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There a quite a few options when researching a Crypto++ issue. In general, depend on one's self before others. So the preferred path is perform your own reasearch, and then ask on the list. If for whatever reason, no one can or will help, seek paid assistance on the Consulting page.

Cryptography Help


Wikipedia is an excellent starting point. However, most who monitor the list expect a certain amount knowledge above trivial. Please observe due diligence and research your topic if you are a less experienced user of Cryptography.


sci.crypt is a very active newsgroup. A general question will probably be answered in a more expedient manner in the sci.crypt newsgroup.

C++\Template Help



SGI is generally a good reference for C++\STL related topics.

Free Crypto++ Help


Examine the source code - especially test.cpp. It is a console application which exercises almost anything you might want to do with Crypto++. Other top level source files are validate1.cpp, validate2.cpp, and validate3.cpp.

Most of the source code provided is derived from Wei Dai's code, which originates from the above mentioned files. The various contributing authors have taken the time to and read it, understand it, repackage it as a Project, and share it.

Crypto++ Wiki

Search this site for Source Code. If you find you are not receiving enough hits, reduce the number of terms. Especially good keywords to use are 'Sample, 'Samples', Example', and 'Examples'.

Crypto++ User Group

Visit the Crypto++ User Group to search the archive of Crypto++ related issues. Should you not find the topic, this is also the place to ask.

For Fee Assistance


Visit the Consulting page for companies and individuals providing Crypto++ assistance for a fee. Please note that neither Crypto++ or Wei Dai makes any expressed or implied recomendations for the listed individuals or companies.

Free Lance Coder

Visit RentACoder to place a bid for a coder. The system appears to fuctions as a Reverse Auction [1]. Please note that neither Crypto++ or Wei Dai makes any expressed or implied recomendation for this service.