Filter (Example)

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This page examines filter behavior and custom filters in detail. Generally, a user defined filter will derive from class Filter. Wei Dai recommends examining SignerFilter in filters.h for a filter example.

When creating a custom filter, two functions must be implemented: Put2 and IsolatedFlush. These two functions allow the filter to operate properly whether using an iterative Put or streaming through a pipeline in later version of the Crypto++ library. Put2 is a recent addition to the library, enjoying incorporation around version 5.0. If reusing existing filter code (for example, from a Crypto++ 3.2 filter), AttachedTransformation()->Put2 may cause compatibility issues since Put2 was not available when the earlier filter was written.


In the UselessFilter below, the new filter simply forwards the call to Put2 the underlying BufferedTransformation. Note that if there is no underlying filter, 'this' object's BufferedTransformation will create a default MessageQueue to consume the data. So calls through AttachedTransformation are always safe. That is, a call through the pointer returned from AttachedTransformation can be made without regards to a NULL pointer.

class UselessFilter : public Filter
    UselessFilter(BufferedTransformation* attachment = NULL)
        : Filter(attachment) { };

    // The new Put interface (circa Crypto++ 5.0)
    size_t Put2(const byte * inString,
        size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking )
        return AttachedTransformation()->Put2(
            inString, length, messageEnd, blocking );

    bool IsolatedFlush(bool hardFlush, bool blocking)
        return false;

According to Wei, IsolatedFlush should not call the base filter's IsolatedFlush because the filter's implementation of Flush will perform the action as required. See BufferedTransormation and CreatePutSpace.

Finally, copying and assignment are not allowed on the UselessFilter. This is expected since BufferedTransformation inherits from NotCopyable which hides its copy constructor.

UselessFilter useless;
UselessFilter copy(useless);     // Compile error
UselessFilter assign = useless;  // Compile error


UselessFilter can be enhanced to provide bufferless uselessness as follows. By deriving from a Bufferless<Filter>, the new filter will use the Crypto++ library implementation of IsolatedFlush. The library's version of IsolatedFlush is also a simple return false.

class BufferlessUselessFilter : public Bufferless<Filter>
    BufferlessUselessFilter(BufferedTransformation* attachment = NULL)
        : Filter(attachment) { };

    size_t Put2(const byte * inString,
        size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking )
        return AttachedTransformation()->Put2(
            inString, length, messageEnd, blocking );

Anchor Filter

It turns out that BufferlessUselessFilter is useful after all. The code below defines an Anchor from which other filters can be Attach'd and Detach'd.

class Anchor : public Bufferless<Filter>
    Anchor(BufferedTransformation* attachment = NULL)
        { Detach(attachment); };

    // The new Put interface (circa Crypto++ 5.0)
    size_t Put2(const byte * inString,
        size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking )
        return AttachedTransformation()->Put2(
            inString, length, messageEnd, blocking );

Anchor offers both Put(byte, bool) and Put(const byte*, size_t, bool) in addition to Put2. This is done to maintain maximum compatibility with down level objects which might call Put rather than Put2.

Attach and Detach

Recall that the Attach method is used to attach a BufferedTransformation object to the end of the current chain (it does not detach a previously chained object). The next example will examine behavior when attaching a filter to a chain with Attach.

In the code below, an Anchor is created. Then a HexEncoder is attached and data is Put. Note that the data is encoded using lower case hexadecimal digits. The HexEncoder is the removed from the chain. The exercise is then repeated, except that the second Attach uses upper case encoding.

byte data[] = { 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C };

string encoded;
Anchor anchor;

    new HexEncoder(
        new StringSink( encoded ),
        false /*LCase*/, 2 /*Group*/, " " /*Separator*/

anchor.Put( data, sizeof( data ) );


/* Separator is not a trailer */
encoded += " ";

    new HexEncoder(
        new StringSink( encoded ),
        true /*UCase*/, 2 /*Group*/, " " /*Separator*/

anchor.Put( data, sizeof( data ) );

cout << encoded << endl;

Output: 0a 0b 0c 0A 0B 0C

Note that encoded.clear was not called when the Anchor detached its filter, so the data was displayed twice.

Attach and Attach

In the previous example, anchor.Detach was called before Attach was called a second time. The next example forgoes the call to anchor.Detach.

