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#include <cryptopp/filters.h>

A StringSink serves as a destination for string data in the pipelining paradigm. The data can be binary or ASCII.

The StringSink takes a reference to a string. Because a reference is taken, the StringSink doe not own output, and therefore will not destroy output. See ownership for more details.

Sources, filters and sinks are discussed at Pipelining. The pipeline article explains the design and shows you how to use them.


StringSink(string &output)

output is the string to store the data. The sink can store binary or ASCII data in the string.


The following example demonstrates creation of a StringSink.

string s;
StringSink sink( s );

The following example demonstrates reading a file using a FileSource, and placing the contents of the file in a string. This is known as pipelining.

string s;
FileSource file( filename, true, new StringSink( s ) );

cout << s << endl;

true indicates the FileSource should porpagate to all filters in the chain. A slightly more complicated example of pipelining is below. Before the FileSource is placed in the string, it is hex encoded.

string s;
FileSource( filename, true, new HexEncoder( new StringSink( s ) ) );

cout << s << endl;

From above, note that the HexEncoder and StringSink created with new do not require explicit destruction - the FileSource will call delete on the HexEncoder, which in turns calls delete on the StringSink when it (the FileSource) is destroyed.

byte data[] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 };
string sink;

HexEncoder encoder;
encoder.Attach( new StringSink( sink ) );
encoder.Put( data, sizeof( data ) );

cout << sink << endl;

At times, Crypto++ will require a reference to a BufferedTransformation object. For example, when saving a key to storage. To accomodate, StringSink offers Ref:

AutoSeededRandomPool rng;

// Generate Private Key
DSA::PrivateKey PrivateKey;
PrivateKey.GenerateRandomWithKeySize(rng, 1024);

string encodedPrivateKey;

// DER Encode Keys (PKCS #8)
PrivateKey.Save( StringSink(encodedPrivateKey).Ref() );