InfoSHARK block cipher information
 CSignalHandlerSignal handler for Linux and Unix compatibles
 CSignatureStandardBase class for public key signature standard classes
 CSignatureVerificationFilterFilter wrapper for PK_Verifier
 CSignerFilterFilter wrapper for PK_Signer
 CSIMECK32SIMECK 32-bit block cipher
 CSIMECK32_InfoSIMECK block cipher information
 CSIMECK64SIMECK 64-bit block cipher
 CSIMECK64_InfoSIMECK block cipher information
 CSIMON128SIMON 128-bit block cipher
 CSIMON64SIMON 64-bit block cipher
 CSIMON_BaseSIMON block cipher base class
 CSIMON_InfoSIMON block cipher information
 Csimple_ptrManages resources for a single object
 CSimpleKeyAgreementDomainInterface for domains of simple key agreement protocols
 CSimpleKeyingInterfaceInterface for algorithms that take byte strings as keys
 CSimpleKeyingInterfaceImplProvides a base implementation of SimpleKeyingInterface
 CSimpleProxyFilterProxy filter that doesn't modify the underlying filter's input or output
 CSingletonRestricts the instantiation of a class to one static object without locks
 CSinkImplementation of BufferedTransformation's attachment interface
 CSipHashSipHash message authentication code
 CSipHash_BaseSipHash message authentication code base class
 CSipHash_InfoSipHash message authentication code information
 CSKIPJACK_InfoSKIPJACK block cipher information
 CSM3SM3 hash function
 CSM4Classes for the SM4 block cipher
 CSM4_InfoSM4 block cipher information
 CSosemanukSosemanuk stream cipher
 CSosemanukInfoSosemanuk stream cipher information
 CSosemanukPolicySosemanuk stream cipher implementation
 CSourceImplementation of BufferedTransformation's attachment interface
 CSourceTemplateTransform a Store into a Source
 CSPECK128SPECK 128-bit block cipher
 CSPECK64SPECK 64-bit block cipher
 CSPECK_BaseSPECK block cipher base class
 CSPECK_InfoSPECK block cipher information
 CSquareSquare block cipher
 CSquare_InfoSquare block cipher information
 CStoreActs as a Source for pre-existing, static data
 CStreamTransformationInterface for the data processing portion of stream ciphers
 CStreamTransformationFilterFilter wrapper for StreamTransformation
 CStringSinkAppend input to a string object
 CStringSinkTemplateAppend input to a string object
 CStringSourceString-based implementation of the Source interface
 CStringStoreString-based implementation of Store interface
 CSymmetricCipherInterface for one direction (encryption or decryption) of a stream cipher or cipher mode
 CSymmetricCipherDocumentationProvides Encryption and Decryption typedefs used by derived classes to implement a symmetric cipher
 CSymmetricCipherFinalSymmetricCipher implementation
 CTEATEA block cipher
 CTEA_InfoTEA block cipher information
 CTF_BaseThe base for trapdoor based cryptosystems
 CTF_CryptoSchemeOptionsTrapdoor Function (TF) scheme options
 CTF_CryptoSystemBaseTrapdoor function cryptosystem base class
 CTF_DecryptorBaseTrapdoor function cryptosystems decryption base class
 CTF_DecryptorImplTrapdoor Function (TF) decryptor options
 CTF_EncryptorBaseTrapdoor function cryptosystems encryption base class
 CTF_EncryptorImplTrapdoor Function (TF) encryptor options
 CTF_ESTrapdoor Function (TF) encryption scheme
 CTF_ObjectImplTrapdoor Function (TF) signature scheme options
 CTF_ObjectImplBaseTrapdoor Function (TF) base implementation
 CTF_ObjectImplExtRefTrapdoor Function (TF) signature with external reference
 CTF_SignatureSchemeBaseTrapdoor Function (TF) Signature Scheme base class
 CTF_SignatureSchemeOptionsTrapdoor Function (TF) signature scheme options
 CTF_SignerBaseTrapdoor Function (TF) Signer base class
 CTF_SignerImplTrapdoor Function (TF) encryptor options
 CTF_SSTrapdoor Function (TF) Signature Scheme
 CTF_VerifierBaseTrapdoor Function (TF) Verifier base class
 CTF_VerifierImplTrapdoor Function (TF) encryptor options
 CThreadUserTimerMeasure CPU time spent executing instructions of this thread
 CThreefish1024Threefish 1024-bit block cipher
 CThreefish256Threefish 256-bit block cipher
 CThreefish512Threefish 512-bit block cipher
 CThreefish_BaseThreefish block cipher base class
 CThreefish_InfoThreefish block cipher information
 CThreeWayThreeWay block cipher
 CThreeWay_InfoThreeWay block cipher information
 CTigerTiger message digest
 CTimerHigh resolution timer
 CTimerBaseBase class for timers
 CTransparentFilterA transparent MeterFilter
 CTrapdoorFunctionApplies the trapdoor function
 CTrapdoorFunctionBoundsProvides range for plaintext and ciphertext lengths
 CTrapdoorFunctionInverseApplies the inverse of the trapdoor function
 CTruncatedHashTemplateConstruct new HashModule with smaller digest size from an existing one
 CTTMACTwo-Track-MAC message authentication code
 CTTMAC_BaseTTMAC message authentication code information
 CTwofishTwofish block cipher
 CTwofish_InfoTwofish block cipher information
 CUnflushableBase class for unflushable filters
 CUnknownOIDException thrown when an unknown object identifier is encountered
 Cvalue_ptrValue pointer
 CVariableKeyLengthInherited by keyed algorithms with variable key length
 CVariableRoundsInherited by algorithms with variable number of rounds
 Cvector_member_ptrsManages resources for an array of objects
 CVectorSinkAppend input to a std::vector<byte> object
 CVectorSourceStd::vector-based implementation of the Source interface
 CVMACVMAC message authentication code
 CVMAC_BaseVMAC message authentication code base class
 CWaitableInterface for objects that can be waited on
 CWAKE_OFBWAKE stream cipher
 CWAKE_OFB_InfoWAKE stream cipher information
 CWAKE_PolicyWAKE stream cipher operation
 CWhirlpoolWhirlpool message digest
 Cx25519X25519 with key validation
 CX509PublicKeyEncodes and decodes subjectPublicKeyInfo
 CXChaCha20IETF XChaCha20 stream cipher
 CXChaCha20_InfoIETF XChaCha20 stream cipher information
 CXChaCha20_PolicyIETF XChaCha20 stream cipher implementation
 CXChaCha20Poly1305IETF XChaCha20/Poly1305 AEAD scheme
 CXChaCha20Poly1305_BaseIETF XChaCha20Poly1305 cipher base implementation
 CXChaCha20Poly1305_FinalIETF XChaCha20Poly1305 cipher final implementation
 CXSalsa20XSalsa20 stream cipher
 CXSalsa20_InfoXSalsa20 stream cipher information
 CXSalsa20_PolicyXSalsa20 stream cipher operation
 CXTEAXTEA block cipher
 CXTEA_InfoXTEA block cipher information
 CXTR_DHXTR-DH with key validation
 CXTSXTS block cipher mode of operation
 CXTS_FinalXTS block cipher mode of operation implementation
 CXTS_ModeBaseXTS block cipher mode of operation default implementation
 CZlibCompressorZLIB Compressor (RFC 1950)
 CZlibDecompressorZLIB Decompressor (RFC 1950)