Anchor anchor;

    new HexEncoder(
        new StringSink( encoded ),
        false /*LCase*/, 2 /*Group*/, " " /*Separator*/

    new HexEncoder(
        new StringSink( encoded ),
        true /*UCase*/, 2 /*Group*/, " " /*Separator*/

anchor.Put( data, sizeof( data ) );

cout << encoded << endl;

Output: 30 61 20 30 62 20 30 63

The example above has the same effect of creating a pipline as shown below.

    new HexEncoder(
        new HexEncoder(
            new StringSink( encoded ),
            true /*UCase*/, 2 /*Group*/,
            " " /*Separator*/
        false /*LCase*/, 2 /*Group*/,
        " " /*Separator*/

Output: 30 61 20 30 62 20 30 63


The MultiByteToWideCharFilter performs character conversions from either an ANSI code page or OEM code page to UTF16. It is a wrapper for the Windows function MultiByteToWideChar. MultiByteToWideChar was chosen because the standard C++ library does not offer a means for determining the required size before conversion. And assumming that the narrow string is 8-bit clean (i.e., only the low 7-bits are significant) will surely cause buffer management problems.

The single constructor for MultiByteToWideCharFilter is shown below. codePage should be either CP_ACP or CP_OEM (defined in windows.h). There is one defined flag - THROW_EXCEPTION. By default, DEFAULT_FLAGS = THROW_EXCEPTION, so the filter will throw a Crypto++ exception if an error condition is detected.

MultiByteToWideCharFilter(BufferedTransformation* attachment = NULL,
    unsigned codePage = CP_ACP, int flags=DEFAULT_FLAGS )

This MultiByteToWideCharFilter requires that Put convert - but not buffer - the data. So the filter's Put method allocates an appropriately sized buffer, performs a standard character conversion into the buffer, and then calls Put on its attached filter using the new buffer.

The downloadable code also demonstrates how to probe memory before a read operation so that an Access Violation is not incurred at runtime. Unfortunately, the technique is only appropriate for DEBUG builds. However, it is an aid during debugging.

size_t MultiByteToWideCharFilter::Put2( const byte * inString,
        size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking )
    // Nothing to process for us. But we will pass it on to the lower
    //  filter just in case...
    if( 0 == length )
        return AttachedTransformation()->Put2( inString, length,
            messageEnd, blocking );

    // Length is not 0. Therefore, the pointer must be valid.
    assert( NULL != inString );
    if( NULL == inString )
        if( THROW_EXCEPTION == (m_flags & THROW_EXCEPTION) )
            throw InvalidArgument(
                "MultiByteToWideCharFilter: inString is NULL" );
            return 0;

    // The first call determines the size of the buffer. See
    unsigned size = (unsigned)MultiByteToWideChar( m_codePage,
        MB_COMPOSITE, (LPCSTR)inString, (int)length, NULL, 0 );
    assert( 0 != size );

    // MultiByteToWideChar returns the required size, in Wide Characters.
    //  So if 0 is returned, there is an ERROR.
    if( 0 == size )
        if( THROW_EXCEPTION == (m_flags & THROW_EXCEPTION) )
            throw OS_Error( OTHER_ERROR, 
                "MultiByteToWideCharFilter: Unable to convert multi-byte string",
                "MultiByteToWideChar", GetLastError() );
            return 0;

    // MultiByteToWideChar returns the required size, in
    // Wide Characters (not bytes). If inString included a trailing
    // NULL, the conversion will include a trailing NULL. If inString
    // _did not_ contain a trailing NULL, the conversion _will not_
    // include a trailing NULL
    size_t cb = size * sizeof(wchar_t);
    SecByteBlock buffer( cb );

    if( NULL == || 0 == buffer.size() )
        if( THROW_EXCEPTION == (m_flags & THROW_EXCEPTION) )
            throw Exception( Exception::OTHER_ERROR,
                "MultiByteToWideCharFilter: Out of memory" );
            return 0;

    // Do it for real this time
    unsigned result = (unsigned)MultiByteToWideChar( m_codePage, MB_COMPOSITE,
        (LPCSTR)inString, (int)length, (LPWSTR), size );
    assert( result == size );

    // If all characters _were not_ converted, throw...
    if( result != size )
        if( THROW_EXCEPTION == (m_flags & THROW_EXCEPTION) )
            throw OS_Error( OTHER_ERROR, 
                "MultiByteToWideCharFilter: Failed to convert multi-byte string",
                "MultiByteToWideChar", GetLastError() );
            return 0;

    return AttachedTransformation()->Put2( buffer,
        buffer.size(), messageEnd, blocking );